
Complementary Wings (Eng Ver)

Jessica and Fauzan have been in a relationship for six years. They have tried to understand each other inside and out.     They both have families that are not harmonious but still try to be fine.      From friendship too, to support each other until no one can make their relationship stretch.    However, such a thing as a relationship is not possible without problems. From the third person, they have been through selfish, overprotective, toxic relationships.    if friendly the past will only be a lesson without suffering. However, not all of these expectations were realized. A third person comes back and intends to destroy their relationship.    Then, will Jessica and Fauzan be able to maintain their relationship and defeat all these parasites?

Lovurple4_ · Teen
Not enough ratings
226 Chs

Stupid Or Too Good

   Today without anyone Jessi walks around the shopping building alone. Fauzan is currently dealing with one of his father's companies. As for Cleo and Rere, Jessi didn't want to bother them first. It was enough yesterday they accompanied him around.

    Her eyes sparkled when she saw a brown dress with a very beautiful title. His feet quickly took him into the shop. Hoping that no one will come before him to take the dress.

    However, just as it was only a moment before his feet reached the mannequin, a pair of hands immediately reached him. Preceding Jessi took the clothes. Makes Jessi instantly gloomy.

   "Well, it's been a while," he chuckled disappointedly. He does not like the name fuss and struggle. If someone else wants it, please take it, he will find someone else. Even if it's a naughty feeling.

    His body was about to turn but was held back by the face that took his clothes. The woman who preceded him got the beautiful dress. His body immediately stood straight up staring straight at the woman who was not alone. He seemed to be with his girlfriend too.

    His knees buckled, his eyes glazed over. He's still in the city even the same place his feet stepped on?

    When the woman was about to turn around, Jessi's reflex also turned her body to avoid their meeting.

    His feet took him straight out of the clothing store. He didn't want to buy anything anymore. His face was enough to make him lose all his shopping desires.


   Jessi sat alone in a restaurant which was on a different floor from the shop. Hoping that he would never see that person again. Even if it could be forever.

   "Please, sis!" A waitress came with Jessi's order. A plate of Aceh noodles with orange ice accompanies it.

    "Thank you," he said with a slight nod of his head and a sweet smile. Then he left Jessi alone again.

   Hoping to clear his mind over the fight this morning, instead made his mind full again.

   Jessi finished her meal and wanted to hurry home. However, the ringing of his cell phone stopped him from eating. He picked up the incoming call from Fauzan first.

   "Babe, where are you? Do you need me to follow?"

    "I'm eating. You..." Jessi's words stopped in midair when she was about to answer. His thoughts returned to the woman earlier, what if Fauzan met her? What if they were… Ah well, let Fauzan pick him up. Meeting or not matters later. After all, even if Fauzan can't hold onto the trust that Jessi has given him, it will be Jessi's choice.

   "Yes, you just pick it up. I'll send the location later," he replied later.

   "Okay. You quickly send the location, okay!"

   "Yes. Well, well, I'll close first. I'm still eating," he said. Only after receiving an answer from Fauzan did he hang up the call. And put the phone back on the table. Go back to eating.


   Rere parked his motorbike in front of the mini-market. Then he went in to buy all the materials he needed for a month. He admits that it was his fault that he brought a motorbike instead of a car. Where would he put all his shopping if that was the case?

   Luckily he already knew one of the employees at this minimarket. So, he can ask for help carrying his groceries by car.

   "Re? Shopping?" Rere who was taking some toilet paper immediately turned around when he heard someone greeting him.

    "Eh? Yes, shopping. What are you thinking?" he replied curtly. At first, he was surprised when he saw that it was Satria who greeted him earlier. However, he quickly changed his surprised expression to normal.

    "I think that's how it works," he said casually. He also took several boxes of toilet paper and put them in his shopping cart.

    Rere rolled his eyes lazily he then continued his shopping and left Satria there alone.

   In addition to continuing to look for something he was looking for, Rere also did that to dodge. Being close to Satria for too long can hurt his heart health.

    His eyes widened when he saw the presence of someone in the doorway of the convenience store. Even though the woman's position was on her side and was playing with her cellphone, Rere could still clearly recognize her.

    Evelyn. The woman who once made her best friend down and sad. At first, he wanted to approach the woman, but immediately stopped when he remembered that he was shopping. He just continued without wanting to pay attention to the presence of the woman with the Caucasian accent.



    Rere turned his head when he heard someone say the name. He turned around and found Satria who was surprised to see the same woman.

   They are waiting in line to pay. Rere shifted his focus back to paying for all his shopping.

   "Bima, can you please help me?" asked Rere uncomfortably.

    Satria who was standing behind him also turned around. He kept watching what the woman in front of him was doing.

    "Yes, why, Re? If I could I'd help," he answered in a friendly manner.

   "I did a lot of shopping, but it's stupid to even bring a motorbike. Is there anyone who can take all my groceries home?"

   The man who was facing Rere chuckled. Not once had she done this. This is the second time.

    "Oh, it's okay, I'll just let me help later. There's a production car," he answered after finishing his chuckle.

    "No need. Just let me help," said Satria from behind making Rere look straight at him.

    "There's no need, Sat. I'm just asking for help from here," Rere replied, not wanting to be involved further with Satria.

    "You're bothering me if you rely on this site. It's better if you stay with me, we're also in the same direction, right?"

    Rere couldn't help it anymore. After all, it was true, their house was on the same road.

    "Yeah, okay," replied Rere then.


    Evelyn who was standing in front of the convenience store door was surprised when the door suddenly opened. Especially seeing who is now in front of him.

    "Satria? Rere?"

    Ree rolled her eyes lazily. Seeing Evelyn's innocent face made him sick, even wanting to throw up. In contrast to Satria who stared at the woman coldly.

    "Did you guys go shopping?" he asked casually.

    "No. We're done farming," replied Rere curtly.

    "Re!" Satria scolds not liking Rere's rude reply.

    "How come you two are together? You guys are already dating, right?"

   "Why? Do you want to ruin your life? What does this have to do with my life anyway?" Rere could at least deal with people who had two faces.

   Evelyn looked down at Rere's curt reply. He wouldn't be angry, he knew why Rere was behaving like that to him.

   "Sorry, Lyn. Don't take what he said to heart, Rere. How are you?" asked Satria still with a flat and cold tone.

   "Yes. It doesn't matter, Satria. I'm fine. How are you?"

   Seeing the interaction between them, made Rere even more fed up. How could he still see such a good interaction between them?

    Unable to stand it, Rere immediately left them on his motorbike. Just leave the shopping in Satria's car.

    "Either so good or so stupid. They're all insane!"