
Companionship: Terraforming in Another Word

"Blessings" The principle that governs the magical world. where a person can receive his/her previous memories back on earth. The concept itself is a mystery, that humanity has yet to solve. From Lamborn village, there was a boy who just received his blessing and found out he was previously a 50-year-old unemployed cockfighting addict. With that information how will his journey unfold, now that his previous rooster became his companion in the magical world?

Noraa_Lyrics · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

The Reyes Family

The mother of the kid who heard her son cry stopped washing dishes as she went straight to the front yard where the son was at.

"What happened?" the mother said

she hugged me as she ask for an explanation. the parent of the other child said that it was an accident. and my mother believes in it. which in fact it isn't.

I remember it clear as day, those children are bullying me because of my timid personality. I realize even though I have my previous memory back I also have my current memories of this world. that we are the Reyes family. my father is a farmer.

I look at my mother's face as she brings me back to my room.

she is my mother a lively housewife, the only negative about her is she doesn't like to be in the center of attention and is very shy.

I entered my room.

Woah, everything is childish, from the bed to the floor, even the walls and ceilings have soo many childish decorations. i am supposed to be 9 years old this is as expected.

"Go play with your toy Mrs. Bear-bear, and wolf-wolf," the mother said as she gave me the two toys.

I felt a bit uneasy.

as the mother gets out of the room she closes the door.

I walk around the room and suddenly a flashing light suddenly appears under my bed. I looked at what is under and I found an iPhone 13 Pro Max, with a charger and a lightning port earphone.

"There you are," I said

it took me a while to explore the phone because this is the first time I ever had a flagship phone, and it's iPhone.

I check for the storage if it really did have the same application, search history, and memories of my previous phone and it did.

"Thank you, Tallah"

suddenly there is been a ruckus in the backyard.

the father was only feeding his bird when out of nowhere one of my father's magical bird escaped. and it clawed the father giving him a small scratch on the face. as the said bird escape the boy's mother went to see her husband.

"honey are you okay? what happened to your face?"

the father explained the weird phenomena, he apparently saw his bird morph into a different bird with blood-like feathers on the head. as he was about to check closer that bird suddenly broke the cage and strike his face. he wasn't able to defend, he also mention that it was too fast. the crazy part is that the bird should be able to fly but after the bird hit the father it just runs really fast.

meanwhile, the kid went back to the front yard door as he try to look behind the door and slowly open it. those children that are bullying him are nowhere to be seen. he then went out closed the door and ran.

Rene Jayson is still surprised such a world exists, he looks from side to side as he runs. he saw a few houses, unfamiliar animals flying and walking, beautiful mountains on the horizon, fresh air and soothing ambiance, and most importantly mild temperature.

"Now this is not the Philippines, I'm sure of that," I said

I went to the place where my kid self always goes.

I walk on a steep slope going to that one tree I always go to refresh my mind.

As I reach the top a great view can be seen.

Rivers, big trees, tiny houses (Far away), fiery birds, grass-eating gentle abomination, and many more things.

I pointed to the horizon.

That kingdom over there that I have only been once, everything is fresh.

I sit under the tree.

"Sup, Jay-R," someone said

I replied back

"Yeah, whazzup."


I look to my side. and there I saw a bird.

the two look at each other, the only difference is the bird is glaring at Luccione.

"Don't tell me are y-?"

the bird disrupts my sentence.

"Giovanni is the name," the bird said

the two looked at each other again, but now Luccione is even more confused.

"What, you're surprised I can talk, haha. what a loser"

"Nice to see you again, idiot owner" the said bird

"W-w-wait you're THE CHICKEN?!!" Luccione shouted

"Relax boomer, it's not like you've seen a ghost"


"Well, back at the floating mansion, you did saw me as a ghost hahaha. awkward" the bird said

"Hold on, hold on, hold on, I have so many questions, first of all, how are you able to talk with that bird beak, second what with your humor, and third there is no resemblance of that of a chicken on you at all," I asked the bird


"I did not expect you would challenge my talking skills the moment I speak. very well, I will answer your questions"

it was a very long long time ago.


back when Jay-R's rooster was stolen from him.

"Hey! hey! hey! where are you taking me?"

"I am that man's rooster over there," said the rooster as he point with his beak to Jay-R."

the guy did not stop as he go straight to the exit door.

*chicken shock face*

"Don't tell me, are you planning to cook me?"

