
Conquest of Galaxies: Transmigration into Interstellar War Era

Think transmigration is fun? It is, but not when you transmigrate in the future where humans are in midst of an interstellar war and technology is advanced enough to keep tabs on each action you perform..... Regis was just chilling out with his friends when he suddenly finds himself in a different body in a different world. Through experience, he learns that interstellar wars are much more crueler than war between countries. Does the divided humanity stand a chance to survive the war against another more advanced race? T/N: Coverpage generated using Gencraft AI

soul_Society · Romance
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29 Chs

Fragments of Memories

<Name: Regis Kleeve>

<Race: Subhuman Mutant>

<Mutation: Sub beast Mana type>

<Evolutionary stage: 1 (___)>

<Age: 16>


<Strength: 1.2(0.4)> <Agility: 1.3(0.4)>

<Endurance: 1.4(0.5)> <Mana capacity: 1.4(0)>

<Reaction speed: 5(200) milliseconds>

'Looking at this again, it does look exactly like a game interface, but most of the things written here are completely different from what I saw in game interfaces.'

Regis looked away from his watch and back to the holoPC. He did not have the luxury of thinking about the interface. This was his only chance to gain as much information as possible before he started interacting with the people around him who may become suspicious if he displayed any abnormality. Especially since he was in a facility filled with military-men who had magical powers.

First thing that he searched was his current location.

In a special 3-D hologram, Regis saw a green mark that was located towards the end of a spiral shaped galaxy. The scene in the screen changed and the point of view shifted towards the mark and it started to magnify. Soon, a cloud made up of gases of different colours appeared on the screen and the green mark was located on a planet that was orbiting around a red coloured star. This complete star system was completely isolated and surrounded with gas clouds on each side.

Although Regis could not zoom any further, he now knew that he was on a planet known as XT-00526: Cerberus.

'This should be a military training site maybe that is why I couldn't zoom in any further.' Regis touched the screen once more and the video was replaced with images of shoes of various shapes and designs.


"Omega 10, are you sure about this second matter?" The man asked.

"The data was collected in real time and the computation unit of Gaia-Mil was used to draw this conclusion. It had already predicted this when the location of this camp was exposed."

"So how do the higher ups want to approach this?"

"This matter has been left to your discretion." The mechanical voice replied.

Major Arbrit Klesen's blue eyes shone as he looked at the palm sized projection of a masked girl whose eyes were focused on him.

"Tell the higher ups that I will be sending the drafts soon." Klesen said while reading the documents that were sent to him just before this projection appeared.

The projection gave him a nod and disappeared. Klesen looked at his disk shaped holoPC in deep thoughts after the projection turned off and let out a deep sigh.

'Why do these pests appear just when we were in the crucial phases?' A formless pressure escaped the major as he slowly got up from his chair.

While Regis was still browsing about the general knowledge of this world, an emergency meeting was held in the very same military camp. Major Klesen had summoned all the high-ranking officers that were stationed in the camp.

Klesen took a deep puff of the cigarette before throwing the butt away as he pushed the door. The air around him wrapped and condensed to a ball of smoky texture before flying away.

Twenty people were sitting around a large table. They immediately stood up and gave Klesen a military salute when he entered the room.

Klesen looked at the four captains and the sixteen lieutenants and nodded as he walked to his seat.

"Omega 10 just relayed two messages from the sub headquarters. The first is that group of Asceptus was seen entering the dusk zone. We can conclude that we are their targets. And since the period of twenty years is approaching an end, we can be sure that their activities will only increase."

"Camp Cerberus will be very active in the upcoming times, so get ready. Also, notify the four companies that are training in the outskirts as well as the two companies that are on leave. The camp will start to function at full capacity starting tomorrow."

"Major sir, what about the cadets and the unfused mystical elements?" The man sitting nearest to Klesen asked when Klesen looked at him.

"The training of cadets will continue. Make sure that most of them are ready to be on the field in two months. The Sub HQ will stop sending new candidates here, but the ones in pods will still be here for the time being." Klesen replied.

