

Rose" I'm coming back for good " Alice "Really" Rose "Yeah" Alice "How about the school your building for himba tribe" Rose "Its done already that's why im coming back for good" Alice "Omg finally i can take a vacation" Rose "Why is acting ceo really that hard hehe" Alice "Yes i need a vacation and my parent's been calling me to find a husband already." Rose "I'm sorry best friend i already promise to the kids that i will be there to spend time with them. How about put renjie as a ceo so we can  catch up with the our friend's. Alice that's a nice idea so see you soon i will pick you up at the airport." Rose "See you soon." The story of Alex dwayne vaughn And Rose Wright

roskie2604 · Urbain
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14 Chs


Chapter 1

After a few months finally the school building in himba tribe in africa is done I've been to country to country to build a school for the kids in every country's tribe this is my dream to help the kids who is in need

Now this is my time to rest for while and fucos on my charity (kids home) back in thailand and to my business

But before i go back to thailand i will be going home first to london to visit my parent's its been a while that i visited them

Me and my other sister been living in thailand since senior high with our grandma while our parent's and my two brother is living in london while our older sister is living in the Philippines with her own family

Before i forgot let me introduce my self

Hi my name is rose Wright 25 years old

Im on my way out to london city airport i was about to call my parent's when i heard someone call my name

Its my dad

"Rose baby where here" i walk where they are and hug my parent's

"I miss you daddy"

"I miss you mommy it's been a long time"

My dad broke the hug moments and get my luggage so we go to the car where the driver is waiting.

on our way to home we are just talking about how my life in himba tribe so i did tell them what i learn there and the life there and talking to what happend to the past few months that i didn't see them and my mother began to tell a lot of stories what happened to them and still my mom is a good in memorizing the old happenings to them hehe

I spend one week in london and now im packing again to go home in thailand it was the best spending my one week with my parent's and brothers

And now im on my way to airport with our driver i don't want them to send me I'm emotional when comes to goodbye even tho they always visit.