
Code Geass FF chapter 42

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This is the day!

What day, you asked?!

Don't you know?!

It's that day!


That's right!

Get infuriated!

That's what I want to happen!

That's my vengeance for always reading my mind!

You think you can get away with always reading my mind without suffering?!

Now you are going to get affected with my insanity!


Fuck this life!

Everything has been planned!

The hell!

[Always has been.] sounded in my consciousness.

The Heck?! What was that?

Am I really going insane?! I am f*cking hearing some voices in my head now?!

You aren't content with just reading my mind now, are you?!

You want to f*cking distract me with noises now, do you?!

Damn it!

No! I am not going insane!

That's just my delusion from extreme boredom and a lack of nuts!

Yes, that's right!

Inhale, exhale.

Inhale, exhale.

That right, Where were we now?

Oh right! It's the day!

Yeah, Charles's coronation day!

What a surprise that is, right?!

Anyway I am watching on my T.V. and my laptop, both at the same time.

Why not? I know it's all the same but I will still do it.

It's being broadcasted live in two different angles you know~.

That's why I want to watch in both the TV and my laptop.

Don't tell me you hadn't done it yet?

Who am I talking with anyway?

Tsk tsk!

I am just talking to myself right...

I am not insane, right...

This is normal, everyone does this once in a while...


Charles isn't there yet.

The screen in both my TV and laptop is showing the huge auditorium, where the monarch mostly does his speeches.

There are many prominent people in there.

I Don't know why, but I am feeling like I should be there because it seems like there is something big that is going to happen.

But my logic tells me the danger of going there, specially since it is being broadcasted live to the whole world.

Many people who saw how I look, specially those who know me personally, will definitely know it is me when they see me in there.

I also can't disguise cause if I go, I will definitely be called out to reward me of my contributions.

Charles can't not give me some reward cause it will cool the hearts of the others who helped him too.

It will be really bad if that happened.

Cause you can't really just put everyone into geass, you know~.

That is bad for development and progress.

I will be the one to stop them if they did that.

After all, if there is no development and progress then there will be nothing new to learn and experience!

And that is something I definitely don't want to happen.

Let's get back to the topic then...

Right, As I said before I started going off the rails again.

Charles isn't in the auditorium yet.

The ceremony will mostly be like a wedding.

But Charles is marrying the country in this case.


That's a really apt description there.

Anyways, there is a priest with some clergymen as assistants and a few royal guard in the coronation stage.

The ceremony will be quite short.

He only needs to do some oath taking and vows then someone will bring out the crown and the scepter together with a luxurious red cape.

I know because it was shown in the news in these few days that passed, I mean everyday!

Can you imagine that?!

I can't even watch some TV drama because they were all fussing about the coronation.

That's why I was really bored!

I really should f*cking make a web novel site and app!

That's a bright Idea right there!


How did I forget about web novels for such a long time?!

Anyways, I am going out of the topic again.

It seems I really need some help!

I might really go insane if I hadn't yet!

I need nut therapy!

Then the TV and my laptop sounded grandly with a whole orchestra in the background.

That really looks cool and badass!

Right! I should also put a background music for my future exclusive knightmare frame!

We can't go to battle without an awesome background battle music on.

I need to make sure that my fights will look like some kind of shounen anime!

The reporter in the Television interrupted my thoughts by saying excitedly "His majesty, king Charles is here!"

Then I put all my attention to this pretentious bastard.


If I was the one in there, then I will be more fabulous than Charles.

Tsk tsk!

I am not jealous at all because this grand ceremony is so cool!

Maybe I should also live broadcast my future epic fights?!

Will it even be possible?!

Any country wouldn't allow the war to be broadcasted live though...


Should I just become an outside party?

Maybe something along the lines of Gundam 00's Celestial Being?!

That's another great idea!


While I am thinking, the ceremony is still going on.

This idea would need a huge advantage gap of technology for it to be at least feasible.

I will also need to make a quantum computer on the back of the moon because I will definitely want to go Celestial Being all the way if I do so.

But all this stuff will mess up the canon!


I can just prepare for now and start the plan when the canon is already ongoing right?!

That's right!

I am really a genius!

So handsome!


Now, I will really need to up my research and also hire a few trusted people for the Celestial being plan.

Can't do everything by myself after all.

Or do I just make a better AI and also some better robots for the AI to control?

Nah, that could go really bad.

you know what they say...

Everything that could go wrong will definitely go wrong.

That's why I am very cautious and mindful of everything I make.

And I definitely don't want a skynet event.

Humans are already enough to kill themselves, they don't really need outside help, you know~.

Then suddenly everything became quiet, specially in the live broadcast.

- word count 1041 -

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pat reon.com/SoldKlad001

You can get 20 chapter more!

There are only two tiers, you get 10 chapters advance from the first one and the whole 20 chapters advance on the second one.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

soldkladcreators' thoughts