
COTE: I have a life simulator

【Life Restart Simulator】 [Enter the chapter "Ichinose Honami's Summer Reappearance"] [Five talents have been randomly selected: a promise of a thousand pieces of gold, a handsome guy from Tokyo, a flower protector, a child from a famous family, and is under the control of the year] 【Simulation starts】 [Day 14: On the night of the fireworks display, you blocked the blade of Honami Ichinose that stabbed Megumi Karuizawa. Under the sad and shocked eyes of the two people, you died] [This simulation has ended, please choose a talent to keep and bring it to the next simulation] ………… [Achieve the ending: Bystander - human beings' joys and sorrows are not the same. We often ignore many causes, and all we can see are the effects] [Achieve the ending: Symbiosis - The strongest relationship in the world is accomplices] [Achieve the ending: Rescue——Then we agree here to go a long way together in the future] On the day of real time travel, Kitagawa Ryo, who came to Tokyo Advanced Education Middle School, looked at the series of golden talents on his body and scratched his head and said: "Um, but I have completed all CG and all endings."

DaoistjQtMkq · Anime & Comics
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239 Chs


"You clearly said you wouldn't lie to me."

In the past time, Kitagawa Ryo has always been an overly sensible little boy. He is used to encouraging himself and comforting himself. He is used to silence and understanding.

He can cook and eat by himself. He has made a good friend named Megumi Karuizawa. He wants to transfer to another school for this good friend. He even remembers to write to her when he gets to the UK. When he finds the opportunity, he will secretly come back to find her. she.

Because he didn't have parents to teach him how to be nice to others, he would only treat others in the clumsiest way. He gave Megumi Karuizawa all kinds of things, from food to clothes, but his gifts were never Holiday restrictions.

If Karuizawa Megumi really wants a star, Kitagawa Ryo will really work hard to climb up to the starry sky.

The light blue dress given to her in the spring was a specially made one that was thickened and lengthened to prevent colds. The white sleeveless dress given to her in the summer was a cool style that turned beautifully. Because Karuizawa Megumi likes sweets, she taught herself for a year. Even Kitagawa Ryo, the white cat who accompanied him, was able to deliver the cakes without any concern.

Kitagawa Ryo would never leave Karuizawa Megumi alone at any time. At certain times, he would even be unexpectedly stubborn, shameless, and nosy.


The fire in my heart was burning fiercely and wantonly, burning my chest.

Kitagawa Ryo didn't want to hear Karuizawa Megumi lie to him.

In the past six months after finding his biological parents, Kitagawa Ryo met more people and made other friends, but it is undeniable that Kitagawa Ryo only had a pure feeling for Karuizawa Megumi in his heart. emotion.

Because in Kitagawa Ryo's loneliest years, only Karuizawa Megumi was willing to play with him, and together they built a sandcastle in the sand that they had to start over every day.

Like "The Little Prince", Kitagawa Ryo feels that the story between himself and Karuizawa Megumi should also be a fairy tale.

Why lie?

Kitagawa Ryo heard Karuizawa Megumi's voice, trying to be calm but still slightly trembling:


She spoke almost begging:


But in the end I could only repeat this sentence in a murmur.

Megumi Karuizawa seems to have lost the ability to express her feelings with words, and she has begun to use actions more directly.

By the time Kitagawa Ryo reacted, Karuizawa Megumi's lips were already biting his lips.

He smelled a familiar smell of blood from the corner of his mouth, and couldn't even tell whose lips were bleeding.

Kitagawa Ryo clenched his teeth stiffly, and Karuizawa Megumi's long eyelashes hit his face.


Karuizawa Megumi let go of Kitagawa Ryo. There was still blood on her lips, and she exuded a coquettish aura that did not match her age.

"...I am here."

Kitagawa Ryo's mind was already a little dizzy, so he responded subconsciously.

Seizing this opportunity, the next second, Karuizawa Megumi's gentle tongue pried open his teeth.

ps: The final dialogue is a replay of the chapter where the two reunited. By the way, there is actually a foreshadowing of Karuizawa Megumi letting Kitagawa Ryo touch his head. If you are interested, you can go back and read it. This simulation also has There are two or three chapters that end.

ps2: Thank you for reading and subscribing. Megumi Karuizawa should be the first of the four simulations to describe her first kiss with Ryo Kitagawa in a positive way. Of course, except for Yusu Yusu in the if line, after all, Ryo Kitagawa in that line has been Training is over (laughing)

The Autumn Lies of Megumi Karuizawa: Adjust your schedule and take a day off

The work and rest time these two days have been a bit weird, and the update time is also very late. I took a day off today to adjust my work and rest time, update early tomorrow, and then return to the way I update during the day. In fact, the first 100,000 words of this book have been fixed at one o'clock at noon. I was updating. At that time, I was comfortable with the frequency and didn't feel particularly tired. Later, due to rankings and listings, the update time and work and rest time were all messed up. As a result, I am now typing every day and in the middle of the night, and the quality of the chapters is not good. , so I took leave today to adjust.

