
COTE: I have a life simulator

【Life Restart Simulator】 [Enter the chapter "Ichinose Honami's Summer Reappearance"] [Five talents have been randomly selected: a promise of a thousand pieces of gold, a handsome guy from Tokyo, a flower protector, a child from a famous family, and is under the control of the year] 【Simulation starts】 [Day 14: On the night of the fireworks display, you blocked the blade of Honami Ichinose that stabbed Megumi Karuizawa. Under the sad and shocked eyes of the two people, you died] [This simulation has ended, please choose a talent to keep and bring it to the next simulation] ………… [Achieve the ending: Bystander - human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same. We often ignore many causes, and all we can see are the effects] [Achieve the ending: Symbiosis - The strongest relationship in the world is accomplices] [Achieve the ending: Rescue——Then we agree here to go a long way together in the future] On the day of real time travel, Kitagawa Ryo, who came to Tokyo Advanced Education Middle School, looked at the series of golden talents on his body and scratched his head and said: "Um, but I have completed all CG and all endings."

DaoistjQtMkq · Anime et bandes dessinées
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239 Chs


After the batter was formed, take it out, add a little lard, and knead it into a ball. Kitagawa Ryo enjoyed the process of kneading and beating. Yingying had run to the ground outside the kitchen door at some point. It still remembered that Kitagawa Ryo wouldn't let Kitagawa Ryo cook. He stayed close and sat there obediently. Kitagawa Ryo smashed the dough on the chopping board again and again. Every time there was a pop, it would make Yingying tremble in fright, and her furry little ears would dangle. Shake.

After pounding the dough, Beichuan Liang took out the bag of shrimps, washed them, chopped them into fine pieces with the back of a knife, put them into the pot, cooked them, and took them out.

After Kitagawa Ryo took care of all this, he finally left the kitchen and went to the refrigerator in the living room to get a can of ice coffee and drink it. Hotaru next to him also found the opportunity to come over and touch his trouser legs, looking like he was also hungry. A pitiful look.

After touching Yingying's head, Kitagawa Ryo discovered that there was indeed no cat food in the hotel. After carefully thinking about whether cats could eat shrimp dumplings, Kitagawa Ryo decisively gave up on this idea and threw one to Yingying to see if it would eat it. That's it. Don't think about all this.

After washing his hands, Kitagawa Ryo also speeded up his actions. First, he mixed the cooked shrimp paste, corn kernels, shredded green onions, monosodium glutamate, salt, sugar, etc. to make the filling, then threw it into the freezer to freeze for a while, and then removed the embryos and skinned the dough. , after waiting for a while, take out the stuffing that has cooled down and wrap it in.

After making a few ordinary shrimp dumplings, Kitagawa Ryoya started stacking other shapes out of boredom. After making a few different shapes, he threw all the shrimp dumplings into the steamer and started steaming them.

The shrimp dumplings that were finally brought to the table were still crystal clear. Except for a few that looked more distorted after being steamed, the rest of the shrimp dumplings looked pretty good. I mixed a plate of dipping sauces, although the shrimp dumplings were dipped in chili peppers. It's a bit pagan, but Kitagawa Ryo always cares about his own happiness when eating alone.

Kitagawa Ryo had no intention of watching TV today, and his mobile phone was left on the bedside table to charge. Hotaru cleverly did not climb onto the dining table, but found a chair and squatted on it, watching helplessly Kitagawa Ryo one by one. Eating shrimp dumplings.


Seeing Hotaru's eyes looking at her becoming more and more sad and almost crying, Kitagawa Ryo finally laughed. As soon as he laughed, Hotaru became even bolder, jumping directly onto Kitagawa Ryo's shoulder and rubbing her furry body. Beichuan Liang is so cute.

Kitagawa Ryo stopped teasing him and pinched two shrimp dumplings with chopsticks and put them on the table. He didn't know whether Hotaru was really hungry or the shrimp dumplings made by Kitagawa Ryo suited his appetite. Firefly swallowed them almost instantly. Go down, then stick out your tongue and lick the corners of your mouth and little paws.

