
Cold and Ash

It's the late victorian era and workers are protesting for their rights. Ash or more commonly known as Miss Simpson- has to look after her family in dire times and that requires working for the enemy in order to make ends meet. Mr. Arthur is a businessman and work is all that matters to him. He doesn't have time for protestors. He has a reputation of being cold, and anyone that crosses him faces the consequences. When Ashley's (Miss Simpson) brother tries to stand up to him, Mr. Arthur makes sure he pays dearly for it. Now he is faced with a woman that will threaten to challenge all of his principals. Mr Arthur and Ash have been connected through one ugly night and no matter what, they cannot put it behind them. SNIPPET: "Don't think that you landed a good job, I will make your life miserable." said Mr. Arthur. Glaring at him, I hissed. "I hadn't thought that I had and don't worry, I will never work for a man like you!" I tried to move away but he placed his arm on the wall next to me, effectively trapping me. "What?" I snapped. "A man like me?" he chuckled. "I would never want the girls to be exposed to a dishonest woman like you!" hope you enjoy the read

Maria_101 · Histoire
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7 Chs

Chapter 5

Mr.Arthur shook hands with Mr. Oliver and grinned as if they were old times friends which surely could not have been true. Kind Mr.Oliver friends with the devil? I snapped out of my thoughts and looked for a way out. The crowd had gathered around Mr. Arthur as if he were a rare commodity in an exhibition. I tried squeezing through the crowd but ended up stuck between it. I tried to calm myself down, there was no use in fleeing. The likelihood of Mr. Arthur noticing me in such a huge crowd was slim. But all my hopes of being unnoticed died out as Mr.Oliver called my name.

"Ash! come here!" Turning to Mr.Arthur he added, "I want to make your acquaintance with a fine young lady who has literally transformed our Thomas into a well-versed man!"

Cursing under my breath, I remained completely still. I had hoped that Mr.Oliver wouldn't be able to spot me in the huge crowd but he did.

"Ash!" dreading the inevitable, I turned and my eyes made contact with Mr. Arthur's icy cold ones. Immediately his guard went up, and he straightened as he tried to act civil in front of the old man.

"Ash, this is Mr. Arthur."

Hesitatingly, I proceeded forward. I tried my best to act civil and not let anyone notice us. I muttered,

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Arthur," I looked up at him, and immediately his cold expression made me want to disappear.

His mere presence was enough to make me apprehensive. If Mr. Oliver knew of our history, what would he think of me? Mr.Arthur stared at me coldly for some time and then suddenly recalling social manners, he said calmly "Likewise."

In an instant, he took a step forward and took my hand in his. I jerked and tried to pull away. But his grip was firm as his lips lightly brushed my hand and it was so odd in contrast to everything else that was between us— that I seized to breathe altogether.

Shocked into silence, I pulled away and stood close to Mr. Oliver, not sure what to do next.

I was agitated about Mr.Arthur saying something about me to Mr.Oliver and risking my position. I held my breath as he came near and stood to my left side. I stood very still. Mr. Arthur turned towards me as Mr.Oliver turned away to greet the other guests of the party. He didn't even try to hide his contempt this time.

"Find another position," He ordered.

I blinked in surprise and then it dawned on me what he had actually said.

"There are no other positions, this was the only one available in weeks," I gritted through my teeth.

"Then find another job because there is no way, you're working for Mr.Oliver," He said sternly and looked away.

"No," I said quietly.

Thankfully Mr.Oliver saved me from hearing his reply,

"Everyone to the dining hall, the food is served!"

Unfortunately, people rushed to the seats and filled them up quickly. Mr.Arthur sat with Mr.Oliver who was seated at the head of the table and I had only one option, and that was to sit opposite Mr.Arthur. I didn't want that, but Mr.Oliver had different plans tonight it seemed.

"Ash, come sit with me, dear." Cringing, I cursed my luck and walked toward him.

I sat on my chair and tried to look anywhere else other than Mr. Arthur, but he was staring a hole in my head. Thankfully being surrounded by people made me feel at ease than being alone with him.

