
cobra kai: The Prodigy

Alex, a poor boy whose life has been very lonely, dies suddenly and is reincarnated in Cobra Kai as a baby named Robby Keene with a talent for perfectly copying any martial art he sees and a body with superhuman potential. Decide to enjoy this life 100%

DaoistMrYOP5 · TV
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18 Chs

Robby Keene: The Prodigy

-- LaRusso dealer --

"I thought you were selling porches" Johnny says to Daniel and he replies "just pick one quick and get out of here, what do you think of this one" he says while pointing to a car and Johnny says "a forester, do I look like a lesbian to you?"

"hey, each one of these cars is worth more than the junk you drive" Daniel says to Johnny and Johnny replies "the junk you're talking about was full of memories" they walked a bit and seeing a red car Johnny said "not this one it's so bad"

"2009 challenger of 5.8 liters" says Daniel and Johnny corrects him "5.7", Daniel asks him "what does he know about cars" and Johnny answers "what kind of man doesn't know about cars"

"well know-it-all, you dare the keys to make you go away" Daniel tells him and Johnny asks him "what's wrong" to which Daniel answers "nothing, but you dare a test so you can leave me alone"

"well sheila could you tell anoush to take this guy" Daniel says to an employee and she replies "today is his day off, but I can call lui" and daniel quickly says "no, no, no lui can never come back but, *sigh* bring the keys I'll take him to test drive the car"

-- Daniel's house --

"Mom have you seen dad I need to talk to him" Sam said to Amanda and Amanda replied "He's not outside but I need to talk to you, did you have a car accident a few months ago?"

"I wasn't driving mom it was Moon mom I swear" Sam tells her mother quickly, "I don't care who was driving you should have told us, do you have any idea what trouble you caused" Amanda tells her daughter and Sam just replies "I'm sorry"

"Apologizing doesn't solve anything, I can't believe what I'm going to say but you're grounded, give me your phone number" Amanda tells her daughter and Sam asks her "why" and Amanda answers "because I know that as long as you have internet I can send you to your room is to send you to play, come on give it to me now" sam hands him everything and walks off angrily.

-- at Robby's house --

After a day of exams there is no better news than that the parents of Yas and Moon removed their punishment, Yas decided to have a party to celebrate it, I was happy since that means that I will finally have sex after a long time, the balls are who exploit me, I promised myself that I would not let them escape tonight.

Before going through them to go buy things for the party, I sent Sam a message to tell him about the party, but after sending several messages and he didn't reply, I realized that today was the day she was punished in the series.

I decided to take care of her later and went out to pick up the girls in my 2014 Jeep Gladiator.

I arrived at Yas's house where they were both waiting for me, I parked outside, got out of the car and went to ring the bell, when I touched it, a lady similar to Yas opened for me, for which I suppose it must be her mother and she He tells me "or come in, you must be Robby my little Yas always talks about you"

"MOM" Yas yells a little embarrassed upon hearing what her mother says, I on the other hand look at Yas and Moon and tell them "how beautiful they look" with a smile which causes them both to blush but also to smile .

"Okay, let's go buy things for the party, we're running late" I said and they both agreed.

We got to a store and I asked the girls "what are we going to need for the party" and Moon answers "snacks" and quickly adds Yas "and beer, lots of beer"

When I hear them, I grab the snack and beer and go to pay, the guy from the store sees the beer and looks at me and says "identification" and I just give him a wad of bills, which is much more than what it costs. paying and I say "here it is".

He looks at me with narrowed eyes but after a few seconds he takes the money and tells me "okay, you can go" as he proceeds to count the money.

I get to the car with the things that the girls ordered and he asks me "how fast, didn't he ask you for identification?" and with a cunning smile I told her "it's not necessary precious" and I kiss what smiles tenderly at me.

I got in the car and we went to the party site, when we got there we saw a lot of people and Moon said "it seems that everyone has arrived" and Yas tells him "do you think these are people I would invite, Robby tell them to leave" when he heard that he told him I hit a strong spank that makes him jump in surprise and land on my chest.

I turn down a little to see her face to face on my chest and I say "what have I told you about judging people by how they look?" Yas is a little angry but at the same time a little submissive she tells me "sorry" and Moon just she laughs when she sees her friend apologize after being spanked "hahahaha"

I was about to say something to Moon but in that I squeeze her buttock, she shuts up and I tell her "let's go down and have fun and if you don't do it tonight there won't be sex for you", she inflates her cheeks a little and with a slightly annoyed tone answers me "well ok"

at him smiled at him and we went downstairs, when we got downstairs I greet the boys "hi Miguel, Demetri, Halcon, Aisha" and they greet me back, I ask them "what are you doing here?" in a slightly annoyed tone since he knew that his plan is to ruin my girl's party.

