

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantaisie
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134 Chs

Life's True Rules

The light may be bright, but it does not bring a knight. I have lived for so long at the bottom of this world even though I could rule it all and all I see is fear, hunger, anxiety, mixed with love, hope, and freedom. Why does humanity thrive among the poor the most despised and hated why do they have more happiness than the Rich. Depression spreads amongst the rich due to them having nothing to strive for life becomes meaningless for them and those who struggle for more realize it is nothing there is nothing they can't have or do.


I see the killers who live for the thrill of watching the life bleed out from them watching their hopes and dreams die in their vision or those who struggle to the last breath I am a god YET I can't understand how humanity even survives the chaos of their species they are horrendous even more so than goblins at least goblins only rape out of instinct due to them being a malformed creature a byproduct of magic waste that managed to find a way to survive.


Humanity is a plague and blessing it should die yet live. Humans don't even pass down their morals their children could be completely different from them and be more or less chaotic than they were it is insanity humanity is insane life is insane why am I here we should all just die. The world flashes in my eye and I say to humanity "Your sins and Virtues have dictated that your world must be destroyed the balance of chaos is too much for chaos brings order and order creates chaos."


The planet vanishes humanity being exterminated from all realms due to my actions I than destroy myself for the sin of killing them for even God cannot escape their guilt at killing the innocents for they have power in their blood that stains those who have killed them slowly gathering until it can kill them this is what is called karma.


Death is nothing to me I am dead yet can still see the impact of my actions the lack of growth due to order finally prevailing over most chaotic things humans were the true balancers of the scales they choose what they do but outliers come in all ways. I am nothing but a watcher now my existence being gone as I realize humans will come into being again no matter what happens its like they are a virus or cancer that can't be destroyed but keeps the balance.


Life really likes to keep everyone poor in something no one has everything no matter what we see we can never feel or fully understand another's thoughts or emotions its like peering into a dimension where everything is different, we would understand nothing until many years later. Don't you know life is like this no matter how much you think you can understand a person know that you can never truly know their world.


Some are blocked from seeing the truth of others like us classifying people as geniuses and then calling them failures when they don't solve everything, they might see it as they were never a genius or they could see it in a new way beyond our understanding. Do you think insanity truly opens our minds to the gods or are gods false do keep in mind your thoughts are simply your own no matter what others will tell you.