"I only lose my tail feathers, I can still fight. please don't kill me" said the rooster as he was begging the man not to cook him.

as they go to the roadside, a speeding car approach and stop in front of them as if like it was planned to kidnap the rooster to the start.

the man holding Jay-R's rooster enters a black car. as they close the door, the car moves out.

"Well, well, well, look who's here"

"The Fucking chicken who beheaded my chicken"

turns out the former Gamefowl champion is responsible for the kidnapping.

"You owe me a lot of money, friend," said the former champion

that's when the rooster knew his life will never be the same.

*back to the present*

"I see," said Luccione

"That guy can't believe he got defeated by me, of course, he will be targeting you"

"yeah, yeah, my life wasn't the same after that," said the bird

"So what's with you, naming yourself Giovanni," said Luccione

I became that guy's favorite gamble-mate he called me Giovanni at some point in time" said the bird name, Giovanni.

"Hey, I want you to call me Giovanni as well. it's part of who I am now" said Giovanni

Luccione stands up under the tree as he looks at the amazing view.

"Well then, Giovanni let's go back home for now."

*several minutes later back at home*

Luccione helped Giovanni fly to the roof and wait for him to open his windows. As he went to his room silently to avoid his parent's attention, Luccione found his mom waiting for him in his room.

"You went back to the tree again didn't you, how many times do I have to tell you it's dangerous you might fall off the cliff." Luccione mom scolded at him.

"I'm sorry mom, I'll be careful, I promise," Luccione said as he bow his head.


"You receive your blessing didn't you?"


how did she know I got my previous memory back?

As I look at the bed I forgot my charger and my earphone was still laying on the bed.

"I'm sorry mom, I lied to you" Luccione apologized again

his mother sighed

"you don't have to apologize"


"So what's your nationality back on earth?" said the mother

I was out of my words the moment she ask about my previous nationality.

"I-I'm a Filipino, mom. I lived in the Philippines" I replied

"I see, hahaha, your mom was once an American and your dad was Japanese."

"Our family really did have a distinct nationality, that's amazing. I mean its kinda weird actually since I'm American, your dad is Japanese while our biological child is Filipino, hahaha"

I never realize it before, it really is bizarre.

"Hey, mom does that mean dad's surname was originally Reyes?" Luccione ask

"Ahh, no no, not at all. my surname is Reyes, your dad's surname is originally Kurozawa but we decided to use my surname instead as a family name" said the mother

I ask my mom why is that and she said.

"Well back then your dad is a yakuza, it was kinda like a gang group. your dad doesn't want to use that surname anymore, your dad told me, only bad memories consist of that surname."

"well even I don't want to talk about it, and neither should you. so you have to keep it a secret, promise?"

I didn't know this side of my mother, I bet she was a badass back on earth.

both of us seat together on the bed as my mother then talks about a different topic.

"son, this world we live in is extraordinary, it is not the environment I'm afraid of but it's the people that reside in it. that is why your mom has a lot of reason to worry about you" said the mother

she was scared that something might happen to me if I went farther away.

"mom there is also another member of our family, I forgot to introduce you about"

Luccione get off his bed and went to the window and open it.

"Go on, don't worry mom ain't gonna bite," luccione said as he seems to be calling someone from outside the windows

the bird walks in slowly as he look at my mother.

"Okay, mom this is Giovanni, the bird, he's my partner. go on introduce yourself"

it took a while before the bird talked, Luccione mother started to doubt him of having a mental issue"


"Roses are red, Violets are blue"

"My girl, you have beautiful eyes"

"Your husband must be proud, to have you"


Luccione mom was speechless. she even drop the charger she was holding


"THE BIRD IS ACTUALLY TALKING!!!" the mother scream

the father rush to the room.

"Honey, what's wrong"

"hon, the bird just talks," said the mother

the father recognizes the said bird.

"Hey! your the one who scratches my face" he did recognize the bird

"Gomenasai," said Giovanni with a deep voice

everyone is surprised the bird did Japanese

Everyone is shouting in that poor boy's room the neighbor around is even hearing them shout to the other side.


I have a lot to learn about my partner's unexpected multilingual capabilities.

- End Chapter

Dear readers,

Sorry if my other chapters have a lot of bad sentences I will be doing a revised update later on.

My god, never thought the day would come that I would hit 1.5k views, thank you all so much. btw this novel cover photo is starting to piss me off now ngl lol.

Noraa_Lyricscreators' thoughts