Sorry, I wish every reader good health.

In addition, this book is not a eunuch. After all, the results of this book have indeed exceeded my expectations. It is the best one since I wrote a book. I also wrote this book because it was published in July. The second season of the animation was released. At that time, I wanted to ride on the popularity, so I published the book in April. I didn't expect that so many readers would read this practical teaching fanfic before the animation started. I would like to thank everyone again. A reader, thank you for your continued support.

Still put a welfare card to apologize.

Picture: "Sakayanagi Arisu Halloween costume", location: "Images/1653836787-100312294-108837380.jpg"

The Autumn Lies of Megumi Karuizawa: Chapter 24: The Defeat of Horikita Suzune

Kitagawa Ryo had imagined many times the scene of his first kiss with Karuizawa Megumi, maybe it was a moonlit walk between the two of them in college, or maybe it was amidst the grand fireworks blooming in the night sky. Kitagawa Ryo is indeed a person who can long for For a young man in love, the image of love in his mind should be a girl's long skirt and the fragrance in her hair. The two of them holding hands and walking through the tree-lined road, whispering to each other's foreheads... In short, it is definitely not like this.

When Karuizawa Megumi came closer, Kitagawa Ryo felt a little deep fear on the one hand, and on the other hand, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pity from his heart. There was no emotional foreshadowing, and Kitagawa Ryo's lips were even dry. , but Karuizawa Megumi still tried her best to get closer to him, as if she wanted to moisten his dry lips with herself.

Kitagawa Ryo smelled the smell of blood again. Karuizawa Megumi's tears slid from her face to Kitagawa Ryo's face, but the corners of her mouth seemed to be smiling.

Firefly on the side meowed "meow meow" a few times, and Kitagawa Ryo reacted as if waking up from a dream. He finally reached out and pushed Karuizawa Mei away. Karuizawa Megumi had just taken a bath with him. The layer of heat has completely dissipated, but the tear stains on Kitagawa Ryo's face still have some residual warmth. His face also flushed unconsciously because of the kiss just now, and the tip of his nose is all left by Karuizawa Megumi. A breath that belongs to her.


Kitagawa Ryo took two deep breaths, stretched out his hand and wiped his mouth, leaving a small but clear blood mark on the back of his hand.

He was speechless, and Karuizawa Megumi didn't speak either. The time between the two seemed to be stuck. They were both breathing rapidly, and the breath they exhaled was separated between them. It formed a huge and empty wall of air.

"I'll go find you a swab."

Kitagawa Ryo looked at the bleeding wound at the corner of Karuizawa Megumi's mouth and shook his head. There was nothing wrong with his words, but it made Karuizawa Megumi even more nervous.

So Karuizawa Megumi could only nod, and the corners of her mouth were slightly raised, as if she was trying to give him a smile.

"I just asked Mr. Izaki when you were taking a shower. He stayed up in the hotel at night to see an old friend."

Karuizawa Megumi heard her throat swallowing loudly, almost choking. She then heard her own voice again, but it was a bit unfamiliar, as if someone else was dubbing her behind her. :

"Liang... what does Liang mean?"

She could already see that she was trying to struggle, and Karuizawa Megumi was keenly aware of the change in Kitagawa Ryo's attitude.

"I'm going to sleep in the next room. I think it's fine for Kei to sleep here alone."

Kitagawa Ryo dug out cotton swabs and iodophor from the drawer. He walked to Karuizawa Megumi and gave instructions in a serious and almost strange tone.

Karuizawa Megumi happened to catch his gaze, which was exactly the same as that of Horikita Suzune, whom she had confronted during the day, which made her shiver and feel a little cold.

"Sit down and I'll give you some medicine."

Kitagawa Ryo pressed Karuizawa Megumi's shoulders and asked her to sit back on the sofa, while he sat on the other side and opened the cotton swab.

A vague fear hung on the tip of Karuizawa Megumi's nose. She turned her head in panic, just in time to see Kitagawa Ryo holding out a cotton swab dipped in iodine:

"Don't move."

Every word that Kitagawa Ryo said was like a meteorite from the sky that hit her body. It stuck from her heart all the way down her throat to her mouth. Karuizawa Megumi couldn't say a word now. She was like a The doll being manipulated by Kitagawa Ryo stiffly cooperated with Kitagawa Ryo's application of medicine.

"Does it hurt? Bear with it."

Kitagawa Ryo's tone was still the same as before, and his hand movements were as gentle as possible. Karuizawa Megumi just sat here helplessly, and suddenly recalled the past ten years. No matter how she deceived herself, but The contributions between the two people were not equal. She accepted the other's overtures again and again, and unscrupulously enjoyed the clothes, warmth and care he gave her. She was no longer as frightened as she was at the beginning. She had long since It becomes a habit.

It's just that in the past, these unnoticed points were taken for granted and covered with the veil of memories. She calmly enjoyed everything that Ryo Kitagawa brought to her life. The ultimate result of fishing for nothing was destruction.