Hotaru is the kind of kitten that gets cuter the more you look at it. Kitagawa Ryo simply stopped using his chopsticks and looked at Hotaru's little face intently. I heard that girls in the second dimension are all drawn after the face shape of a cat, such as enlarging their eyes. The proportion of the face weakens the nose and mouth.

When Kitagawa Ryo looked closer, Hotaru suddenly felt a little overwhelmed. She licked the right hand handed over by Kitagawa Ryo and rubbed his fingers.

"I'm still eating."

Although he said this, Kitagawa Ryo didn't look angry. He even stretched out his hands to hug Hotaru into his arms.

"Yingying, do you think I am useless..."

Kitagawa Ryo stroked the fluff on its chin. Every time he gently scratched it, Hotaru would narrow her eyes in comfort.

But today Hotaru still opened its jewel-like eyes and looked at Kitagawa Ryo doubtfully. It didn't know what its owner was doing. This was the first time it had seen it since it was picked up by its owner on a rainy night half a year ago. Kitagawa Ryo's expression.

Kitagawa Ryo is always very peaceful, and puts a smile on his face subconsciously. Sometimes he writes letters alone in the middle of the night with the light on. Sometimes he laughs out loud for no reason, and sometimes he deliberately smiles a little more. Toss yourself with food...

I just have never seen him like he is now.

Hotaru subconsciously licked the liquid flowing from Kitagawa Ryo's face. It was bright and beautiful, but the taste was bitter and salty.



It was exactly 10:30 in the evening when Kitagawa Ryo heard a knock on the door.

He stood up and opened the door, and sure enough it was Karuizawa Megumi.

Karuizawa Megumi was standing there in that black long skirt. The difference from yesterday was that she had a circle of light red lipstick on her lips, as if she had specially modified them before coming. Kitagawa Ryo looked at He glanced at those bright red lips, and felt a strange disgust and sorrow in his heart.

Kitagawa Ryo didn't speak, and Karuizawa Megumi just stood nervously at the door. She seemed to be a prisoner who had just been released, standing blankly at the prison door not knowing where to go, but in the end she spoke in a hurry:

"Hotaru, it's probably Ryo here."

The silence had no meaning after it was broken. Kitagawa Ryo sighed and was about to walk into the room to take Hotaru out to her, but as soon as he turned around, he found that Karuizawa Megumi had already changed into slippers and followed him. Came in.

The clock on the wall was ticking like a traveler who was still on his way alone. The sound echoed in the room, as if amplifying the entire space little by little. Karuizawa Megumi walked to the living room without saying a word and took out the bag in his arms. Pulling out a brand new red rose, she seemed to be looking for a suitable place to place it.

"Where did you buy it?"

Kitagawa Ryo finally calmed down and talked to Karuizawa Megumi as naturally as possible.

"I happened to see a flower stall downstairs. The last flower was given to me for free, saying it would be stale tomorrow."

Karuizawa Megumi spoke as if she had been forgiven. She was looking around for a suitable home for this flower, and asked timidly:

"Is there an empty vase here? I heard that if the water is changed in time, it can keep blooming for a few more days."

Kitagawa Ryo walked into several small rooms nearby. He remembered that there seemed to be several decorative bottles and cans placed on the windowsill there. Karuizawa Megumi followed him step by step, like a girl wearing a hat. The puppy with the bell, Kitagawa Ryo could even faintly hear the sound of tinkling bells.

Sure enough, they found a vase of suitable size, and then Karuizawa Megumi inserted the roses into it and moved the vase to the table in the living room. This sudden new decoration seemed to make the whole room brighter.

"I heard that after Valentine's Day every year, you can find a whole rose garden in the trash cans on the streets of Tokyo."

Karuizawa Megumi held her head and looked at the bright red rose.

"Use it and throw it away."

Kitagawa Ryoya stretched out his hand and touched the red rose. Hotaru was lying on his shoulder and seemed not interested in the bright and thorny flower, not even interested in smelling it.

"Have Megumi heard the story about the roses on Valentine's Day?"

It seemed to start to rain lightly outside, as if walking with the clock on the wall, it was also ticking.

"It is said that a high school student bought a large bouquet of roses for his girlfriend on Valentine's Day, but before going out on a date, he gave one to his father and grandfather each on a whim, and joked that they should also give it to his partner. , that is, his mother and grandmother.

