
cole young: story retold

after an isekai senario, Mar Grant, reborn as Cole Young, carries the memories of the vengeful Scorpion.

TheCrimsonKnight · Films
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19 Chs

Chapter 17: A Collision of Realities

The air crackled with an unnatural energy as the System tore open a shimmering portal unlike any Cole had ever seen. It pulsed with vibrant colors, swirling with chaotic energy that seemed to defy the very laws of physics.

"This is it, Cole," Scorpion rasped, his spectral form flickering with a nervous energy. "The gateway to another reality."Cole, his heart pounding with a mix of trepidation and excitement, tightened his grip on the hilt of his katanas. The System, ever helpful, had analyzed this new dimension and deemed it a critical anomaly. A reality under threat, a reality with an artifact of immense power – the Infinity Gauntlet.The news had sent a ripple of apprehension through the newly formed alliance. Thanos, the Mad Titan, a name whispered in hushed tones across realms, was said to be in possession of the Gauntlet. His desire to control this ultimate weapon posed a threat not just to their own realms, but potentially to the entire multiverse.Allison, ever the strategist, had devised a plan. Cole, with his unique connection to the System and his growing mastery of its abilities, would be the one to venture into this unknown realm. His mission: to neutralize Thanos before he could unleash the power of the Infinity Gauntlet.With a deep breath, Cole stepped through the portal, the swirling colors engulfing him in a blinding light. When he opened his eyes, he found himself in a bustling city unlike anything he had ever seen. Towering structures of metal and glass scraped the sky, strange vehicles zipped through the air, and people of varied appearances hurried along brightly lit streets.This wasn't Outworld, Netherrealm, or Edenia. This was a place unlike any he had ever imagined. It was a world teeming with advanced technology and a diverse populace – Earth, but not the Earth he knew.Cole, relying on the System's guidance, blended into the crowd, his Edenian attire drawing curious glances but not undue attention. His mission was clear: locate Thanos, assess the situation, and act decisively.Days turned into weeks as Cole scoured this strange Earth for any sign of the Mad Titan. He learned about the Avengers, a group of extraordinary individuals tasked with protecting the planet from extraterrestrial threats. He saw news reports of alien invasions, cosmic battles, and whispers of a powerful artifact called the Infinity Gauntlet.Finally, a breakthrough. A news report flashed an image of Thanos, his imposing figure dwarfed by a massive golden gauntlet adorned with colorful gemstones. Panic surged through Cole. Thanos had the Gauntlet, and time was running out.He needed to find the Avengers. With the System's help, he tracked down their headquarters – a towering structure known as Avengers Tower. A surge of hope bloomed in his chest. These were the champions, the protectors of this Earth. Perhaps, together, they could stop Thanos.He approached the imposing structure, his heart pounding in his chest. He had a story to tell, a threat to expose, and, hopefully, a chance to earn their trust.As he entered the lobby of Avengers Tower, a wave of apprehension washed over him. These were individuals of immense power, heroes who had faced down cosmic threats. How would they react to a stranger from another reality, a warrior with an outlandish story?The air crackled with tension as Cole waited. Would he be met with skepticism, with hostility? Would they see him as a potential ally or a threat?The answer came in the form of a woman with fiery red hair and a steely gaze – Black Widow. Her eyes narrowed as she assessed him, her hand hovering near a concealed weapon. "Who are you?" she demanded, her voice a low growl.Cole took a deep breath. "My name is Cole Young," he began, his voice steady despite his pounding heart. "I come from another reality, and I have a grave warning..."