"So Miss Simpson," drawled Mr.Arthur to my horror, "Pray tell, how did you end up working for Mr.Oliver?"

As if you don't know. I almost snapped but kept my mouth closed.

"Ash came to me at the perfect moment Will. She had been laid off by her previous employer, and I needed a governess for Thomas. It was meant to be," Mr.Oliver replied. Smiling, he continued,

"She is extremely hardworking, I love her as if she was my own daughter."

I looked at Mr.Oliver in surprise. I hadn't realized he held me in such high regard, after all, we had known each other for mere weeks. To my utter horror, I could feel my eyes getting misty. I blinked and cursed at the tendency of my eyes to well so quickly. I looked down at my food and murmured,

"Thank you for your kind words, Mr. Oliver."

"They aren't kind words, they are true words dear,"

he replied gently.

I smiled at him. Mr. Oliver was one of a kind. But would he think the same of me if he learned how much I had hidden from him?

I glanced at Mr.Arthur who was lost in his own thoughts. Would he tell Mr. Oliver that I had a brother in jail? Would he break the rose-colored illusion that Mr. Oliver held me in? I looked around at all the high-class people. Once they learned my brother was in jail for damaging one of their precious mills; they would outcast me immediately. They would never comprehend Jame's desperation or anyone from the lower class that was trying their hardest to be heard. And here I was, mingling among them as if I was one of them. Disgusted at myself, I kept quiet throughout the rest of the evening.

When it was the appropriate time to leave, I said,

"I think I should get going, it's getting pretty late. Thank you for the invite, Mr. Oliver." I turned to leave but Mr. Oliver stopped me.

"You can't walk home at this hour of the night, Ash. Will can take you home."

My heart dropped, "No sir, I can walk home just fine, please..." but Mr.Oliver wasn't having any of it.

"Will, take Ash home." My heart started beating harder. I shook my head "It's fine—"

But Mr.Arthur simply started strolling to the exit, "Go, follow him," said Mr. Oliver.

I grimaced but did it. Everyone was watching me and I did not want to provoke their curiosity.

Outside in the chill autumn air, I said to Mr. Arthur.

"You don't need to take me home."

He was staring out in the street and not looking at me so I started walking away but heard footsteps behind me, suddenly I felt a hand on my arm.

"I don't particularly care about your well being but since my uncle entrusted me to take you home, I will."

Uncle? Shocked, I tried to regain my composure. What were the chances that I would end up working for Mr. Arthur's uncle? I was tired and in no mood to fight anymore.

"I will walk home," I said finally.

He shook his head,

"No, as I said—you're my responsibility for now. So get in the carriage," he said sternly. I was exhausted and maybe he saw that because what he added next, surprised me.

"You will be safe...please, sit in the carriage, Miss Simpson." Confused and fatigued, I just relented.

He opened the carriage door and I climbed in. He sat opposite to me and didn't say anything. I wondered if he had remembered me or the night when James was sent to jail. Did he remember my frantic cries or utter helplessness when even James's most loyal friends had turned their backs on us because of him? Mr. Arthur looked at me and said,

"I suggest you say whatever's on your mind Miss Simpson, I might tolerate it better." I scoffed at his statement.

"I hadn't realized you were tolerating anything, Mr. Arthur," I rolled my eyes and looked away.

He went silent, surprisingly I wasn't afraid of him. I realized. Or maybe I was too exhausted to be afraid.

"So, when are you going to tell Mr. Oliver about me?"

He didn't say anything so I added,

"This time I would like to prepare for my survival in advance..."

He stared coldly at me. "Soon." was all he said.

Sighing, I looked away. Home was so near but even near seemed too far away at the moment.

As we rolled down the streets, I realized Mr. Arthur was staring at the houses and the neighborhood. This was probably very low living standards for his mighty taste.

"You live here, alone?" he inquired.

"I used to live here with my brother, mother, and sister but as you are well aware, my brother is in Jail. As for my sister, that's none of your business," I snapped.

My eyes were closing as weariness and exhaustion took over me. I blinked and tried to stay awake but then eventually lost the battle.