My father and grandpa had never experienced this kind of thing before, and even grandpa didn't know what Valentine's Day and roses meant. They subconsciously felt a little bit ashamed and embarrassed, saying that they had been married for so long, so long ago. I don't like this set of young people's things. "

"But they both gave the rose away in the end. The father gave it to his wife who was cooking in the kitchen, and the grandfather gave it to his wife who was sick and in the hospital. To their surprise, this Both received the roses in surprise.

The large bouquet of roses that the high school student gave to his girlfriend was left in the hotel after the two checked into a room, and was thrown into the trash can by the second cleaning staff.

The rose that his father gave to his wife was put in a vase and taken care of by her for several days. It remained bright and bright until a week later.

The rose that the grandfather gave to his wife was dried and made into a sachet, which is still tied to his chest. "

Kitagawa Ryo simply retold this story that he had seen in a book before. At that time, he had read a lot of such miscellaneous short stories, and he still has some impressions until now.

After he finished telling this story, he took the rose out of the vase again, and the water he brought out dripped all over the table without paying attention:

"For you."

Kitagawa Ryo took the rose and handed it to Karuizawa Megumi.

"Hey...but I just gave this to Ryo."

Karuizawa Megumi obviously did not expect such a development. She hesitated not knowing whether to accept it or not. Kitagawa Ryo should know the meaning of red roses given by boys to girls, but at this time he acted openly, as if he was a child. Hand over the rose as innocently as you would a piece of candy.

"Maybe I don't like seeing roses withering in front of me, and I don't know how to make a sachet."

Kitagawa Ryo explained in a semi-ridiculous manner. He touched the branch of the rose that had been smoothed with a knife and had no thorns, and forced it into Karuizawa Megumi's hand:

"It's raining outside. Megumi should go back early. Megumi Eura has been investigated and arrested this afternoon on suspicion of killing her biological father. Megumi doesn't have to worry about it in the future..."

Karuizawa Megumi pinched the rose in her hand. The bright red color made her arms and fingers exposed outside the black dress extremely pale. Her figure seemed to shrink a lot all of a sudden, and her voice was lost in the late night rain. in the voice.

"I...I brought clothes."

Kitagawa Ryo heard Karuizawa Megumi say this. Her eyes looked thirsty and dry, like a dying plant.

Firefly turned over and couldn't figure out what the two people were doing.

ps: No astringency allowed (Dahme)

ps2: The hidden line of this simulation is "Five Centimeters per Second" mentioned by Shiina Hiyori earlier, and the characters can be easily matched.

ps3: Thank you for subscribing and reading. Regarding the options, I have explained it before. The simulator part of this book is the version of the life restart simulator at the beginning. Players can only choose talents and allocate points. After all, it is not a galgame. , plot branches are automatically determined by the talents selected by the player.

The Autumn Lies of Megumi Karuizawa: Chapter 23: Bloody Kiss

There is a faint scent of incense lingering in the hotel room. Kitagawa Liang has been staying here for three days, but he didn't notice it until now.

This faint fragrance of grass and trees attracted the tip of his nose and heart. There seemed to be a kind of plant-based temptation in the air. Kitagawa Ryo lay on the sofa and turned up the volume of the TV, as if he wanted to Cover up the sound of water dripping in the bathroom behind you.

It was clear that Horikita Suzune had used the bathroom here once in the morning, but Kitagawa Ryo had already left the room at that time, so when he really realized that there was a girl in the bathroom less than ten meters away in a straight line behind him, At this time, Kitagawa Ryo still couldn't help but feel some strange emotions in his heart, a little nervousness, unknown expectations, a little shyness and other messy emotions mixed together like the dipping sauces he often prepared. Kitagawa Ryo The heart is roughly like a shrimp dumpling held between chopsticks, rising and falling on the plate of condiments.

Perhaps because the hotel is relatively high-end, the bathroom here has both a bathtub and a shower. It seemed that Karuizawa Megumi first rinsed his body with the shower, and then got into the bathtub that had already filled with water. As for the reason for Kitagawa Ryo's judgment, on the one hand, it is based on the sound, on the other hand...

