
Closed Feeling

A romantic relationship between the CEO's son and a worker in an office setting is complicated by the drama and pressure stemming from their respective families. As they navigate their lives together, a hidden secret is uncovered, adding further complexity to the situation.

Perzy_Precious · Sports, voyage et activités
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Sunday Monday Morning

 On a peaceful Monday morning, the sun shines brightly as my alarm blares loudly. Despite the serene atmosphere, I lay there feeling anxious about the workload that awaited me at the office.

oh_no! Looks like I have a project deadline to meet! Let's get ready for work!

"Hey there! Good morning! Mom wanted me to ask you if you're in the mood for breakfast today. So, what would you like to have?"

Don't worry, looks like I'm running a bit late for work!

As I was hurrying out of my house, I shouted "Please wait!" while running and waving my hands in an attempt to catch the late bus. 

"The bus stopped later on after I had been running for one minute."

As I entered the bus, I decided to take a seat by the window and enjoyed the view of the impressive skyscrapers outside. 

Hey there! I'm a regular girl with a pretty average life, but you know what's exciting? I'm only two years away from turning 25! Time flies, doesn't it?

This reminds me, I had a gift idea for my 25th birthday which I shared with my dad. Unfortunately, my father passed away due to cancer when I was 10. 

so since then, it's been me, along with my twin brother James and my mother, who have been living together. 

I and my twin brother had a difficult time finding employment, but my brother eventually started his own coffee shop and my mother helped him out. 

 Meanwhile, I was able to secure a job at the Blackwood organization. 

I know it's been my dream job, especially after facing the disappointment of 12 failed interviews before this.

After paying for the bus fare, I walked out and headed straight to my office, trying to avoid making eye contact with anyone as I was already 30 minutes late. I work as the advertisement team leader at Blackwood Organization.

Hey there! Did you just arrive, Jane? Uh_oh, I think I got caught turning my head towards the person while they were speaking – it was so awkward!

 Meanwhile, The first son of the Blackwood organization has just arrived at the airport.

A man arrived in a Lamborghini and approached him, informing him that his father had sent him to pick him up. The car door was then opened for him to enter.

Arriving home, he was welcomed by his family consisting of his father, grandfather, stepmother, and her two children named Fiona and Caleb.

When the stepmom walked up, she said to him, "I'm glad you're back," and he responded, "Are you?"

But his grandfather interrupted and said, "You cannot have a conflict on your first day of arrival." His father added, "That is so immature of you."

"He excused himself and went straight to his room."

The grandfather kindly asked the household staff to prepare for his son's late wife's death anniversary. He also politely requested his son's second wife to make sure that the family was gathered for the event.

"Uh_huh nodding my head, if you're going to be late--","

It's been a long time since we had a team dinner " don't you think?

hey everyone, we're going for a drink? what do you guys think?" 

"Wow, what an incredible idea! I absolutely love it! That's truly amazing, and it's fantastic " everyone responding so positively to it!

Great, let's get back to work! We have a deadline to meet.

 Later the evening after work, everyone waiting at the entrance of the office waiting for me.

"Hey Jane, have you picked a restaurant?" Matthew asked. "No, I haven't," Jane replied. "No problem, I know of an amazing place called JJ Eatery that you're going to love," Matthew said.

We hopped into a taxi and eagerly headed over to JJ Eatery, our stomachs grumbling with anticipation. As we stepped inside the restaurant, the aroma of delicious food wafted toward us, making our mouths water with excitement. our eyes feasted on the warm and cozy ambiance of the restaurant.

-"Oh my gosh, this restaurant is absolutely gorgeous! I love the cozy ambiance and the delicious smells coming from the kitchen. This is definitely my new happy place."-

Without wasting any time, we all found our seats and eagerly waited for a waiter to come over and take our order. The aroma of delicious food wafting around only added to our excitement. 

"Hey, waiter! Could you do me a favor and get us a bottle of Sanford and Benedict Vineyard Pinot Noir? Thank you so much. Matthew requested"

We had a great time eating and drinking together, but I had to take a break and went to the restroom.

As I made my way to the restroom, a thought struck me - were the drinks and food I just had a bit too pricey? It's always nice to treat everyone, but I couldn't help but wonder if I ended up overspending.

As I was exiting the restroom, I inadvertently collided with the waiter, causing him to spill his tray of drinks on a gentleman nearby. I could see the man's face turn red with annoyance, and I felt terrible about the whole situation.

"The gentleman expressed his discontent in the manner in which the waiter was conducting himself by stating, "Can you not watch where you are going?" The gentleman angrily said with a displeasure as his gaze was firmly fixed on the waiter."

Hey there! I apologize, for my mistake. It wasn't the waiter's fault, it was actually mine. I accidentally bumped into him. Sorry about that, sir.

He looked angry at me hastily brushed off your shirt and stormed out of the restaurant.

Jane!, Matthew called we're already leaving. Aren't you coming? Oh yeah, I am on my way. Sorry about earlier, I said to the waiter.

Excuse me, waiter. could you please bring me the receipt for my table? Oh, never mind, the young man over there already paid for it, the waiter said pointing at Matthew.

"Everyone got a taxi, and Matthew kindly dropped me off at home. We said our goodbyes and called it a night - it was so much fun, but I was ready to curl up in bed and relax!" 

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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