
Complementary Wings (Eng Ver)

Jessica and Fauzan have been in a relationship for six years. They have tried to understand each other inside and out.     They both have families that are not harmonious but still try to be fine.      From friendship too, to support each other until no one can make their relationship stretch.    However, such a thing as a relationship is not possible without problems. From the third person, they have been through selfish, overprotective, toxic relationships.    if friendly the past will only be a lesson without suffering. However, not all of these expectations were realized. A third person comes back and intends to destroy their relationship.    Then, will Jessica and Fauzan be able to maintain their relationship and defeat all these parasites?

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226 Chs

The Harmony Of Jessica' Family

    After Fauzan came home, Jessi went straight into the room without further ado. Lazy, he'd better rest his body by checking his groceries.

    Surya Putra Raegar is the owner of a well-known car repair shop in his city. It has been in existence for about five years. Not only a workshop but also a seafood restaurant in the same city. Not in Jakarta where they live, but in Palembang far from where they are. I don't know what Surya's goal is to set up a business far from where he lives.

   Jessi's relationship with her father was not at all good. Even Jeno seemed reluctant to call him papa.

    His wife is none other than Jessi's mother named Alinskie Bwuy, a son of a mining conglomerate in Singapore. Marrying Surya is the biggest disaster in his life, according to him. They married because of an arranged marriage and without any love at all. Their marriage lasted until now not because of love, trust, and affection. Instead, they just delay the separation.

    His relationship with Jessi wasn't very good either. His relationship with Jeno is better than with Jessi.

    So, basically in their family, no relationship is called family. Jeno thinks Jessi is just a sister without affection. So did their parents.

    Jessi is their biological child but seems like a stepdaughter. The estrangement of their relationship is not without reason. There is one problem that makes and triggers more problems for children until they end up being strangers even though they live in the same house.

    Even so, their pocket money every month is always smooth, Surya gives without even being absent.


    Jessi took out a very beautiful dress that was chosen by Cleo at the mall because Jessi was lazy to choose. He chuckles in amazement by lifting clearly how the clothes look. Cleo can always be relied on for fashion matters.

    After that, Jessi took out another one. One by one until everything was finished he saw.

   His cell phone rang which turned out to be from Fauzan. He immediately picked it up because it was him who asked for it.

    "Hello?" Jessi pressed it between her ear and shoulder. While he used his hands to fold back all his clothes.

   "I've arrived home, Babe. You immediately rest, okay?"

   "Oh yes, thank goodness you arrived home safely. You should also rest right away!"

    After saying that he put his phone back on the nightstand beside his bed and focused on all his new clothes.

    Fauzan called him just to let Jessi know when he got home.


   Fauzan had just laid down on his soft mattress, his cell phone rang again, disturbing his closed eyes.

    Fauzan sighed annoyed because his rest was disturbed. He looked at his phone screen and frowned. He didn't know the number that called him. Afraid it was from an important person, Fauzan immediately sat back in his position and picked up the incoming call.


    Fauzan was just about to open his mouth to say hello first, but the voice there stopped him and made Fauzan instantly stiffen up.

   He knew who the voice belonged to.

   "Lyn?" Fauzan's voice trembled. Between fear, confusion, anxiety, and who knows what else there.

    "Yes. How are you?"

    Fauzan straightened his body even more. There was a feeling of longing in his heart when he heard that voice, but guilt immediately pushed forward.

    "Fine, how about you?"

    "I'm fine too. I miss you, Zan. Can we meet up?"

    Fauzan was confused. He didn't know how to answer the question.

    "I have to ask Jessi first, Lyn. But I'm not sure if she will give permission," he answered sadly.

    "You're still with Jessi? I thought you broke up," he said sounding surprised.

   Everyone would think that his relationship with Jessi wouldn't last for years because of the attitude of the two of them that made everyone doubt.

    "Still," he answered simply.

    "Well, I'll close it this time. I don't want to disturb your relationship again. You just have to make that stupid thing once and don't repeat it," he said then hung up the phone.

    Fauzan chuckled sarcastically at the last message the woman had conveyed. It would be funny if that woman said that.

   Fauzan threw his cell phone carelessly. He hated the feeling that immediately appeared even just by hearing the woman's voice. He realized his folly. He should be smarter to see who is really sincere, not just smooth.


    Jessi went downstairs to the dining table in the typical wake-up dress. Haven't showered at all. It's a bad habit that never goes away.

   At the dinner table, some people act like families. Everything was fine when Jessi sat down. No one to say hello or even more to greet.

   It was as if they were strangers who didn't know each other. They ate in silence, there was no conversation at all.

   "It's very quiet. What music are you playing?" chirps Jessi with her idea.

    "It's still morning," Jeno said still with his food.

    "After all, it's very quiet this morning. Mom and Dad, why aren't you making a noise like usual? It's a busy house then, it's not like it's very quiet now," said Jessi with all her words that never passed the filter first.

   "Why are you so happy to see your parents fuss?" Surya asked which made Jeno and Jessi immediately turn to him. Then they looked at each other as if they understood what his heart was saying. 

    Soon they were both chuckling. I want to laugh out loud, I'm afraid it's embarrassing.

   "It's fun when you see you guys fighting like that. Just separate. Come on, Jeno will take you to the religious court!"

    Jessi laughed, even more, when she heard the whole thing. They are not children who stop their parents from fighting. Precisely if both their parents are fine, they are uncomfortable. Strange indeed. Jeno just told them to separate.

    "You are so insolent! Early in the morning, you have made the atmosphere uncomfortable," said Surya angrily.

    "It's natural for them to be like that. I also want to be separated from you," said Alin indifferently as he continued to eat.

    "You want to separate? Why? Because I'm not rich enough for you? You are a matre woman. I don't know how to profit," replied Surya, getting angry.

   "You're the one who doesn't know how to profit. It's better if I'm still with you so far. If it weren't for Jeno and Jessi, I would have gone back to my father's house long ago."

   "Anyway, I'm surprised at my papa. How can you match me with a poor man like you? You should know yourself to marry me."

    Jeno and Jessi were still relaxed enjoying their meal. Even the appetite of both of them is increasingly seeing the fight that happened. Their gazes are like watching a drama while eating.

   "It's great when every day is like this."