
Cold and Ash

It's the late victorian era and workers are protesting for their rights. Ash or more commonly known as Miss Simpson- has to look after her family in dire times and that requires working for the enemy in order to make ends meet. Mr. Arthur is a businessman and work is all that matters to him. He doesn't have time for protestors. He has a reputation of being cold, and anyone that crosses him faces the consequences. When Ashley's (Miss Simpson) brother tries to stand up to him, Mr. Arthur makes sure he pays dearly for it. Now he is faced with a woman that will threaten to challenge all of his principals. Mr Arthur and Ash have been connected through one ugly night and no matter what, they cannot put it behind them. SNIPPET: "Don't think that you landed a good job, I will make your life miserable." said Mr. Arthur. Glaring at him, I hissed. "I hadn't thought that I had and don't worry, I will never work for a man like you!" I tried to move away but he placed his arm on the wall next to me, effectively trapping me. "What?" I snapped. "A man like me?" he chuckled. "I would never want the girls to be exposed to a dishonest woman like you!" hope you enjoy the read

Maria_101 · History
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7 Chs

Chapter 4

I went to see James again in the morning. Every time I stepped into the prison area, my heart plummeted. Screams and terrible smell was everywhere. James didn't belong here at all. On my arrival, he grinned and seized the chocolates that I was able to sneak in.

"Thank you, Ash. You have no idea what filth they make us eat. Same bland meal every day." He was thinner and weak now. He kept insisting he was fine but I knew the reality. The prison was littered with all sorts of criminals. The place was filled with disease and death. On seeing the concern in my eyes, he snapped.

"Calm down. I don't want your pity. It's just filth not a torture cell for me... yet," He said chuckling.

I glared at him, "don't make jokes.".

Looking around, I could see water dripping from the roof of the cell. On seeing my eyes darting around, James murmured, "I will get out of here in no time, you will see." We talked some more but didn't have ample time because I had to go and teach the girls.

The girls and I had settled into a routine. Every day I would wake up at six in the morning and go to the house that was almost twenty minutes away on foot, and be greeted by miss Edith. The girls although mischievous, were lovely nonetheless. We started to develop a sort of friendship and respect towards one another. I taught the girls arithmetics, french, and arts, and saw them improve right before my very eyes.

Mrs. Harvey called me downstairs to have some tea with her.

"Tell me a little about yourself, Miss Simpson. Where are you from? Any siblings?"

"I am from here mam. I have two siblings. A brother and sister," I replied.

"What does your brother do?" I hesitated... "He worked in a factory mam."

She looked curiously at me. "Worked?" I nodded. "Yes, he has since left."

"Which factory did he work at? Maybe Will knows of him?"

"Umm... I don't recall the name, unfortunately." I blinked. "Will?"

"The girl's uncle and my brother, " She clarified.

"He is a very ambitious and hard-working man. We recently just moved here so you might not know of him."

My ears started ringing, and my hands shook. I put the teacup on the table beside me. Calm down, I told myself. Surely, it is not him.

"Are you quite alright dear?" Mrs. Harvey asked.

I blinked, gulping I replied,

"I do feel a little sick. Can I use the powder room please?"

Mrs. Harvey became concerned. "Of course, dear."

Shutting down the door, I looked at myself in the mirror. My face had become pale and I was getting nauseous. If this Will was Mr. William Arthur, he would throw me out of the house in a second. I would lose a respectable job and would have to start out again, not to mention the contempt we held for each other.

I had to leave right now. I came outside after I had gathered myself. My bag was upstairs and just as I was about to grab it, I heard noises coming out of the girls' room. My hand froze on the handle.

It was his voice. Opening it a little, I saw the back of his head. It was him! he was hugging the girls. A part of me couldn't even believe the sight before me. This man had nothing but coldness inside him. All my emotions were pouring out of me as I stared at him. The anger, the despair, and helplessness. Move fast, I told myself. But before I could turn away, Mary saw me.

"Miss! Our uncle is here! Come meet him!" I couldn't do this. I turned away and as I was about to head down, Mary grabbed my hand.

"Why are you leaving so early?" her little voice inquired. My heart was pounding as I swallowed and said,

"I have to head home early today, dear."

I was trying to remove my hand from hers when Mr.Arthur approached us "Mary!" he called.

