
Countess Winter

Sasha winterchild lost it all due to her own follies. she is determined to protect her kingdom, yet, the fire empire is hell bent on conquering it. When a dragon prince brings his dragon to threaten her, she befriends the dragon. With this dragon, and her wits, she will blaze a path through her enemies, take back every thing that her family lost. Dan Frost lost it all despite living virtuously, and striving for betterment of all. He now had only one aim, enjoy every day like his last day. However, when his only family is hell bent on conquering the world that's only ever heading towards destruction, what is he to do? Should he run away with her ? or fight with her? Xena Winterchild left it all, and ran away. Yet, her sister is fighting her way through impossible odds. Should she stay away, or join her sister? what about her love Justin, who is but a commoner, but left all that he has just to follow her? Ryan Winterchild was locked in his own body with an supernatural being which is pulling strings sending all of his family towards their doom. Will he ever be able to break out and help his family ? wars kill people, but never on the scale nature can. The coldest winter they have ever seen is heading towards them, along with a water and fire calamity. Could the winterland survive through all these calamities safely? ֍-----------֎-----------֎ Discord : https://discord.gg/mRhYYtHPEy Instagram: miuhozuki I answer questions on Discord, and post character pictures, location profiles and relevant content to story on instagram. Currently, Almost all character profile pics are posted on instagram for this novel.

miu_hozuki · Fantastique
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155 Chs


"Princess Sasha, get back ! " Arthur Drakon placed a hand on the hilt of the sword, rushed forward, whether to attack the princess, or to attack the dragon, no one could tell.

Winter guards spears arrived promptly to block his passage.

"Stey!" Arthur yelled at the dragon.

As soon as he spoke the words, the dragon gave a look to him as if provoking him, and then shut its mouth and proffered it's snout towards the winter princess.

The moment Sasha put her hand on the dragon, she could feel it's memories, likewise the dragon felt her memories.

Sasha has only ever heard about this ability to commune with beasts in legends. The powerful ones can even cast their mind a great distance into the beast.

The ability is called soul flight, and the person who possesses such power is called soul master. She decided to soothe the dragon's feelings and appeal to it first.

"You have suffered an imprisonment at the hands of loved ones, just like I. Indeed, no one knows the suffering better than a person who went through the same. In the end, the shackles are broken by one's own self. I broke mine. Today, if you let me, I will break yours. Let me give you the help I never had." Sasha offered the dragon.

Then, she backed off from the dragon, and stood at a feet distance, as if letting the dragon decide.

After some time, the dragon opened its mouth wide.

Sasha walked inside the mouth, and carefully removed an iron ring thrown around the teeth of the dragon.

Then, she walked to the other side, to do the same.

Unlike what they expected, the dragon did not harm the princess at all.

In fact, it looked like it's welcoming her touch.

Arthur watched the scene shell shocked.

Dragons hated the touch of any one save Drakon family. Even for his aunt Dahlia, the dragon had never opened his mouth obediently like it did just now.

Sure enough, it's possible there's some Drakon blood in the Winterchild family, given they are the oldest monarch line, but there was no connection recently.

It's impossible for a Dragon to be this friendly to another person, who did not have any Drakon blood.

The dragon shewed her wings, where the saddle was tied.

Princess Sasha walked around the dragon, relieving it of all it's burdens.

The moment she did, the dragon took off to fly in the sky, it did a thousand impossible flying maneuvers, then it landed gently on princess Sasha's side.

"Icarus! Come back here at once." Prince Arthur ordered. His face turned black with anger at the dragon's defiance.

The dragon just lazily laid down behind princess Sasha, as if it's not him who's being called.

Unable to hold the anger, Prince Arthur retrieved the item he was told to never ever use, unless and until it's an emergency that takes his life.

He retrieved a whistle from his waist.

The dragon grew unhappy at the sight of the whistle.

However, it is princess Sasha who recognized what that golden whistle is.

Dragon Killer !!!

The only apparatus in the world that could kill a dragon.

Sasha acted involuntarily.

She had known her family had the power of the soul flight, yet, she herself had never been capable of using it. She has felt the feelings of a beast for the first time today.

She thought she would forever remain ignorant of the art, given how unlike the Winterchild family she has been.

She was born at the height of the summer, and she dreamed of nothing but summer and happy days filled with balls and dancing.

Yet, her travel to south of the Winterland had taught her that summer had its own dangers.