Megumi Karuizawa even thought about it many times: her meaning was to be by Kitagawa Ryo's side, which was a kind of comfort and reward for Kitagawa Ryo who was always alone.

After Kitagawa Ryo gave Karuizawa Megumi the medicine, he left her side without any regrets. He put the remaining medicine on the most conspicuous table in the living room, where there was a rose.

"Go to bed early, it's very late."

When Kitagawa Ryo closed the door, Karuizawa Megumi happened to turn her back. She seemed to be inserting the red rose into the vase again. Karuizawa Megumi's shadow with her back to Kitagawa Ryo looked thinner than ever. He was delicate, but Ryo Kitagawa still came to the door and gave him one last instruction.


Karuizawa Megumi suddenly found that her right hand holding the rose was trembling, making it impossible for her to put the rose back into the bottle properly. Then she heard her voice trembling:

"I see."

"Good night."

"Good night."

Then there was the clang of the door being closed and the sound of footsteps getting further away.


"So, this is the reason why you stayed up late at night and came to me?"

Horikita Suzune was wearing light black uniform. She looked at the densely piled fried chicken in front of her with a bit of disgust. She just found a sundae and carefully placed it in front of her:

"And why this fried chicken fast food restaurant?"

"Because this is the only place near your home that is open 24 hours a day. As for the bar? I don't think we can get in yet."

Kitagawa Ryo took a piece of grilled wing and took an angry bite. It was almost twelve o'clock in the morning.

"Do you know that this kind of behavior has disrupted my schedule."

Horikita Suzune herself didn't know why she changed into pajamas and came to this fast food restaurant as soon as she received the call from the other party before going to bed. Moreover, in the past half hour, she also listened to vague and illogical content. A confusing half day of whining.

"Isn't it because Horikita went to see Megumi today?"

Without wiping his hands, Kitagawa Ryo took another swig of iced Coke. He was now in a state of free spirit, and Horikita Suzune frowned at his bad behavior.

"I've heard from the front desk that you and Hui talked for nearly two hours this morning."

"It was only after that that Megumi became what he is now."

Horikita Suzune ate the sundae in small bites with a small spoon, and said indifferently to Kitagawa Ryo's questioning:

"I think what I said was right and what I did was wrong."

"Why not take a gentler approach?"

"Because this direct approach is often more effective."

"...You deserve not to have any friends."

After hearing what Kitagawa Ryo said, Horikita Suzune smiled first. Maybe it was because she had never seen Horikita Suzune smile like this in the past few days, and Kitagawa Ryo was also a little surprised.

"Didn't you just announce that you wanted to be friends with me this morning? Or should I say, establish some kind of tame relationship?"

Horikita Suzune spoke with a smile. She stretched out her tongue and gently licked the ice cream around her mouth, as if she had finally found an excuse to defeat Kitagawa Ryo.

"Have you forgotten it now?"

"If it weren't for this relationship, I wouldn't have waited there specifically for Karuizawa Megumi in the morning."

Kitagawa Ryo looked at Horikita Suzune speechlessly, even ignoring the half-eaten fried chicken:

"Don't Horikita think this is a way to help a friend?"

"I just think Beichuan will have a conflict with her sooner or later, and what I said today is just stating the facts."

"If you could state this fact less often, you might have a chance of making friends, really."

"Friends? One or two people are enough, more is useless."

Horikita Suzune lowered her eyes. Compared to her previous belief that she didn't need friends at all, she has now finally realized something. If it had been three days ago, she would have had to talk to Kitagawa Ryo about her strange theory. .


Kitagawa Ryo seemed to be full too. He didn't even finish the shrimp dumplings because he had no appetite at night, but now he had a rare appetite.

"You have no love experience, right?"

"How could I have."

Horikita Suzune gave Kitagawa Ryo a cold look, as if looking at a fool.

"That's why Horikita thinks it's okay to be alone, because there is no one she likes or wants to be with, hahaha."

Kitagawa Ryo laughed first. He laughed very happily at first, and then laughed very sadly.

"Maybe Horikita's idea of ​​not having contact with people is right."

Horikita Suzune really doesn't understand what Kitagawa Ryo is thinking now. It is simply incomprehensible that this person who tried every means to make her friends two days ago now agrees with her past ideas.

"Did you break up?"

Horikita Suzune suddenly thought of some lovelorn scenes described in the books she had read before.

"I've never been in love, how can I be broken up?"

This time it was Kitagawa Ryo's turn to look at Horikita Suzune as if she were a fool.

"Love is not that important. You see, if we don't resist, we will fall in love in a few years."

Kitagawa Ryo spread his hands and said helplessly:

"We may not have any feelings at all, but suddenly we become a legal couple, and we have to say 'I do' in front of the priest."


Horikita Suzune also got goosebumps from what he said. Like Kitagawa Ryo, she would not accept such an inexplicable engagement.