
Cold as Snow

In the quiet town, Ella's life takes a dramatic turn when she falls into the enigmatic embrace of Adam. She is the embodiment of sunshine, radiating warmth and innocence, while he is a man consumed by bitterness and a relentless quest for revenge. Their love story unfolds against the odds, as they come together in a marriage born of contrasting natures. Ella's light is a stark contrast to Adam's darkness, yet their bond is undeniable. However, on their wedding night, a chilling revelation tears apart the fragile threads of their newfound happiness. Adam discovers the haunting truth he has been relentlessly pursuing for a decade: the man responsible for the tragedy that scarred his life is none other than Ella's father. In a desperate bid for vengeance, Adam embarks on a mission to destroy Ella's peace of mind, unraveling her spirit piece by piece. He becomes the architect of her torment, deriving a sadistic satisfaction from her pain, oblivious to the profound secrets she carries within. As their lives descend into chaos, a web of deceit, anger, and sorrow begins to suffocate their love. Ella, once a beacon of joy, succumbs to disappointment, lost in the labyrinth of despair. Her mind unravels, a silent victim of her father's actions and Adam's cruel intentions. Yet, unknown to Adam, Ella bears a life-altering truth, one that has the power to change the course of their fate. As he finally confronts the truth, it's too late to salvage what remains of the woman he once loved. She is gone, a shattered soul adrift in the storm of her own mind. "Cold as Snow" is an emotionally charged tale of love, betrayal, and the consequences of a parent's actions echoing through the lives of their children. It is a poignant journey of redemption, the discovery of profound truths, and the devastating aftermath of lost innocence and shattered minds.

min_wrts · Urbain
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21 Chs

Helping Hand

As Adam carried Ella towards the clinic at the end of the alley, the atmosphere was filled with an awkward and tense silence, quite unlike Ella's usual bubbly persona. Sensing her shyness, Ella decided to break the ice and thank him for his help. With her head still hung low to hide her blushing cheeks, she mumbled, "Um, thanks for helping me."

Adam caught a glimpse of her scarlet ears and knew that his presence was having an effect on her. Suppressing the rising smile on his lips, he simply replied with a nonchalant "Hmm," trying not to tease her further.

As they continued their walk, Ella couldn't resist the curiosity and asked, "What's your name?" Her question caught Adam off guard, and his eyebrows furrowed slightly in confusion. Ella realized her bluntness and chuckled before explaining herself, "I mean, you have helped me twice, and now you are taking me to the clinic, so we have met more. So, I guess at least we should now know each other's names."

Her words were full of innocent enthusiasm, and her joyful response seemed to warm Adam's heart. As her big doe eyes glistened with delight, Adam's breath hitched momentarily, though he quickly cleared his throat and looked away. He introduced himself with a soft voice, "Adam, Adam Smith."

Ella smiled in response, and with an encouraging tone, she complimented his name, saying, "Wow, nice name. Myself—"

Before she could complete her sentence, Adam cut in, "Ella. Heard on the bakery that day."

Her eyes widened in surprise, not expecting him to remember her name from their brief encounter at the bakery. She was momentarily taken aback, her response limited to a simple "Oh." As they continued towards the clinic, Ella couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of connection with this mysterious man named Adam. She wondered what other surprises and adventures life had in store for her, now that their paths had crossed once again.

Both Ella and Adam entered the clinic, the door swinging open to welcome them. The receptionist's eyes lit up with warmth and amusement as she looked at the adorable duo standing before her. "Good evening, how may I assist you?" she asked cheerfully.

Adam spoke on Ella's behalf, explaining, "She fell on the road and has injured her knee as well as her ankle."

The receptionist nodded in understanding and pointed towards the doctor's cabin. "Oh, this way, the doctor is seated there," she directed, handing a performa to the couple. Adam hesitated slightly, trying to figure out how to manage the performa since he was already carrying Ella in his arms. But before he could say anything, Ella, with quick reflexes, extended her arm that was resting on his neck and skillfully took the form from the receptionist's hand.

"Okay, thanks for your time," Ella said hurriedly, flashing a grateful smile, while the receptionist couldn't help but giggle at her cute gesture. Adam was left dumbfounded by Ella's ability to handle the situation with such ease and grace as she held the performa in her hand without missing a beat.

With a mixture of surprise and admiration, Adam continued to carry Ella towards the doctor's cabin, his gaze fixed on her side profile. He couldn't help but be captivated by her charm and resourcefulness.

