
Cold and Ash

It's the late victorian era and workers are protesting for their rights. Ash or more commonly known as Miss Simpson- has to look after her family in dire times and that requires working for the enemy in order to make ends meet. Mr. Arthur is a businessman and work is all that matters to him. He doesn't have time for protestors. He has a reputation of being cold, and anyone that crosses him faces the consequences. When Ashley's (Miss Simpson) brother tries to stand up to him, Mr. Arthur makes sure he pays dearly for it. Now he is faced with a woman that will threaten to challenge all of his principals. Mr Arthur and Ash have been connected through one ugly night and no matter what, they cannot put it behind them. SNIPPET: "Don't think that you landed a good job, I will make your life miserable." said Mr. Arthur. Glaring at him, I hissed. "I hadn't thought that I had and don't worry, I will never work for a man like you!" I tried to move away but he placed his arm on the wall next to me, effectively trapping me. "What?" I snapped. "A man like me?" he chuckled. "I would never want the girls to be exposed to a dishonest woman like you!" hope you enjoy the read

Maria_101 · Histoire
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7 Chs

Chapter 6

I stirred awake as the carriage came to a halt. Startled, I sat up. How could I sleep with him in the carriage? Fumbling, I stood up, needing to get out as soon as possible. Mr.Arthur leaned forward to open the carriage door, his arm brushed mine in the process.

"Get out," he snapped.

Without a word, I went inside the house. My heart was beating loudly. I couldn't comprehend what had just happened with Mr. Arthur. He had actually dropped me at my house without inflicting any harm. I sighed in relief as I went to the kitchen to drink some water. I realized the food was sparse in the house and I needed to ask Mr. Oliver for my wages, provided that the devil didn't ruin my chances of employment there.

My blood was boiling as I thought about him. How dare he threaten me at every corner? It was getting harder and harder to ignore him. Whenever I went on the right track, he was there, ruining everything for me. And for what reason? Yes—James was involved in the protests and maybe, he had intended to burn down the building but we all had endured enough for that already. Mr. Arthurs's hate ran deeper than me being related to James. It was as if he hated me more than he even hated James. I got my cardigan from under the bed and wrapped it around myself as I shivered with cold. Some people were the devil, reincarnated for the millionth time and Mr. William Arthur was one of them.

"Ash, Ash!" it was Alis, shaking me awake.

"What's the matter?" I jerked awake and rubbed my eyes.

"Ash, Mr. Oliver.."

I immediately sat up, "What happened to him, Alis?" I asked slowly.

"He is very sick, Ash. I think they are moving away to get a better treatment for him—your job—"

I shoved away my blanket, panicking I said, "I have to go there right now!"

Alis tried to stop me. "Ash, Mr. Arthur, and his whole family is there. Please, don't go! he will kill you!"

I had finally decided to tell my family everything last night.

I scoffed, "That devil be damned! I am going!"

I changed my clothes quickly and made my way downstairs. Putting on my run-down shoes, I hastily walked to reach Mr. Oliver's house. I knocked at the door frantically and made my way inside when the servant opened it. As I entered the living room, I realised Mrs. Harvey and Mr. Arthur were already there. He looked up and saw me. His blue eyes flashed and he clenched his jaw.

"What are you doing here?" He snapped.

"I came for Mr. Oliver, his health—"

"His health is of no concern to you," He said, completely dismissing me.

"It is of perfect concern to me and I will meet him right at this instant!" I snapped.

I turned away and started for the stairs. I heard him coming after me as I opened the door and made my way into Mr. Oliver's room. Mr. Oliver was lying weakly on the bed, the dim sunlight was cascading gently inside. My heart sank on seeing him this way.

"Mr. Oliver?" I whispered.

"Ash" he coughed. "come inside, honey."

I slowly made my way inside and sat on the chair beside his bed.

"What in the world happened to you, Mr. Oliver?"

I asked gently as I touched his hand. He was burning up.

"Old age," He replied, chuckling.

I heard the door open and close behind me. It was Mr. Arthur, he came and sat on the other seat opposite me and beside Mr. Oliver. Mr. Oliver smiled at him.

"Good that you're here, Will," he said hoarsely.

H continued, "Will has always looked after me, from a very early age..Ever since his father...." he paused. "He has looked after the whole family." Smiling gently, he took Mr. Arthurs's hand, " I am proud of you, son."

Mr. Arthur seemed uncomfortable with the whole thing. He glanced at me hesitantly.