Upon hearing me, Aisha stutters and answers "y-we just came to spend the afternoon" I look directly at her for a few seconds and smile at her "Aisha, nice, I have some people here who want to apologize to you" Aisha makes a pensive face but quickly realizes who speak.

I point to Moon and Yas who are behind me and say "it's them" I push both of them a little and say "forward".

It takes a while for the girls to speak but soon Moon is the first to speak and tells Aisha "aisha, I'm sorry for the Halloween video and the teasing, I'm really sorry now that I think about it, I think it was very bad"

aisha smiles a little at Moon's apology, Moon asks her "can you forgive me?" and Aisha says "of course if you don't bother me in the future" and Moon with a smile says "don't worry, someone made me realize that these kinds of attitudes are not correct" and she turns to me with a smile.

After Moon's successful apology, Yas is supposed to speak but she stays quiet,"yas" I tell her with an authoritative tone and when she hears me she reacts and says to Aisha "well, aisha I'm sorry too, I think it wasn't right how I treated you and I thought that I would not like to be treated the same so I plan to leave you alone and I hope you forgive me"

"Well, if you don't treat me badly again, I think I'll forgive you" Aisha tells her and Moon quickly answers excitedly "Yes, yes, I won't bother you again"

after Moon's successful apology it's Yas's turn but she doesn't speak so I tell her "You're going to go on" while I look into her eyes.

She listens to me and reluctantly approaches Aisha and says "well, I apologize too. I think that what I did before is not right and I'm not going to do it again. I hope you forgive me"

Aisha hearing Yas apologize is surprised and looks at me as if to say what you did to her, if she only knew the truth hahahaha.

Aisha, although the apology seemed true to her, said "I don't forgive you" coldly and quickly Yas says "Bitch, first you steal my party and then you answer my excuse so I better get out of here"

Yas walks towards me to leave but at that moment Aisha yells "YASMINE" and Yas turns to see her, "you think you really do, right" Aisha tells her and with that she moves her hand to make her wedgie in front like in the series but in that I hold her hand tightly and coldly say "what are you going to do aisha"

She struggles to get out of my grip but she can't and she tells me "R-Robby let me go, because you're defending this bitch you're a cobra kai" and I reply "first don't call Yas a bitch, and second I'm a cobra kai but First I am myself and I decide who to relate to"

After saying that, I loosen my hand away from Yas and say "this time I'll pass it because you're a cobra kai but the next time you try something against one of my girls I'll hit you I don't care if you're a woman"

Aisha with an annoyed face nods and goes to talk to Demetri and Miguel.

With that I turn to Yas and ask her "are you okay" and when she sees my face, a little worried, she tells me "yes I'm okay" she kisses me and after separating our lips she whispers to me "how sexy you saw defending me, I want you to drink right now" and I bite his ear a little to which he moans "mhmm~" and I whisper "wait until after the party"

after that we danced and drank a bit, after a while I tell the girls "wait for me here I'll go for Sam" they accept and stay dancing, I go to my car and go for Sam.

-- Daniel's house --

Arriving at Sam's house I decided not to ring the bell because I knew I was punished and I went to the window of his room, I knocked on the window and seconds later Sam opens it for me, "Robby what are you doing here" Sam asks me and I answer "I'm coming for you to go to the party"

She tells me "but I'm grounded" and I answer "don't worry if they punish you, I'll take care of it, your father likes me, it's not true", she smiles at me and says "ok, go out to enlist" and with a smile cunning I tell her "I don't have to get out" I approach her and give her a passionate kiss, after 3 minutes we separate and she gasping for lack of air tells me "ok you don't need to get out but turn around" to which I nod and I do what it says.

After a few minutes she tells me "ready" and I turn to look at her, "beautiful" is the first thing that comes out of my mouth and she smiles, approaches me and gives me a kiss "well let's go" she says pulling me towards the window.

On the way to the party she asks me "hey and whose party is it" and I answer "Yas, she's celebrating that her parents removed her punishment" to which Sam answers "ooo" while she rolls her eyes .

When I see that, I tell her with a mocking tone and a smile, "how jealous of your friend" and she answers me with a slightly annoyed tone, "no."

"Don't bother anymore, I have a surprise for you tonight" I tell her and she asks me "what a surprise" and I answer her "the only thing I'll tell you is that you're going to love it" and I look at her with a sly smile, she seems to intuit the surprise and blushes, was all that remains of the trip in silence.


a little late but here is the daily chapter, at 200 stones daily chapter.


Here comment ideas for possible members of the harem and do not despair if I do not include them after I already have some of your ideas for the second season.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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