
Cold and Ash

It's the late victorian era and workers are protesting for their rights. Ash or more commonly known as Miss Simpson- has to look after her family in dire times and that requires working for the enemy in order to make ends meet. Mr. Arthur is a businessman and work is all that matters to him. He doesn't have time for protestors. He has a reputation of being cold, and anyone that crosses him faces the consequences. When Ashley's (Miss Simpson) brother tries to stand up to him, Mr. Arthur makes sure he pays dearly for it. Now he is faced with a woman that will threaten to challenge all of his principals. Mr Arthur and Ash have been connected through one ugly night and no matter what, they cannot put it behind them. SNIPPET: "Don't think that you landed a good job, I will make your life miserable." said Mr. Arthur. Glaring at him, I hissed. "I hadn't thought that I had and don't worry, I will never work for a man like you!" I tried to move away but he placed his arm on the wall next to me, effectively trapping me. "What?" I snapped. "A man like me?" he chuckled. "I would never want the girls to be exposed to a dishonest woman like you!" hope you enjoy the read

Maria_101 · History
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7 Chs

chapter 7

I went to visit James after leaving Mr. Oliver's house. I was too overwhelmed and needed some advice. I proceeded in the downtown direction. Smoke was flying everywhere and the chill of autumn air was making my hands freeze as I rubbed them together.

How will I explain to James that the very man that had put him in Jail was the same one that I had to rely on to make ends meet? Embarrassment and guilt filled me. I didn't want to live comfortably while James was rotting in jail but what choice did I have? Could I risk Alis's future? Mom was getting weaker by the day too, when she had been working to sell baked goods. If we went back to that again, I didn't think she would make it.

On my arrival, the guard let me in. The cells were filthy and rotten food was spilled everywhere. James was sitting in a corner inside the cell room. "James" I called. He smiled but his eyes seemed a little dimmer. I tried not to show my despair by seeing him like this, his face was completely hollowed out. All around I could hear violent voices and men slamming into each other. I flinched when I heard a scream.

Looking at me, James shook his head.

"How many times have I told you not to come here?" he said.

"Have you ever known me to listen to your advices?" I said teasing him. "Here, I brought you food and some warm clothes,"

"I don't want them," James said looking away.

I became angry. "Why are you punishing yourself?"

He remained silent.

"You didn't do anything! The building was saved before it got destroyed! No lives were lost!"

James' eyes flashed. "The building was only saved because of Mr. Arthur, Ash. As much as I hate him, if he wasn't there, people would have died," He finished, looking away.

"That's not true," I whispered. I tried to hold his hand but he moved it away.

"You would never have taken away a life, James. You would have stopped the fire before it hurt anyone. I know that!"

He didn't say a word. I grew frustrated and started pacing.

"You don't tell me anything! How did you even wind up in this scheme anyways? What had you hoped to achieve!"

"I wanted them to suffer just as much as we had," He said snapping. "Don't worry about me anymore, I will get out of here," He said with determination. I wanted to kick and scream but I calmed myself and sat down.

"I am here to tell you something.." I began. He was looking at me but I didn't think he was truly there. "I have been employed by Mr. Arthur as a governess," I said quickly and looked away.

Again the torturous silence, I reached out and touched his hand.

"I never wanted this to happen! But I feel stuck and I am not sure what to do. I am so tired of him but I am more tired of fighting," I admitted. "Please, say something.." I begged, searching his eyes.

James didn't say anything for a while and just rubbed his face. "Fine, work for him but if that bastard tries to do something. I will kill him with my own hands when I get out." He said gritting his teeth.

"You don't want me to reject this offer?" I asked, shocked.

"Why would I?" I stared at him in disbelief.

"Because of what he did to you!" I snapped.

"Because of what he did to me?" James said shaking his head. "I did plan to burn down that building Ash, in my rage I know I would've done it," he said with resignation. "I did this to myself when I joined that union."


James' words were ringing in my head as I walked home that day. I remembered how he was desperate at that time. We barely had any food and barely had any future. Mr. Arthur hadn't listened to any of the demands that the workers had made. If James wasn't innocent so wasn't Mr. Arthur—like any rich owner, he hadn't cared in what conditions the workers worked in or what they demanded. If they were properly fed or had warm clothes on their backs, he hadn't cared at all.

As I walked past the factory, I heard a commotion inside. People were standing in groups and shouting.