As the receptionist watched the retreating figure of the couple, she couldn't resist mumbling to herself, "cute." She then returned to her work, smiling at the heartwarming encounter she had just witnessed. Little did she know that this chance meeting at the clinic was just the beginning of an extraordinary journey that awaited Ella and Adam.

Ella knocks on the door again, this time using her free hand, and Adam can't help but bite his inner cheeks to suppress his smile at her adorable persistence.

"Come in," says a female voice as they enter the cabin.

"Doctor, here's the—" Adam starts to say, but the doctor cuts him off, "It's alright, receptionist, send me your case." She then gestures towards the stretcher behind them. "You may sit there. Also, fill out this form with details so I can provide you with medicine."

Adam helps Ella sit on the stretcher and takes the form from her, examining it closely. While he reads through the form, he decides to fill it out for her. Meanwhile, the doctor stands up and brings a "Tetanus injection," explaining that Ella got a road injury and needs the injection first. Ella's eyes widen in fear at the sight of the needle.

"No!" she exclaims, panting hard, catching Adam's attention as he gazes at her terrified state.

"Come on, dear, it will not hurt. Just trust me," the doctor assures gently.

"No, medicine, please... I don't like injections. Please..." Ella pleads, her voice filled with anxiety.

The doctor stands there, trying to comfort her, but Ella remains apprehensive. In a moment of instinct, Adam stands beside her and speaks in a soft, soothing voice, "It will not hurt, trust me." Surprisingly, Ella tightens her grip on his hand, catching him off guard, and yells, closing her eyes, "Just make it quick, please!"

The doctor seizes the opportunity and swiftly administers the injection, passing a reassuring nod to Adam, who was busy staring at Ella. "It's done," says the doctor.

Ella opens her eyes in surprise and amazement. "Wow, it really didn't hurt," she says, staring deeply into Adam's eyes.

"Yeah, I told you," Adam replies, slightly taken aback by the closeness of the moment.

Ella remains seated as the doctor tends to her knee and ankle, while Adam fills out the form. "So, she is your girlfriend?" asks the doctor curiously, causing both Ella and Adam to quickly respond, "No!"

The doctor is a bit shocked by their sudden outburst and quickly looks away, "Oh, sorry, I misunderstood."

"We are friends," Ella says with a hint of maturity in her tone, ending the sentence with a smile to lighten the atmosphere. Adam smiles to himself, appreciating her attempt to clarify their relationship. They both chuckle and accuse the doctor of jumping to conclusions as they leave the clinic, Ella feeling much more at ease after the injection and grateful for Adam's unexpected support.

"Adam, please make me sit there," Ella says, pointing towards the bench near the clinic.

He helps her sit down on the bench, handing her bag back to her and sitting beside her. "What now?" he says in a somewhat monotonous voice.

"Nothing; you've already helped me a lot. I don't want to burden you anymore," Ella says matter-of-factly, causing Adam to stare at her for a moment, observing her actions as she reaches into her bag to grab her mobile phone.

"It's..." Adam starts to say something, probably feeling bad as he senses a hint of sadness in Ella's tone.

"Nah... I know I am disturbing you. But your courtesy is not letting you say anything. But I am not mean. I am calling Mom. She will pick me up," Ella says softly.

Adam stands there silently, watching as Ella's demeanor changes suddenly, revealing a part of herself that she usually hides from everyone—the part with lower self-esteem and uncertainty. The part that she only writes about in her diary. His eyes widen in surprise as he witnesses this shift, but he remains understanding.

Ella continues with her phone call, "Oh hey Mom, it's Ella here. I was in the streets when I slipped and injured my knee. But I am alright, as a friend helped me," she glances at Adam and smiles softly. "I am here in front of the clinic near our house. Can you please pick me up?"

While waiting for her mother's response, Ella fidgets with her dress for a while before finally saying, "Okay, I am waiting," and ending the call.

Focusing her attention back on Adam, she informs him, "Mom will be here in a while."

"Oh, that's nice," Adam responds, his voice now softer than before.

"Um, wait," says Ella, rummaging through her bag again. Adam observes her curiously. A minute later, she takes out a chocolate bar and hands it to Adam.

"Here, this is for you. Please accept it; it's the least I can do for my helping hand," she says with her characteristic doe eyes and kiddo smile, causing Adam to hesitantly grab the chocolate from her hands with a small "Thanks." He bites his inner cheeks, trying to hide his blush as he lowers his face slightly, feeling touched by her gesture.

Hey, it's Writer_Min here, hope you are all great at health and doing fine. I am back with another story. Read it and share your views.

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