I tried to be civil for Mr. Oliver's sake and show no discomfort, so I just looked away. He had looked after his family alright—by destroying others. I tried my best to not show any rage that I was feeling as I asked Mr.Oliver,

"Would you like some tea sir? Or soup? Should I ring for it?"

"No...no, if I had one more bowl of soup, I will go up even quicker. " looking at me, he added, "Oh, don't be so shocked, besides we have important things to discuss,"

Puzzled, I looked at Mr.Arthur but he also seemed perplexed.

"Like?" I prompted.

"Like your employment."

Turning to Mr. Arthur, he went on.

"I want you to employ Miss Simpson after I am gone and make sure of her employment. Do you understand, William?"

Completely horrified, I tried to hide my emotions but to no avail, I stood up.

"There is no need for that!" I practically shouted.

Mr. Oliver just looked at me as if I was a child.

"Don't let pride get the best of you dear. Where do you suppose you will work when I am gone? I don't have a fortune you know! I am leaving town tomorrow, this air doesn't suit me at all. You will be working at Will's and teaching Mary and Elizabeth as their governess," he ordered sternly.

"Surely, there are better options than working for him!" I said pointing at Mr. Arthur. Completely overlooking the fact that I can very well end up homeless if he refused to employ me.

Mr. Oliver seemed confused, of course, he did. He hadn't known the same William Arthur that I had.

As if on cue, Mr. Arthur stood up.

"I am sure she can handle work on her own, uncle. Now if you'll excuse me," He said looking coldly at me. Disdain was apparent on his face.

"No, I won't excuse you! Sit back down!" Mr. Oliver shouted. He seemed angry and he was never angry.

We both sat down.

"Will, if you want your due share of the money that I am leaving behind, you will look after Miss Simpson and ensure her employment, is that clear?"

I was on the brink of tears, nothing could have been worse. Mr.Arthur looked as if he would kill someone and by someone I meant me. He nodded stiffly, as if it took all the effort in the world. As if he needed any more money, I thought grimly.

"Good, now that we have that settled."

Mr. Oliver went on as if he hadn't destroyed my whole life, right then and there.

"I will go check up on Tommy," I said standing up. I needed time to process what had happened.

I glanced at Mr.Arthur but he was staring holes in the walls with his glare. As I was leaving I heard, Mr. Oliver, going on about the fact that if I wasn't employed by Mr. Arthur himself by the next time Mr. Oliver came, he will face consequences. Gulping down air, I went to Thomas's room.

But before I could go in, Mr. Arthur was beside me, blocking my entrance. He did that a lot I thought, infuriated, I looked up at him.

"Don't think you have landed a good job, I will make your life miserable," he said breathing harshly.

Glaring, I hissed. "I hadn't thought that I had and don't worry, I will never work for a man like you!"

I tried to move away but he placed his arm on the wall. I felt trapped and overwhelmed as I started up at him.

"What?" I sneered.

"A man like me?" he chuckled. "I would never want the girls to be exposed to a dishonest woman like you!" He was glaring down at me.

"Dishonest? When have I ever been dishonest?" I asked incredulously.

He just shook his head. He opened his mouth to answer but Mrs. Harvey came inside the hallway.

Immediately he moved away and I tried not to show how worked up I was.

"Miss Simpson?"

Not sure how to proceed, I just nodded at her.

"Hello, Mrs. Harvey."

"Hello yourself, why haven't you come back to teach the girls? Do you realize how upset they have been?"

Shocked, I realised that Mr. Arthur hadn't told Mrs. Harvey anything. I looked at him and he was looking sarcastically at me.

"Don't worry, Miss Simpson will be joining us very soon, anyway" He said, smirking codly.

I gulped.

"Is that true? Are you coming back? The girls will be so excited, they had been crying that you hadn't come back. Mary even stopped eating properly."

I gasped. "Why didn't you say anything to me, mam?"

"You left with no word!" Mrs. Harvey accused.

I looked away in shame. I should have reached out to the girls somehow and helped them make some sense of this all.

"Are you coming back then?" Mrs. Harvey asked hopefully.

Mr. Arthur's face told me everything I needed to know. He wasn't about to lose money just because I didn't want to work for him. He would destroy any opportunity I might have if I didn't say yes, right now. Resigned, I just nodded. I had to think logically if I was to survive this.

"Excellent!" She clapped. "I will see you, tomorrow."

I started to walk out after her, I didn't want to be anywhere near Mr. Arthur anymore.

"Wise decision," He drawled behind me and I swallowed back my pride as I left the house.