
Code Geass FF chapter 43

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"And so, from today onwards! You, Charles zi Britannia is now the 98th king of Britannia!" the priest announced loudly.

Then the priest put the crown on top of Charles's head and gave him the scepter after.

Some other clergy men then helped to put the cape on Charles.

Did I forgot to say that Charles is on one knee while he is being bestowed this things?

I heard from the news before that it is to show that god gave the right of kingship to that someone who is getting it.

That someone right now is Charles, if anyone is being confused.

It's the so called heaven's mandate in Chinese!

Yeah, I don't know if there really is this kind of tradition in Europe on my previous life though.

It looks cool and epic anyway, so all is good!

It's like telling people that you are destined to be king!

That's why you are just 'rightfully' taking your place, the throne.

Even if you didn't pull out some sword from a stone's ass!

But damn it!

That was a really cool, awesome, epic and badass moment right there!

I am so jealous!

Now, I feel like going Jesus with my future mech like Kira Yamato!

That would be like, really awesome!

People will like 'Nigerou! Gundam Da to!' before exploding in a beam of light.


That one is a gundam wing reference by the way, just telling if you don't know.

Let's help everyone become enlightened to the greatness of mechs!

I am gundam!

Anyways, let's be quiet for now because Charles is going to have his speech.

In fact he is already half way now!

"All men ... are NOT created equal! Some are born swifter afoot, some with greater beauty, some are born into poverty and others born sick and feeble.

Both in birth and upbringing, in sheer scope of ability every human is inherently different; Yes that is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition and the unfaltering march of progress.

Inequality is not wrong, equality is. What of America which made equality a right? Rabble politics by a popularity contest.

The Chinese Federation with its equal distribution of wealth? A nation of lazy dullards.

But not our beloved Britannia, we fight, we compete, evolution is continuous. Britannia alone moves forward, advancing steadily into the future.

Even the death of all my other relatives, demonstrates Britannia's unswerving commitment to progress.

We will fight on, we shall struggle, compete, plunder and dominate, and in the end, the future shall be ours.

ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!" Charles said very loudly and boldly, full of confidence, dignity and determination.

"ALL HAIL BRITANNIA!" all the other people who is our fellow country men shouted in response to Charles speech and declaration.

Many people became sour faced because of that. You can specially see those representatives of the said countries.

These people seems to be about to blow up.

At that moment, it is as if the whole world trembled from the voice of everyone shouting 'ALL HAIL BRITANNIA'.

Everyone should have already guessed the stance of the current king base on his aggressive speech alone.

Now, everyone will know about this countries elitist attitude.

Now, everyone will see the threat that this country can bring.

Now, everyone will really expect to see war in the near future!

Then after that will now be the commendations and rewards for those who supported him in taking the throne.

Charles gave some people land, some others nobility and some other requested a private audience.

This part of the event took an hour or two.

Fortunately for the guesses they were allocated seats from the very start.

They were also given something to drink at the beginning too.

Oh right!

Some of the previous knights of round died when they resisted Charles's take over of the throne.

Specifically, the knight of one is dead now.


"Bismarck Waldstein! You are now the knight of one! You shall be on duty from today onwards! You will be the leader of the knights of round!" Charles said while doing the knighting ceremony on Bismarck Waldstein.

"Yes! Your highness!" Bismarck Waldstein said while kneeling on one knee in front of Charles.

Almost all the people applauded on that, although some had an extremely jealous face on them while doing so.

The others who didn't applaud were those representative from the other countries.

They are really feeling awkward after that speech of Charles.

They wanted to just go back home now but they can't because that would only result in them loosing reputation or being seen as weak.

In Chinese terms, they are afraid of loosing face!


I think they really are having a hard time right now.

Their faces are so funny to look at.

Specially since the broadcast in the laptop are only showing their sour and frowning faces.


I was the one who arranged that though.


I planned that because I knew this would happen!

I can only do that to the online broadcast though.

Can't really mess with the Televised one because that one is Britannia's official broadcast and sh*t, you know~.

This is also one of the reasons why I wanted to watch on both!

Anyways, the commendation and rewards ended with Bismarck Waldstein becoming the knight of one.

"And now, I am going to announce a very important thing!" Charles suddenly said loudly.

He gazed at the representatives of Europe or better known right now as the Europia United.

"Come up here for the people to see." Charles said to them.

Then they had gone in front of Charles and stood by.

"From now on, Europia United will be dissolved!

Today, I became king! Today will also be the day I stop being one!

Because Today!

I become an emperor!

Europia United will now be called!




BRITANNIA!" Charles announced loudly!

"ALL HAIL BRITANNIA! ALL HAIL THE EMPEROR!" Everyone shouted loudly, louder then even before.

- word count 1014 -

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You can get 20 chapter more!

There are only two tiers, you get 10 chapters advance from the first one and the whole 20 chapters advance on the second one.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

soldkladcreators' thoughts