
Memories III: Consummation?

Chapter 65 - Memories III: Consummation?


However, the system is not responding.

Instead of getting me out of here, the surrounding started to shift and prepared for the next scene.

For some reason, I was getting a bad feeling about what it was going to show me next. The feeling I was getting was much scarier than what I experience a while ago.

After the shift, my surrounding changed and in front of me was a luxurious door.

Seeing the door, my heart started beating wildly.

I was scared of what it was going to show me on the other side.

The last one was not very encouraging.

My breathing quickened as I slowly raised my shaking hands towards the doorknob.

As I was about to touch the doorknob, I heard something that I did not want to hear.


A woman. Moaning.



"More!..Deeper~ t-there~"


A scream of pleasure seemingly having her best time in the world.

I took my shaking hands away as I slowly walked backward before tripping on my feet.

I fell to the floor as my trembling eyes dripping with tears stared at the door in front of me.

No no no no NO!

T-this isn't real!

I don't believe it!

I deny this!

My brother would never indulge in such an act other than with me!

Big brother is mine!

[Error! ErRor!]

I felt my world was falling as I continually heard the women moan in pleasure from the other side of the door.

Sitting on the floor, I slowly moved away from the door.

I was heartbroken and devastated, thinking that my big brother betrayed me.

B-but he would never betray me!

I denied it as soon as I thought of my big brother betraying me.

This must be an illusion!

Yes!? An illusion it must be it!


The soul bond must be wrong!


As if lightning struck me, I suddenly recalled the conversation that I had with my big brother a while ago.

'Another woman? Hmm…I don't really have another, but if you mean that woman I married…' Big brother said.

My eyes trembled in realization. Slowly accepted that what was shown to me was real.

"Haha." I laughed quietly as I thought of my situation.

Thinking of that woman doing those things with big brother, my laugh grew louder as I clenched my fist in anger.

[!@$#%...E @$]

I laughed and laughed as tears continually dropped from my eyes like a waterfall.

After a while… my laugh slowly turned into wailing.

The light in my eyes dimmed as I cried.

I cried and cried as the moans of pleasure from the other side of the door continued to ring inside my ear doing nothing but make me feel worse.

[!@$#%...E @$]

[Critical Situation Detected.]

With my emotions in turmoil, I was not able to notice the system and so I continued to cry in pain.

[Requesting Postponement of Memory Share.]


[Request Granted.]

[Departing User Yue in…5…4…3]



After the countdown, the surroundings shifted before I was suddenly departed.

The feeling of waking up overcame me.

I saw myself back in our room.

Tears were still falling down continuously from my eyes.

Not being able to think of anything else… I continued to cry until I heard a trembling voice beside me.



Back inside the memory if things were to proceed normally.

On the other side of the door where Yue heard the moan.

A large rune circle lay on the entire floor of the luxurious room.

Avery was standing meters away from the bed with his arms crossed.

His face was filled with disgust and disdain as he looked at the scene in front of him.

On top of the king-sized bed were the women to who he was supposed to be 'married' to.

The illusion that she liked to keep up on her face to disguise her appearance was now gone.

Instead of the beauty that was shown in the wedding, what replaced it was something that came out of a horror movie.

Holes were all over her face as worms moved under her skin, occasionally coming out from the holes before going back inside her skin.

Her eyes were crooked seemingly ready to fall out.

The skin was rough with dark patches here and there.

Her lips were dry and stitched, while the teeth were broken with grime and dirt of unknown origin.

The breath that came out of it seems to be some sort of poison.


"More!..Deeper~ t-there~"


She was moaning, as two captured goblins pounded her from both sides.

Avery's frown got deeper hearing her words.

'If the illusion is a success then from her point of view, she should be seeing me pounding her instead of the goblins. Disgusting.'

Seemingly cannot bear to look at the scene in front of him, Avery walked towards the door and left the room.

His job here was done, and she was destined to die from the poisonous disease that those goblins had with them.

After their session, all three of them should be dead.

Coming outside. Avery saw an empty hallway. Tilting his head, he confusedly looked around.

'Why do I feel like something horrible happened here?'

Shaking his head, he quickly dismissed his thoughts as he walked away from the room.

'Sigh* Looks like the scheme was successful.'

'It took me quite a while to trick her given how powerful she was.'

'I was able to successfully drug her and forced her into an illusion.'

'A wedding of illusion for her and her people. And an illusion of consummating with her on the night of the wedding.'

'Thus successfully fulfilling the condition of the Soul Contract by taking advantage of the loophole in the wording.'

'Like hell would I agree to marry and consummate with anyone other than my sister!'

Avery then sighed in relief as he calmed himself down.

'With the contract fulfilled. The map should now be unlocked.'

He then took out a scroll and opened it. It was a map with a drawing of an old ancient hand clock on the side.

Seeing the contents, a smile was then plastered on his face.

'Don't worry Little Yue. With this map, I'll finally be able to locate the legendary artifact to revive you.'

Avery then closed the scroll as he continued walking down the hall with a smile on his face.