

Rose" I'm coming back for good " Alice "Really" Rose "Yeah" Alice "How about the school your building for himba tribe" Rose "Its done already that's why im coming back for good" Alice "Omg finally i can take a vacation" Rose "Why is acting ceo really that hard hehe" Alice "Yes i need a vacation and my parent's been calling me to find a husband already." Rose "I'm sorry best friend i already promise to the kids that i will be there to spend time with them. How about put renjie as a ceo so we can  catch up with the our friend's. Alice that's a nice idea so see you soon i will pick you up at the airport." Rose "See you soon." The story of Alex dwayne vaughn And Rose Wright

roskie2604 · Urban
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14 Chs


Suvarnabhumi Airport

thailand airport

After 11 hours and 40 minutes finally

im outside of the airport waiting for alice to arrive

So that i can finally see the kids and give the gift my mom bought for them.

Finally saw alice running towards me then hug me tight like there's no tommorow.

"Oh my god i miss you so much"while hugging me

"I miss you too" this feels so nice to be back where i belong while thinking

"So where to" coming back to real life when alice ask me

"Can we eat lunch first im so hungry i didn't eat the food in the plane i was asleep the whole flight" while walking to her car

"Sure shall we eat at the old place" alice ask

while we put my three luggage

"Yes please i miss the food there I've been craving the pad thai" stir fried noodles

"I bet you miss thai food because your gone for a few months"

"Yeah i really miss thai food

so now that im back for good i will be eating them soon" while in my head I'm talking to my tummy to be expand more so i can eat many dishes later (laughs in my head)

We are on the parking now about to go out in the car when alice told me " let's go this is my treat welcome back again best friend" while smiling at me

"Really then i won't be shy to order" looking at her while smiling too

We sat on the table after ordering the food in the counter

i am looking at the place while thinking back then it never change it's just that they added some more dishes and drinks on there menu

I'm still looking the place when alice told me

"Did your parent's told you something"

"Something about what" while looking at the window

"About Mrs'Vaughn" looking at my confuse face

" Who is Mrs' Vaughn" asking a confuse face

"Oh she's your mom friend and always visit the kid's home (charity name) she always bring food and clothes for the kids"

" Mom never told me that" still confuse and alice know that i don't like someone who is not a family or a close friend of mine donates money in my charity since my family and friends are already did so i don't accept money for donations i can provide my charity and the kids

"Maybe aunt forgot to mention it to you since you just stay there for a week only"


" Mrs' Vaughn is a nice woman she cares a lot to the kids in charity since his only son is an adult already and only one

and busy with work since his an actor slash ceo of his own clothes brand" alice said while smiling

"Hmmm i think she's really nice because she care a lot to the kids and always donate

and why are you smiling anyway when you mention her son" teasing Alice

" Nah im just talking about Dwayne you know hondsome men attract me haha"

I just smile at her since i dont have time to watch thai drama since I'm always out of the country i don't even watch my sister and my friend's drama.

oh forget to tell you that my sister who is living with me in thailand is an actress here and even my friends is actors here but even i rarely see them still we love each other support each other no matter what

As we both talk our food is delivered to us and we start eating since I'm starving already.

We are about to finish our food when alice ask me "So where i can drop you i know your tired from 11 hours flight don't tell me your going straight to kid's house" alice looking at me

waiting for my answer " I don't think so its already late in the afternoon i think i will rest first and then tommorow early morning i will go there and oh please drop me at the house if i rest at the condo i can't drive there since my cars is in the house thank you" looking at Alice with cute face hehe

"Okay copy that I'm at your service madam" Alice say that while laughing

We are on our way to my house as usual the traffic never change since it's almost out of working people

i am looking at the window when i spot a familiar couple photo on led screen i smile i am proud of her she's already an adult and already have a boyfriend.

I ask alice "Does Rylee and Lucas has a new project" i am talking about my sister rylee and her boyfriend lucas

"I think so im not really updated since i am busy acting ceo at your company" while driving

"Oh really but when it comes to who is that again the son of Mrs'Vaughn your updated right"

teasing alice

" He's Alex Dwayne Vaughn and i am really busy in the company im not that really into dwayne he's hondsome i know it's just that he's not my type of man.

Your employees are always talking about her so thats why i know her" still driving

"I'm just teasing you" still looking outside

As we arrive at my grandparents house actually to tell you it's not a house it's a mansion and sadly my grandparents passed away already

and this mansion is left with my father.

so rylee and i leave here but we have our own condo

Since this mansion is far in the city where my company located is and rylee work so we just go home when are parent's visit here in thailand.

" So welcome back again i will see you when im done passing the ceo title to renjie and spend more time with you before i will take my own vacation" alice while tightly hugging me

" Thank you so much alice i can't live without you thank you for always supporting my dreams can't wait to spend more time with you" excitedly thinking those gonna happen

" Of course i will always support you what is best friend for and I'm doing this because i have a share to your company too i don't want it to close down" both of us are laughing while still hugging

" Again thank you and call me when your done with renjie so we can spend our time well" i said to Alice

" Okay i will I'm excited

okay now go upstairs and take a rest you have a fullest day tommorow goodbye" Alice kiss me in the cheeks and walk to her car

"Bye take care on the way" waving my hand to her

I open the door and go up to my room to take a bath and have a good rest for tommorow surprises.