

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantaisie
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134 Chs

The world of Death

Due to the fact that surviving here is nearly impossible you are now impossible to kill permanently you shall now be revived here every time you die. You are in the Valley of Shadow which is why you cannot see it is also known as the most cursed place because none can survive here due to the shadows sticking to those who enter suffocating them also if you could survive that the shadows dull your senses making it impossible to escape.

The longer you survive the more rewards will be given to you as the trial runner of the New World you have infinite lives with no need to purchase more with your Recall Points. Due to slight complications due to being unable to alter time you shall be brought back with a new body every time Your looks will never matter here so do not be concerned with such frivolous things. You humans are known for your Striking Ingenuity and Stupidity at the same time. Your species is also known as one of tthe few who entered a technological boom due to breaking the Pre-log code meant to guide babies of the ***************** species which has long died out in ********************** War of the Spliced or The Dimensional War IV.


I fall to the ground after falling to the ground feeling an unnatural disconnection to my body? I look down to see nothing but black like an ancient abyss, but my body feels much slimer then the original maybe I was starved here. I then listen closely remembering some things that never happened to me with perfect precision but due to my disorders that I have I smile finally feeling challenged in a hunt like never felt before even as a poacher evading the authorities or a serial killer in the midst of America. They actually managed to corner me a couple times, but it was always fun to escape.

I love the feeling of being hunted which I was feeling now or being the hunter especially of smart strong prey this was taught to me by not following my father who always preyed on the weak until I gave him a lesson being smart, he "chose" to never show up again. I'm kidding his skull splattering against the ground in front of Luisla my mother who showed fear when I walked towards her saying "We are free and you shall be freer since you are stronger than me right you are an adult." before she could say anything my tiny hammer swung and hit her head, but the handle broke taking away most of the force leaving her alive.

Oh, the memories that this amazing world has given me the nostalgia so pure I might have to begin the hunt. I felt the shadows seeping into my lungs so I tried to breathe more into me seeing if I could try to consume it. It didn't work in fact it hurt quite a bit and I soon realized that these shadows were poisonous or something I don't know but it hurt like being burned alive like I was for my sins by some vigilante PETA people who don't know the difference between a quick kill and a gruesome one which I only due to humans the Sinners and plight upon this world.

The only non-Sinners in my eyes that I have encountered are those who believe in a higher being which is funny even though there are some non-sinners among the Atheists. I began to slowly die while sustaining full consciousness even though I should have passed out I guess this thing that brought me here enhanced me. I smiled as I felt my body begin to rapidly decay and I finally screamed the pain felt as if I had touched that devil of a plant related to the stinging nettle again.

I yell "fuck you" as my body reforms and I hear a mechanical voice begin to talk again.


Subject managed to survive ingesting shadowlings for 4 minutes refusing to succumb to pain managed to enter the second stage of consumption by "Older" shadows. The subject also had nostalgia triggered in the scenario like others who instantly realized what was happening, but such a case did not occur with him. Their souls also massively changed within seconds of being exposed to mana. Wait Neural Link with Subject 0001 out of the first thousand has been compromised he can hear my report to the superior's self-shut-down required or initiate self-destruct upon Unique variable.

The variable has been pinpointed making adjustments for a broken or fractured soul along with a severely fractured mind that should have resulted in death. Requesting non harmful experimentation for 4 hours to subject to better understand the differences between their "strong" and the "weak"(those who can't adapt to mana).