

When an idea comes to mind what do you call it's a concept right? When you have that idea written down on paper it can still be considered a concept while this novel is just a bunch of ideas for novels you may take and use them at your pleasure for each chapter will be something new. Don't let your Nightmare sing (:

Fornicia_Yadrea · Fantaisie
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134 Chs

Forge of Damnation

I sat at my blacksmithing table where my tools sat pristine even though they hadn't been used much for many years. People had given up on forging weapons with the power to damage spirits now they would only use their elemental powers to kill them no one would carry a weapon anymore for weapons most of the time would be just a burden against the soul creatures rising from hell. Where could I even find a way to forge a weapon that could strike the soul there were no materials except the elements themselves that could touch them.


The souls that came from below were divided into categories but almost all of them were immune to any type of psychical damage. The Hunters who would rely on tactics and were the most cunning they would never speak but they can understand our language. The Swarm would be ghosts quite weak but gathered in large numbers like ants they would devour targets near instantly growing bigger with every being consumed. The Chained who most of the time were very slow but could manipulate other souls using invisible chains that could not be seen unless you used holy magic or had magical eyes.


I was just a human smith with no talent for any magic in this world where the dead constantly tried to kill us and even beings the dwelled in hell that came up the only ones with psychical bodies apparently tempered by something Called the River of Styx we were told this by the first Magus the one who first brought magic to this world as it was falling the so called hero who everyone now knows abused his power taking women against their will even killing indiscriminately. All his journals are held within history to show how dark of a person he was until he was killed by his 5 disciples who poisoned him.


These 5 disciples no longer live Afterall that was 100 years ago, and magic has not gotten any better but the undead have slowly been getting stronger more are now dying and fear is resurging. The Journal of the False Hero says, "There is a demon king I must fight but why is he hiding it's like it's weak so I must hunt it before they grow." and most of the journal was encoded in an unheard-of language and most still hasn't been cracked even after all this time.


I smiled as I picked up my tools once again hearing the magus I contracted enter my store with a small soul struggling in his grip as he used mana hands to hold it. "Hey, you know that this is useless right there is no way to forge a soul you have been trying for 20 Years it's enough you tried every kind of metal and every kind of wood you even used the bones from things that belong to that world at the cost of all your savings it's time to give up. Please just give up I know you just want to be useful, but this isn't the way just study them if you want to do something."


I looked at my young friend who I had once saved from their own stupidity and laughed saying "You think I don't know that this is just a stubborn old man's wish to bring his craft into these simple times no one wants to be a farmer nor blacksmith anymore and my talents are becoming useless due to the technology The False Hero brought to our world. I am just an old man one who does not have long to live I am 52 years old, and you are just beginning your life at that tender age of 31 I remember when you were just a curios little kid who would come to my forge."


I picked up my new hammer rubbing the rough metal against my hand with a smile my calluses still thick enough to not feel much. I then had him hold the soul against my anvil trying to forge it with my hammer made from stones found within the home of the Ghosts for portals had formed first when the hero appeared, and the ghosts would come out in droves from them sometimes appearing elsewhere randomly. The anvil had a layer of this stone atop it and the soul was smooshed between the hammer and the anvil spreading out like a jelly. 


I then grabbed my tongs and brought it into the flames they had brought back from Hell as the place was called by the False Hero. The Small Soul began to shriek in pain slowly melting I quickly used a ladle I had created this fire was strangely not hot at all, but I would feel pain every time I got close to it. The souls Melted form I poured into an ingot casting and let it harden it was so much smaller than the soul before the size was reduced by almost 70% it was about 10cm or 3 inches in diameter now. I made the small ingot into a needle slowly hammering it into the general shape then forging it slowly.


[Activating Secondary Class System]


[Congratulations You are the first to get a secondary Class]


[Detecting Reincarnate Having Influenced Events within this world]


[Error Compatible Secondary Class is too high rank]


[Reaching out to Primary Class System]


[Primary Class System user is nearby]


[All Errors Resolved]

---- ( -> = Can evolve)----


Name: Brimno 

Class: Soul Forger (Rare) -> Fictor Mortus (Epic) -> Animortis (Unique)

Abilities (Only show if related to Class):

[Soul Tempering]- Can only be used with a psychical item with Hellstone within it or covering its surface or any other material from Hell. Allows you to interact with souls more precisely.

[Soul Melting]- Using any kind of slow you can slowly melt souls as long as you have the stronger soul.

[Soul Regeneration]- Your soul is more adaptable than most making recovery and resistance 100% better than the average person. If it would be impossible for a regular person to recover from you would still be able to recover just before you die.