And there, amidst the loneliness, confusion, and betrayal, she first thought of herself as a Winterchild.

Since then, she reminisced about the various legends of her house, soul flight primary among them. After all, it allows your soul to leave your body, and possess another being, occupying all it's senses.

The moment the dragon prince put the dragon killer to his lips, Sasha's soul flew out of her body, entering that of the dragon.

She opened her arms, the soul of the dragon shrunk into a baby dragon's size and jumped into her arms.

Sasha wrapped herself around the dragon.

The next moment, the magic of the dragon killer hit her like a boulder.

The world has turned black and white.

The sun was black, the sky is white, and an invisible force tore into her like a thousand knives.

"Submit! " The force screamed in an inhuman voice.

The voice hurt her soul.

"No!" Sasha trembled.

The force increased.


The force tore into her more violently.

Sasha shook her head.

"Come now child! I can give you anything you want in the world. Just submit." The voice coaxed ever so sweetly.

Sasha shuddered.

She wanted her parents back. She wanted her innocence back. She wanted her happy days back.

However, time can not turn back.

This force does not have the power to make it happen.

It only wants her to submit.

"No." Sasha said.

The force turned into a thousand whips, slashing at her relentlessly.

Sasha screamed, unable to bear the pain.

Time passed in torture, seconds, minutes or years.. She could never tell.

All she knows is that her very being is drowned in pain.

Her clothes are in tatters, monochrome white blood stained her black intangible body.

She was but a shadow of herself.

"Submit." The force beat at her.

As her world drowned in pain once more, Sasha remembered the first lesson she learned from her mistakes.

Power only belongs to those who take it.

This invisible being... It is nothing without it's magic power.

If it can lash at her with magic power, then she can equally lash back at it with the magic power.

All she has to do is take it.

Her very first attempt failed.

Her world drowned in pain once more.

Sasha persisted.

Till that soul staggering first time, where she controlled but a sliver of the magical energy, and counteracted the invisible force.

Next time, she took control of one more sliver of the magic, thus she continued, till she robbed the invisible being of all it's magical energy.

Just like that, she took the last sliver of magical energy, and the illusion that has lasted a thousand years, broke like a bubble at the touch of a child.

She opened her arms to let out the dragon, her own hands feeling alien given how long she has spent unmoving in the illusion, and how painful it was to even move a fingertip.

The dragon jumped out sprightly, while Sasha returned to her body.

For Sasha, it has been a thousand years, but for the rest of them, it is but a mere second.

The Dragon Prince stood there shell shocked, staring at the exploded whistle in his bleeding hands.

The Dragon opened its mouth, ready to breath it's hottest fire, and kill this puny human who tried to kill itself once and for all.

Princess Sasha, who was collapsed on her knees in the icy ground, weakly raised her hand to stop the dragon.

It was a command, not a protest.

The dragon redirected it's fire into the sky, and in the light of dusk, the entire castle was illuminated with a flash of dazzling white fire.

Princess Sasha, who collapsed on the ground on her knees, raised her head.

Blood flowed down her chin from the corners of her lips.

In the dazzling white light, the blood red on her pale skin was highlighted even more.

The dragon prince's party, which was only looking at princess Sasha like the tastiest meal, changed their looks directed at her.

Now they looked at her like they were seeing the Devil itself.

Now that they think about it, she is a Winterchild. A family of Warriors and sorceresses, kings and commanders, which ruled the Winterland for all known time.

Were they kicked in their heads to think last Winterchild is a mere woman, so they can subdue her?

Time has proven once and again Winterchild women could be more cunning, ruthless and decisive than most men.

There is a saying in northern Summerland, whose people had waged most wars against Winterchild family.

' You can kill a thousand of the Winterchild, and the last one will kill a thousand of your army and you. Winterchild will continue ruling Winterland, and I will continue f***ing your wife. '

Now, they have given that kind of dangerous enemy a dragon that obeys her commands unconditionally.

How are they going to face the fire queen?

They are here with her beloved nephew.

Only, while his knights are wrecking their brains to come up with a way to save him, the man himself is coming up with another way to suicide.

He tried drawing his sword on the Winter Princess.

The next moment, a giant wolf bounded out from god knows where, pinning the errant dragon prince to the floor, snarling at him viciously.

I have posted pictures of Sasha & characters @miuhozuki on instagram.

Please follow me, for this is where I send updates about all my books.

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