
Complicated Destiny

In life, you always get this feeling, words whispered softly in your ear through passing winds, subtle signs left by forces beyond your imagination, dreams pointing you in a particular direction, it doesn't matter how it comes, it matters only if you choose to ignore the call, or if you accept it, accept the call and face, Destiny.

Mirabel_David_7630 · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Chapter 4. Bub

|~ I refuse the responsibility of carrying the child in my stomach for nine months, want a child so bad, you can do it then!

- Quotes from Kat.


Kat's pov

"Honey there's no way you can be beloved to Chris. She's been my friend for years now, you see her almost everyday, you would have known she was your beloved when you turned sixteen!" The rest of my family nodded in agreement to my words. We'd been home for a while now and trying to reason with Damon but he seemed to be, what's the word?, lovestruck.

"But she is my beloved. I just looked at her and it clicked and it was like my life was finally complete. Mom, dad, you get me don't you, you're each other's true mates!" I sighed and sat. Obviously nothing we're saying is getting into his head. There is something weirder than normal going on and he isn't listening to reason!.

"Damon come on, don't you think there's something off about all this" Dad tried.

"Can't you guys just be supportive?!" his tone was harsh. "I love Chris, she's the one" his tone was far away, dreamy, dear I say wistful.

""The beloved bond doesn't work that way Damon!" Karen said. "It makes your beloved the perfect person for you but it doesn't make you fall in love at first sight!. You recognize the person as your beloved, get to know the person, hang out, connect on a deeper level before the topic of love comes!" Damon glared at Karen, then at the rest of us.

"If you're all hell bent on disapproving of the love of my life, if you guys can't be supportive then screw you!" he esclaimed and stormed off. I sighed and ran after him.

"We're sorry D, we didn't mean to be judgy, it just came as kind of a shock to us and we were worried because we love you. And now because of that love we are so happy for you!" I squealed and when he smiled, wrapped my arms around him and a tight hug.

"Congrats, a celebration is in order" mom said, a worried smile on her face.

"Yeah of course. What kind of party would you like, big or small?" Dad asked, joining in the charade.

"Big!. I want everyone to know the magnificence that is my beloved!" Damon said, obviously falling for this. We would throw him the party to keep him happy because when Damon is angry, he's unpredictable and dangerous. But we are definitely not dropping this, not by a long shot.

"Great!. You better get started on those invitations" Karen said. He nodded and ran up the stairs, a disturbingly lovestruck smile on his face.

Mom motioned for Karen to pick me up and follow her and dad. She did and we zoomed out of the house, supernatural speed. When we got far enough that Damon wouldn't hear us, we stopped and Karen put me down.

"Something's up, if she was really his beloved we'd know by now" Karen said.

"Way to point out the obvious sis" I joked. I was ignored.

"He's been spelled. You can see it in his eyes, the damn lovestruck look isn't Damon" I said. This time, everyone nodded in agreement with me.

"Alright we know he's spelled but we don't know what spell can make someone believe they're someone else's beloved when they're not. I'll ask Kiana, my packs priestess, if she knows about such black magic" Dad said, running his hands through his hair.

"I'll ask Elizabeth and her clan of witches" mom put in.

"I'll talk to Jason, he knows about this stuff, what with being alive since the beginning of time and all" I said with a shrug.

"And I will go through the royal archives in the vampire king Cain's castle" Karen said.

"Hold on, won't you get in trouble if you get caught? no one but the king is authorised to get in there" I said.

"Probably not if you came with me" there was a sly grin on Karen's face I didn't quite like.

"How can I offer you a free pass if you get caught?" I asked the question that was probably on everyone's mind.

"Well he seems to care about you. I mean he saved your life, pardoned you from punishment, asking you to sit beside him and asking me to bring you to the council in the first place" Karen explained.

"He asked for me?" I asked at the same time mom said; "Saved, why did you need to be saved?"

"it's nothing mom, I'll tell you about it later" I said.

"Back to the matter at hand. Cain obviously needs you for something so he won't hurt you and he can't fire me, I'm his best commander" Karen exuded cool confidence, something despite my tough attitude, lacked.

"But what if you're wrong and he kills me or something" I said

"I won't let him touch you Kat" I calmed down after that. Despite the fact that King Cain is really powerful, Karen wouldn't let anyone harm me, at least not while she breathes. Wait now that worries me. Before I can voice my complaints, dad interrupts.

"When we get back someone is going to explain why you were in danger and what king Cain wants with you darling" dad said to me. I pouted.


"Good. Let's get to it. We gather intel and meet here tomorrow after Damon's party" Karen said, already about to leave.

"Wait but who's planning Damon's party?" I asked. We all stared at each other.

"Let's gather information today and half of tomorrow and then get back home and start planning the party at about six pm" Dad suggested, we agreed. He nodded at us.

"Be careful" he stared at me specifically. I nodded and didn't get offended because obviously, I was the most likely to get hurt. Dad and mom zoomed off. Now it was just me and Karen.

"I say we talk to Jason first, that way if he knows something we can avoid the suicide mission you want to take us on" I said. Karen laughed.

"Where does he live?" she asked.

"On peak hill" I answered.

"Isn't that close to.." "The portal back to hell, yes" I interrupted. "He stays there because he's still not sure about earth. If it doesn't satisfy he can just jump right back to hell" I was a little bitter about that. I didn't want him to leave. I don't know if he considers me a friend but he sure as hell is mine.

