
Conquering All Sides

Zephyr, a normal random guy on the outside but a Lord of Technomancers in the inside. What will he do when he reincarnated in the One Piece World? But in Rocks D. Xebec Era!!! All characters except my Ocs are credited to Oda-Sensei. Some ideas are credited and thanks to the other authors.

000911 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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4 Chs

Ch4: Primalis 2

Zephyr's mind is not only the one that became more powerful. His soul too. Being in the Origin with nothing to do other than enhance and master his abilities to the full extent he can do. Of course he will also get curious about this soul form he has taken. His abilities and powers are limited since he doesn't have a physical appearance but it is also advantageous because of this. Since, his body has its limits also. (Well unless he takes advantage of his adaptability but that's for the future now, since it's too late to do that now.)

Getting bored and curious, he studied and tried to do things to see what he could do in his soul/spirit form. And he found out many things.

For example:

Strong and Indomitable Soul/Spirit: He possesses an uncommonly potent soul and gains highly formidable abilities as a result of the soul's power. The user has a strong soul that is equivalent to the power of many souls which comes in handy in situations that test one's spiritual fortitude and grants spiritual abilities. The user's soul is unable to be bound by anything and lives free without anything holding it back. It is also strengthened by the user's sense of purpose, no matter the cost.

He can emit soul/spirit light: Right now he can emit light 2 inches in diameter around him. It might be weak but that's probably because of the powerful endless darkness of the Origin. And he is right. If he is on Earth or in any world, the light he can emit in his soul/spirit form can cover or light a whole small island.

Limited Soul Manipulation(for now): He can manipulate his own soul. He can change his appearance, he can manipulate his size, he can do attacks.

Personal Soul: Can control one's personal soul; the incorporeal and immortal essence of oneself, forever within the presence of the user's sentient being. By controlling one's soul, users can use their spiritual essence in various ways and the power within it to their every advantage. The metaphysical nature of the user's soul defines the supernatural effects.

Soul Energy Manipulation. He can manipulate soul energy to make attacks, to strengthen and widen the light he can emit, to strengthen others to protect them from fear,soul-based and nightmare-like attacks.


And there are many more he can do and he already has ways and plans to unlock it, if he ever gets the chance to.

This may seem powerful and all but really it's not that much. It is only saying the things he can do and it is up to his control and strength if he can make it powerful, and right now he isn't that much powerful. If he uses a soul energy attack he can knock out regular and athletic people, but considering where he is going to, it's not that much useful. For now that is.

"Indeed, what does it have to do with you?" Primalis said, as he analyzed Zephyr's great soul/spirit brimming with energy.

'He has reached incredible heights with his soul and mind left. But considering the time and potential he has, it is to be expected since he isn't limited by his body. But his former body can also reach the enhanced and advanced levels, but it still wouldn't be enough to support him now.' thoughtfully thought by Primalis. Impressed by how he can reach this level considering he doesn't have knowledge on how to and what are. Meaning he trained and learned from the beginning of the beginning studying his powers and abilities thoroughly and to the fullest extent.

"Even I don't know. Even though I am the longest living being and the one who most understand the Origin out of all Primordials, I do not have a valid and perfect answer for that." *Chuckles.

He says while chuckling.

I probably understand why he is amused though. Being absolutely immortal and the first and most powerful individual in the multiverse, and also the most knowledgeable being. He is amused since he doesn't have a credible answer for this.

"Well, if I have to give an answer. My answer is that your soul was destined to go to the Place of Reincarnation, but somehow you also got the interest of many. And then you suddenly disappear after not knowing where to go since there are many who tried to drag you after getting their interest. Like the Weight of Balance, the World of Eternal and Limitless Imagination, Endless Nightmare, Wheel of Unknown, Wheel of Fate, Box of Logic, and some gods and other realms and dimensions." Primalis said and I was surprised and confused.

"Woah, really. But why did I disappear and why are they interested in me?" I said confusedly.

"Well they were interested in you since it's been a long time since someone like you appeared. A person who is normal compared to others, a person who easily understands his limits and makes a solution for this. Not only that, you also reached a high rank in just 5 years in the now known Digital Abyss or more commonly known by the masses and in the past as the Black World or the Underworld. You are one of the 6 people who has access to all things in the Digital Abyss World and the most mysterious person in the Digital Abyss World and in the whole world." Primalis answered.

"I don't really know if I should be proud since most of them sounded like I was the most wanted to be dead by the world, which is what all governments want. Hahaha" Zephyr said, slightly laughing nervously and sighing.

"As for why you disappear…The only conclusion that I have gotten after thinking about it, is that the Origin has his own plans for you. Or in simple terms you were put by the Origin into a great fate and destiny. You were chosen by the Origin for something. I don't know what it might be but i have some guesses and theories." Primalis said. Giving me the most vague answer making me confused to which he answered by:

"You don't have to worry, it is still not your time yet, for the thing the Origin has placed you. I am here to help you grow and experience all kinds of things as per wished by the Origin. The Origin pulled you so that you can start for your growth." He said.

"I see…" I said going along with things since I don't really get anything.

"With that done, how about we get out of this room and go to a garden?" Primalis said, raising his hand and readying to flick. Probably to not freak me out suddenly.

"What do you mean room? I thought we are in the Place of O-" I said, turning around to see the endless darkness outside this lighted area he conjured before. But I didn't see it and instead saw a wooden room with a cabinet full of books, a table with two chair, and pen and paper on the table.

"Flick!" I heard and I suddenly am in a Garden full of flowers and greenery. I felt the energy flowing around and I instinctively thought of 'divine' and 'powerful'.

I turned around again to ask Primalis what was happening, but instead I saw a paper in front of my face.

"Wha- what is this for?" I asked.

"Didn't I say that I am here to help you grow and experience all kinds of things." Primalis said to me while putting the paper in the round table in the garden.

"Yeah, you did." I said while nodding.

"Well what better way to do that than to reincarnate you or send you to a world." he said. "You can experience all sides of things and have the chance to grow more powerful until you are ready for the plans of the Origin." Primalis added, sounding happy.

"What?!! Does that mean I have a chance to be alive again?!" I yelled, surprised by the fact that I can be alive again.

"Yes." He said. "I will explain some things now before I send you to a world." He said and I got ready to listen.

"You will not just reincarnated into 1 world but-"

Sorry, i just don't have the motivation to write. And I only created this for fun

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