Kitagawa Ryo moved his body carefully. Although his eyes were fixed on the TV screen, his mind was not here at all. Because he was used to living alone, he didn't realize that the bathroom in this hotel was extremely uniquely designed. The frosted glass wall only covered about Four-fifths of the area, from the knee down, is transparent.

The result was that as long as Kitagawa Ryo, who was lying on the bed, turned over slightly, he could see Karuizawa Megumi's calves and feet from this subtle angle, as well as the water flowing down his fair skin, so Kitagawa Ryo He quickly moved from the bed to the sofa, mercilessly rushed aside Yingying who was lying there comfortably, and pretended to turn on the TV.


The rain outside the window was still falling, and the rain hit the transparent glass window, leaving water marks in various directions. The face of the young man reflected on it seemed to be distorted. Kitagawa Ryo supported his head with his left hand and half-closed his head. Eyes.


This is an extremely spacious space compared to the word "bathroom". Apparently in Karuizawa Megumi's perception, the bathroom is a narrow place like the fitting room. You can see the surrounding narrow space at a glance. It brings a sense of security to some people, but also brings a terrible sense of suffocation to some people.

Karuizawa Megumi looked at this bathroom.

The huge bathtub, which even exceeds the floor space of my own room, is more than enough for two adults to sit in. It has already started to store hot water before entering, and automatically adjusts to the most comfortable temperature. There will be unknown items on the shelf next to it. What's the use of yellow rubber ducks and assorted bath soaps.

The lighting equipment, which doesn't look cheap at first glance, casts a warm yellow soft light, and the white wall tiles, which are maintained by dedicated personnel every day and have no mold at all, are almost as bright as a mirror.

Karuizawa Megumi completely buried her body in the hot water, and every muscle in her body relaxed. She looked up at the misty ceiling.

She could hear the sound of the TV coming from outside. Suddenly, Karuizawa Megumi was enjoying the atmosphere. She was in the bathroom, and Kitagawa Ryo was watching TV in the living room outside the door. After a while, she took a shower and went out to let nature take its course. She leaned against him. No matter what program was playing on the TV, it didn't matter.

When she was young, Karuizawa Megumi didn't like taking pictures with Kitagawa Ryo for a while, because his back was always straight, the corners of his mouth were always upturned, and his eyes were always bright, rather than like him. A sickly puppy soaked in the rain looked like worn-out porcelain that could break at the touch of a touch.

At that time, she had thought about whether Kitagawa Ryo was actually friends with her just because he felt sorry for her. Is feeling sorry for her a kind of love? The word "distressed" always seems to have a meaning of charity from top to bottom. Karuizawa Megumi sinks half of his face into the water, causing a series of bubbles.

Karuizawa Megumi shook her head and threw away all these thoughts. Anyway, she was already halfway on the road she had set, and she had no intention of looking back. In fact, no feelings matter anymore. Sometimes It's a good thing not to understand.

When Karuizawa Megumi finished taking a shower and stood in front of the mirror, the difference from yesterday in the fitting room was that today she suddenly accepted her body, including those scars, and Karuizawa Megumi naturally stretched out her hand. Stroking them, in fact, they no longer hurt. As long as you don't think about them in your heart, they are as if they don't exist.

The most real and eternal thing is actually in people's thoughts. If you keep thinking about it, it will never die. Once you give up thinking about it, it will disappear like a wisp of smoke.

Karuizawa Megumi quickly got dressed. She didn't have many summer clothes, and now she was like a piece of freshly fired porcelain, and she walked out of the bathroom with a freshness that had just been baked and a little bit of uneasiness. door.

Kitagawa Ryo was sitting there upright, but the moment Karuizawa Kei opened the door and came out, he stroked Hotaru's right hand and increased the frequency by 50%, almost as if he was going to give Hotaru the next second. The speed of Lu Bald was rubbing its back like crazy, and the drastic changes made Hotaru startled. She raised her head and glanced at Kitagawa Ryo suspiciously.

Fortunately, Karuizawa Megumi didn't come over immediately. Instead, he took the hair dryer he had found in advance and started blowing his wet hair.

The strong wind that came from time to time blew Hotaru's hair, and the little guy thought he had encountered some kind of storm, so he squeezed into Kitagawa Ryo's arms to feel relieved.