I closed my eyes, this was the worst thing that could have happened to me. All my courage was gone. All hatred was replaced by fear of losing the girls and a stable job. I had come to love the girls as my own. I closed my eyes and breathed.

"Miss?" Mr. Arthur questioned.

I slowly turned around and faced him, and saw recognition wash all over him. All his formality was gone now. His face hardened and his rage was obvious as he walked slowly towards me, "You?!" I grabbed the railing tighter. I could see from the corner of my eye that Mary was becoming puzzled.

"What are you doing here?" He seethed as he stared down at me.

"Hasn't your brother done enough to harm me and my family?" He raged on when I didn't say anything.

"Uncle.." Mary was tugging at his pants.

"Leave!" He said glaring at me.

"Gladly," I replied hoarsely.

I ran down the stairs while breathing heavily. My bag was now forgotten. I grabbed my coat and turned to leave but Miss Edith stopped me,

"What's the matter, my dear?'" She looked at me.

"Are you okay?" She asked concerned but I looked away, "Please, let me go!"

She let go of me and I ran to my house. I was in disbelief and shock. He had the gall to accuse me of ruining his life, when he had actually ruined mine. Seething, I ran straight to my room despite my mother and Alis calling me. I locked my door and sank down on my bed. This was it—because of him, I had to start from the ground up again. Anxiety coiled in my stomach at the thought of resigning so early. What would he tell the girls? or Mrs. Harvey? What if he jeopardized my position as a governess? He was an influential man and could completely destroy me again if he wanted to. I tried to sleep, but the questions had built a mountain in my head, and I was at a loss for answers.

A week went by and I didn't go back to teach. I didn't tell mother or Alis what had happened, instead, I made up an excuse. I went back to the institution to give my resignation but it wasn't so easily accepted.

"What's the matter? How could you leave your first job unfinished like this? This surely gives a bad impression, Miss Simpson." I had no answers and I was stuck. After a week of wandering around and anxiously waiting for something or anything to happen. I finally got another placement. It was at another gentleman's house. It was pretty far away, but it was better than nothing. This time, it was a young boy who needed help with French. Walking there was a chore, and my feet hurt almost every day but I managed it. I desperately missed the girls.

As time went by, my longing for them increased along with my dread of what they must think of me, because I had left them so unexpectedly. I shook my thoughts away as I tried to focus on teaching my new student. My employer's name was Mr.Oliver. He was a kind-hearted man who wanted the best for his nephew.

"Ash?" He peeked into the room as I was trying to teach young Thomas. Glancing up, I stood and walked towards him.

"We are having a wonderful dinner thrown at our house tomorrow. I would love for you to attend. What do you say?" he said looking enthusiastically at me.

I started protesting but he insisted, "I won't hear any denials." Sighing, I accepted.

"I will come, sir."

I went home early that day. What would a governess do at a fancy dinner? It wasn't proper at all. Sometimes Mr. Oliver's thinking didn't make any sense to me. Alis and mother got thrilled when they learned of this.

"Finally, you can wear mom's old gown!" Alis exclaimed.

"You would look delightful in it," mom sighed. Rolling my eyes I said, "Fine, I shall wear it."

The gown looked beautiful. It was fitted at the top and had an elegant off-white color. I wore it with a cloak because I had to walk down to the house. Grabbing my purse, I said goodbye to my family and made my way to Mr. Oliver's house. Approaching the house, I realized this was no small dinner. Large carriages stood outside and crowds of people were gathered. Feeling a little uneasy, I wrapped the cloak tighter around me. Mr. Oliver instantly welcomed me as I entered the house.

"Come, my dear!" He looked at me and smiled. "You look wonderful."

"You are very kind, Mr. Oliver," I said sincerely.

Mr. Oliver introduced me to a lot of people. No one seemed greatly interested in me but I did see that some men were staring at me oddly. Ignoring them, I went to drink some fruit punch, when a lady approached me.

"Pray tell, are you a governess, my dear?" I nodded. shaking her head, she muttered,

"What was Mr. Oliver thinking,"

I frowned and suddenly, the crowd started murmuring. And I heard Mr.Oliver exclaim, "William, you made it!" and I watched in complete horror as the last man I wanted to see in the world, turned around to face me.