All the officers saluted once again as Klesen stood away and walked towards the exit. None of them questioned about the second matter reported by Omega 10. Since their superior did not tell them, it wasn't their place to ask about it.


"It still feels so surreal." Regis woke up and was disappointed to find that it wasn't a dream.

'The training starts from 6 am.' Regis looked at the screen hovering above his watch which showed 4:45. He closed his eyes and cursed all the gods he knew before getting out of his bed.

When Regis appeared in the training hall following the map in his watch, he was surprised once again. This hall was larger than his estimate of the size of the entire camp.

'Do they also have some space expansion devices in this world?'

Regis could see a vast training ground that spanned miles covered in all sorts of different terrain. He could also see a group of teenagers dressed in similar uniform as him gathering near two men. Regis walked towards the group at a steady pace.

He could feel the stares of everyone land on him as soon as he reached near them.

'F*ck' Regis cursed once again. Each one of them was inhumanly strong, much stronger than him. He didn't know how he knew it, but he was sure of it as soon as their gazes fell on him. The gazes withdrew after a few seconds and one of the supposed instructors looked towards Regis.

"Cadet Regis Kleeve. You will join the training from today. I hope that you are ready to serve humanity with your all."

"Yes sir!" Regis who had been a cadet cop in his world replied in a clear and determined tone. The instructor nodded in approval and signalled him to join one of the files of cadets.

"First, all of us will start with the meditation and warmup."

Saying this, one of the instructors pressed his foot in the ground. Circular disks emerged from the ground beneath the feet of everyone present. Regis who had done his research just the last night was a bit surprised on his first encounter with this kind of technology.

Regis immediately took the lotus position which was mentioned in his military handbook, the easiest of the sequence he was going to perform. The edge of the disk began spinning such that a sweet-smelling gas was released from minute pores present in it and floated towards Regis's nose.

Regis could immediately feel his thoughts getting clearer. His senses were heightened, at the same time, his focus got sharper with each passing second.

Just when he had entered the state of high concentration, the instructor reminded everyone to change to the next pose.

When Regis transitioned to the next pose, he suddenly felt as if all his senses had been stripped away. Instead, he felt like something was slowly drilling into his brain. The feeling was mild at the start, but it started getting more intense every passing second till the point that Regis had to clench his teeth with all his might just to stop a pained moan from escaping his mouth.

The younger of the two instructors looked at the pained expression on Regis's face and was about to step towards him, but he was stopped by the other instructor. The lieutenant signalled with his eyes for the other instructor to watch while his finger rose to the position just before his lips.

Once the pain reached a peak, Regis could finally feel many different sets of memories entering his mind. These memories were incomplete, fractioned and inconsistent. In these memories, one moment his eye level was just three feet above the floor, in another it was six feet above the ground. After some time, these fragmented memories slowed down and ended. Regis opened his eyes once the pain subsided.

His eyes met the two instructors who were looking back at him. Regis looked around to see that all the others were still meditating, he had forgotten that he was still in the training field. He assumed the lotus pose once again before moving to the second pose.

Once again, there was an influx of random memories, but much milder than the last time. Regis grit his teeth and changed his poses according to the instructions. On the mark of half an hour, the instructors ended the meditation session.

Once he proceeded through the rest of the session, Regis couldn't help but be amazed by the difference between the physical abilities of the others when compared to him. They were all superhumans who were tens of times stronger than him and also seemed to have never ending stamina.

Five hours later when every muscle in Regis's body was hurting like hell, the instructors declared the end of the session. All the cadets formed a file and gave a military salute to their instructors.

"Cadet Kleeve stays here, remaining all are free to leave."

When it was only the two instructors and Regis left in the field, the senior of the two instructors approached him.

"Did you feel any sort of discomfort during the meditation session?"

Regis nodded truthfully.

"Don't worry too much about it. The mystic element sometimes causes repulsion from the subconscious brain because it is external genetic factor that has been forcibly transplanted into your body. It will get better with practice. You can borrow the meditation disk from the armoury to familiarize yourself. Usually, the element awakens completely in a few days and this pain will subside by then."

Regis thanked the instructor and took his leave.