The sound of the hair dryer stopped, and Kitagawa Ryo's nerves tensed up for a moment. From the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Karuizawa Megumi walking towards him in a lively way after taking a shower. She seemed to have a layer of blood rising all over her body. The hazy mist made her skin look white and rosy, and her long honey-colored hair was hanging lazily, not tied up like usual. Megumi Karuizawa sat down in Kitagawa wearing an ordinary white T-shirt and short jeans. Cool side.

"Ryo, help me dry my hair."

Perhaps the hair volume is too abundant. Although it has been blown by the hair dryer for a while, there is still a lot of water on the tips of the hair. Karuizawa Megumi felt troubled and naturally handed one to Kitagawa Ryo. Dry towel.


The body temperature of Karuizawa Megumi, who had just taken a shower, was higher than that of Kitagawa Ryo. When she took the dry towel, she accidentally touched the other person's hand, which also brewed a warm feeling. Kitagawa Ryo did not refuse, and started He wiped the hair of Karuizawa Megumi little by little with her back to him.

Karuizawa Megumi's hair is of good quality, soft and smooth, like fine silk and satin. It smells very good, and it is also the fragrance of grass and trees. Kitagawa Ryo put Hotaru on the left, turned around and gave Karuizawa Megumi a kiss. Wiping her hair carefully, water droplets fell on her snow-white shoulders, bringing with it a seductive beauty.

"It's wiped."

Kitagawa Ryo once again stroked Karuizawa Megumi's hair that had become dry again. Unexpectedly, Karuizawa Megumi suddenly leaned back and fell into his arms with her back turned. His hand followed suit. With this movement, Karuizawa Megumi suddenly placed her head on the other person's head, and an unnatural touch came from her fingertips for a moment.

It's the scab of a wound.

"Ah...this is-"

Karuizawa Megumi subconsciously planned to speak. After talking to Horikita Suzune today, she was already very good at this lie.

But Kitagawa Ryo just looked at her with a smile, shook his head and said:

"I have already met Emi Eura today."

Panic and embarrassment struck Karuizawa Megumi in an instant. Her expression was like that of a lying child who was suddenly identified by her parents. She looked like she wanted to cry but was pouting her lips and thinking about how to tell the difference. All kinds of thoughts were going on at once. The child came to mind, and Karuizawa Megumi's brain shut down.

She could only look at Kitagawa Ryo pitifully, just like the look on Kitagawa Ryo's pitiful face waiting for the judgment of fate when he picked up Hotaru.

"Really...really...you don't have to do this anymore."

Kitagawa Ryo stared at Karuizawa Megumi with a strange expression, a bitter expression mixed with distress and grief.

[Why are you looking at me like that?

I couldn't figure this out for a while, but I soon realized that if he kept talking, things would go in an unimaginable direction.

No, that's not right, it shouldn't be like this. ]

"Emi Eura, Emi Eura is lying to you. How can you believe someone like her? She has always been jealous of me. She was jealous of me at that time. She just wanted me to be bullied. Emi Eura She has obviously been bullying me since before. Look, look at the scar on my head. She cut it with a knife. She wants to kill me. She wants to kill me——"

"If Liang doesn't come back, she will definitely kill me. I knew I was kidnapped by her when I started school. She is using my name to bully others, but in the end it is me, and others will only say Megumi Karuizawa bullied girls in other classes, and then finally used this reason to bully me... Didn't Ryo see it too, right, right, right?"

Karuizawa Megumi suddenly turned over and pressed Kitagawa Ryo under her body. She hugged Kitagawa Ryo tightly and didn't want to stop for a moment, telling all kinds of messy sentences that even had different meanings. It seemed that Kitagawa Ryo was at this moment. The bottomless tree hole in the fairy tale, Karuizawa Kei was eager to bury all her secrets in it.


Kitagawa Ryo felt the weight of Karuizawa Mei on his body. Her legs had clamped his thighs, and her long hair was spread on his cheeks and chest. He stared at the shaken Karuizawa. Ze Hui, it was like meeting her for the first time.


He could hear the other party's fiery heartbeat and breathing. He ignored all the arguments in his ears and quietly called Karuizawa Megumi's name.

Kitagawa Ryo's eye circles were turning red a little bit, and his voice became hoarse:

"You lied."