"Alright, we'll leave tomorrow. Can't have Damon getting suspicious if no one's home"


It was the morning after our plans yesterday and I was in Karen's arms, the wind rushing around us had me covering my face with my hand. Within a minute or so we were there and Karen stopped, waited a bit for me to calm down and stop the spinning world around me. When I was calm enough she put me down. I looked up at Jason's mansion in awe. it's beautiful. I had asked Jason, when we weren't really friends but we're paired up for a project together and had to do the project at his house, how he could afford such a house. He replied by saying "Perks of being the son of the ruler of hell". I remember being too scared to go in. Jason has to continuously reassure me that the devil was not sitting in his house, just waiting for me to walk in so he could devour my soul or something.

I mean it's not everyday you're paired up for a project with the son of Lucifer. Of course no one else in school knows he's Lucifer's son.

, Karen knocked and seconds later, a man who looked suspiciously like Jason but not quite stood there, shirtless with a body to die for and a face to match. He had Jason's flaming red hair but his seems darker, his red eyes just shades brighter than Jason's. I don't know why I didn't put two and two together.

"Who are you?" I blurted out.

"I believe I'm more in the position to ask that question, after all I'm standing in the house and you're not" well he had a point.

"I'm Katrina Kaif, you can call me Kat but not Kathryn, I hate her in the vampire diaries. This is my sister Karen. Your turn" I said. Of course the introduction was over the top but this is one of those times where I'm left out of the brain to mouth s


The distinct smell of sulfur identified this beautiful man as a demon.

"I think I'll decide for myself if I want to tell you my name Kathryn" he crossed muscular arms over his muscular chest, muscles flexing and distracting me. What? I'm still a girl!.

"I suggest you let us in so we can conduct our business and be on our way before I decide to kick your ass and let myself in" my sass will be the death of me. Karen wasn't interrupting possibly because she sensed, like I did, the energy levels on this guy wasn't strong at all.

"I'm pretty sure I'd catch your leg before you raise it" he said, a really smug grin decorating his handsome face.

"Well I beg to differ. Let us in you asshole!" wow I'm particularly stupid today, I just won't shut up. Suddenly the energy levels around him increased drastically and I was pinned to the wall in the house by an angry Jason lookalike.

"You will not insult me little girl, I may not be in hell but I'm still king!" all the humour was gone from his face. He was all rage now and his eyes literally looked like they were on fire. I put two and two together then.

"Um" I gulped. "You wouldn't happen to be.." "The devil, all powerful ruler of hell, Lucifer, Satan, Beelzebub?, that I am. I prefer Beelzebub, call me that or any of my other names but do not call me Bub, makes me sound like a grandpa" ok. I was pinned to the wall by a shirtless Satan, Beelzebub or whatever with my sister hitting an invisible wall trying to get to me.

"Let me in!" Karen growled. Her claws had extended and she was scratching at whatever invisible barrier that was preventing her from entering.

"I'm sorry Karen, no vamps allowed without invite" Bub said with false pity.

"But the only way that's possible is if.." I sighed. Smart lad. "The house is under the name of a human who has to invite her in"

"Good girl Kathryn! you're smarter than I thought. Now that big sistur can't come to play, I can do whatever I want with you" his eyes lit up with flame once more but this one was like icy flame. Cool, calculating. I'm ashamed to say my heart jumped in my chest in fear.

"If I put my hand in your hair right now would it burn?" I asked, A because his hair was also on fire and B because I'm stupid and don't know when to shut up.

"Why don't you try it, see what happens" he grinned. All fangs and no humour. I tried to shrink into the wall.

"Dad let her go, I've told you to stop frightening my guests" Jason said from the stairs. He sounded bored and disinterested, as if this was.a normal occurrence. Jason came into my line of view and both of our eyes widened. Mine was because he was shirtless and hot. His I imagine is because he's surprised to see me in his house and his father's choke hold.

"Kat oh my G.." "Don't say it son, you know how I feel about the G word" Jason rolled his eyes.

"Kat what are you doing here?" he asked, already trying to pry his father off me.

"I need your help with something" I said, completely cool for someone who's literally on the devil's turf.

"So she's one of the people you care about. She's one of the reasons you won't come back home with me. What is she, girlfriend, crush?" before Jason could answer my sassy, stupid mouth opened and stuff came out.

"Having family issues Bub" I stressed the Bub. His grip tightens around my neck.

"I could snap your neck in a second without breaking a sweat" he said, his voice scarily cool. Bub tilted my head to the side as if demonstrating. I hear Karen's attempts at getting into the house like background noise.

"But you care about your son and I don't think he'll be ok with you killing his friend so.." His grip tightened and I was gasping for air, clawing at his hands rather uselessly.

"Kat, my dad has anger issues, please stop riling him up. Dad, you're hurting her. Let. Go" Bub sighed and let me go. I fell to the ground and took big gulps of air to relieve my burning throat. I took too much in and coughed.

"I will kill you Lucifer!" Karen screamed from outside.

"Karen hi, I'm sorry the human who owns the house is out right now" Jason gave her an apologetic look. Bub smirked.

"Kat I'm sorry about my dad, he's a bully" he glared at Bub who shrugged. Jason bent to my level on the ground and placed his hands gently on my neck. A soothing heat spread through my neck and when he took his hands off i felt no pain.

"Thanks Jase" I said, sighing in contentment.

"No problem. Now let's go to the living room and you can tell me what you need" Jason said and helped me up. I glared at Bub then followed Jason into the magnificent living room.

"Well since you're here Bub I'll ask you too. What do you know about spells that can make someone believe another person is their mate or beloved when they aren't" Bub was about to interrupt me, probably to threaten me to never call him Bub when they both froze.

"That's black magic of the worst caliber, it's the dragon mage"