"We want our rights!"

"We want higher wages!"

"We want warm food!"

And there looking down at them was Mr.Arthur with his nose in the air, I felt disgusted. I walked amidst the crowd gathered and looked up at Mr. Arthur. He had an air of indifference.

"If you are quite done, go back to your work!" The crowd was helpless and agitated. Many workers threw away their gloves on the ground and walked right out, "Fuck this!" they shouted. "We rather work somewhere else!"

Soon most of the workers started walking out and only a few of them remained. I went inside in a rage and looked around. They were working in the cold with little to no heat. The food that was placed wasn't enough to feed everyone. Rats were running everywhere. Furious, I stormed straight into Mr. Arthurs's office. He looked up at me in shock.

"What's the meaning of this?" He said sternly, standing up from his desk.

"If you don't mend your ways, soon you will have no workers left!" I hissed. He walked around me to close the door and then stared down at me. The office was small and pages were spread everywhere. To my surprise, there was little to no heat in the office as well.

"Anything else, Miss Simpson?" He said my name as if it was a curse.

"I know that you rich men care for nothing other than your own selves. But have some mercy on these people," I said bitterly, my eyes flashing. "Instead of being cruel and filling your bellies all day!"

His eyes flashed. I had made my mark.

"Is that what you think I am doing here? Filling my own belly?"

"What else are you doing here? You're the owner and can't do anything to help these people!" He scoffed at my face and turned away from me.

Facing the window he said, " I am not the owner of this factory, miss Simpson."

I was shocked, he must be lying. "But you're in charge!"

Turning around, he looked at me. "I am the manager."

Crossing my arms, I stared at him. After a moment I spoke.

"That doesn't change anything, You're rich, you could help these people but you don't!" I said as I shifted on my feet and confusion filled me.

"What makes you think, I am rich?"

Your house? Your life? People you mingle with? Before I could say anything else, a man opened the door hurriedly, making me startled.

"Sir, one of the workers has stolen the food again!" Mr. Arthur cursed and passed his hands through his hair.

"You stay here, Miss Simpson, it's not safe for you to leave right now," As if you care about my safety. He probably read my mind, because he snapped,

"Do you understand?" I nodded in exasperation.

"Good," he said and hurriedly closed the door behind him, leaving me alone in the room.

He had been gone for almost half an hour, commotion had been building up outside. Not sure what to do next, I started looking out of the window. People were shouting for food and a man was trying to calm them down but to no avail. I couldn't see Mr.Arthur. One of the men started getting violent and punched one of the workers. Seeing this, they all started jumping on each other. My heart was beating fast, should I stay or leave? When a crash thudded outside, I had my answer. Opening the door quickly, I ran through a big hall, trying to get to the exit way but a crowd of men was gathered there. On seeing the violence in their eyes, I stepped back but they had already seen me.

"What the fuck are you looking at?"

One of them drawled and pushed me into a corner. I tried to run away but he grabbed my arm violently and shook me.

"Aren't you James' sister?" He spat. "We were better off before he lost his shit and decided to piss off the owner!" He had a crazy look in his eyes,

"oi, James sister here! boys!"

They all started snickering.

"Wonder what brought you here." His grip on my arm turned even more violent. It was definitely starting to bruise.

"Let me go!" I shouted.

He raised his hand and I flinched waiting for the blow that never came. Mr. Arthur had pushed the man back and was now hitting him violently.

"Bastard!" He roared.

He was kicking the man hard and the man was starting to bleed.

Terrified, I screamed, "Stop!" But he didn't listen. I shouted again even more loudly this time.

Mr. Arthur whipped his head to look at me, I hesitated but then approached him and touched his arm,

"Please, you—you will kill him—" I said quietly. My voice was trembling. He looked down at me and blinked. Slowly, he moved away from the man. His knuckles were bruised.

"Take him away!" He said to one of the guards.

"Take all of them away!" He shouted. He was breathing hard and far more furious than I had ever seen him. Several moments must have passed, when he said quietly,

"Didn't I tell you not to leave the office miss Simpson?" Placing his hands on his hips, he looked at me harshly with carefully controlled rage.

"Do you realize what could have happened to you?! Don't you have any regard for your well-being or others?" he snapped.

"I am sorry," I said looking away as tears filled my eyes and hurried out before he could say anything else.

