

In the gripping tale of "Close to the enemy" Audrey embarks on a relentless quest to uncover the truth behind her parents' tragic demise. Little does she know that the killer is much closer than she could have ever imagined. As Audrey finds herself drawn to a suspect she believes is connected to the murderer, she unexpectedly falls in love. Cyrus becomes the focal point of her suspicion, but unknown to Audrey, he is not involved in her parents' tragic fate. Instead, he is well aware of the dangers lurking in her pursuit for revenge, trying desperately to dissuade her from this perilous path. Cyrus believes that justice is best left to a higher power, urging Audrey to leave the vendetta to fate. Audrey's team, comprised of loyal allies Jonathan, Claudia Wesley, and Chelsea, are united in their shared mission. Trusting each other implicitly, their alliance is unshakeable. However, a hidden treachery lies within their midst. Jonathan, unbeknownst to the group, holds a shocking secret - his own father is the true perpetrator behind the murder of Audrey's parents. Struggling with the conflicting desire to protect his father, Jonathan wrestles with the weight of guilt as he cunningly conceals the truth from Sandra and the team. "Close to the enemy" delves deep into the tangled web of deceit, love, and loyalty. As the suspense builds, Audrey determination for justice clashes with her blossoming feelings for Cyrus. The team's unity is shaken as Jonathan grapples with his dark secret, torn between loyalty to his father and doing what is right. Will Audrey discover the truth about her parents' killer before it's too late? Can she find a balance between avenging their deaths and following her heart? "Close To The Enemy" offers a thrilling journey that will keep readers on the edge of their seats, unraveling the mysteries that lie beneath the surface and revealing that sometimes the most dangerous shadows are the ones closest to us.

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Chapter Four:- Mr. Vicious

These four individuals made a perfect match in conquering and solving complicated puzzles. 

"Chelsea, I want you to hack the restaurant's CCTV camera and watch us from here" Audrey instructed and Chelsea frowned deeply.

"I'm not coming along?" 

"Wesley will have to put a tab under the burnet of his car so that we can always know his location and you have to say here for installation" Audrey stated her reasons for her staying behind and then, she threw her gaze to Jonathan.

"I want you to stay here with her," Audrey said and Jonathan agreed.

"Claudia, Wesley, let's go" Audrey stood up, backing her backpack.

"Are we going to approach him?" Claudia asked, changing her boots. 

"No, we aren't but if the situation turns out to be different, then we have no choice" 

" Chelsea, we need the earpads and glasses" Audrey requested In case the situation turned out to be different. They could communicate through the earpods. The glasses would also be useful in places where the CCTV camera can't reach because there were cameras on them.

Chelsea brought out the earpods for the five of them and then, she gave the glasses to Audrey. 

Audrey wore the glasses making sure it was intact as she connected the recording to her phone. The recording was clear and now, they were set to leave.

"Well, I suggest you all change your dresses. It will look suspicious if you go in there wearing boots and trousers" Chelsea said, showing them the picture of dresses the ladies wear in the restaurant.

Audrey groaned, knowing that dressing up and making up would make them waste extra time. Immediately, Claudia and Audrey went into the dressing room in the hideout to select some fancy clothes.

After some minutes, they both came out with their astonishing looks. 

Claudia wore a short dress adorned with delicate green lace that elegantly exposed her back. The color of her dress seamlessly complemented the silver T-strap heels she had chosen to wear. Her blonde hair was meticulously combed, falling effortlessly onto her shoulders.

Her lips were a vibrant shade of red, reminiscent of juicy cherries, adding a touch of seductive allure to her overall look.

Audrey wore an elegant black dress that fell just above her knee, exuding sophistication. She paired it with chic ankle-strap heels, further accentuating her stylish ensemble. Her fair skin radiated like a gemstone, glistening in the light as she confidently stepped out of the dressing room.

With a dash of confidence, Audrey applied a vibrant shade of red lipstick to her lips, enhancing her natural beauty. To shield her eyes from the sun's rays, she gracefully slipped on the sunglasses that Chelsea had given her. 

"Woah, so hot" Wesley smiled, biting his lip as he watched Claudia veer around.

On the other side, Jonathan gulped hard as he couldn't take his eyes off Audrey. Audrey had been the girl he had been crushing but right now, he wished he could confess his feelings. Beautiful was an understatement to describe how she looked in those dresses.

"That's better," Chelsea said, informing them that they can take their leave before it's too late.

"We'll get going then," Claudia said, hanging her silver pause on her shoulders.

The trio left the hideout and drove to the restaurant which was 30 minutes far away.

Chelsea watched Mr. Vicious through the camera as he walked into the restaurant with his bodyguards behind him. The bodyguard took a separate table to avoid any suspicions while Mr. Vicious sat with the CEO of Winners Hotel.

"Why are you quiet?" Chelsea asked Jonathan who seemed to be lost in his internal dilemma.

Jonathan jolted back to reality, forcing a smile on his face "It's nothing. I'm just worried" 

Chelsea who had been observant of Jonathan's shyness around Audrey chuckled loudly, "Worried about who? Audrey?" Chelsea asked straightforwardly, putting Jonathan in a tight situation.

"What do you mean?" He feigned innocence even if he was aware of what Chelsea meant.

"Common Jonathan, falling in love isn't a sin or is it a scene in the law?" She whined, remembering he was a prosecutor.

"I don't know, Chelsea" He turned his back on her, avoiding her whining face.

" I know you love, Audrey. It's quite obvious for me at least. I can't say if Audrey is aware but even if she is, she will not give you a chance because dealing with those murderers is what she has in mind" Chelsea tried reasoning with him but still, but Jonathan was still worried and insecure.

" All she thinks is about those murderers and it's dangerous. The more they know how persistent she is in finding them, the more they set out traps for her. That could be her end" Jonathan yelled in concern. Chelsea stood up from her seat and walked towards him.

" How will the murderer know that she is intensely looking for them except if the betrayer is among us" Chelsea's brows furrowed, looking deep into Jonathan's eyes.

"What... what are you trying to say?" Jonathan stuttered, causing Chelsea to stare at him with killing gazes.

"I was just talking out of concern. The killer might also place spies and places we like meeting... you know..." Jonathan's nervous said, avoiding Chelsea's eye contact.

"Whatever!" Chelsea rolled her eyes and went back to her seat in front of her computer. There, she saw Audrey and Claudia walk into the restaurant like normal persons avoiding any suspicions. 

"Wesley, turn on the tab" Chelsea spoke to Wesley who was secretly installing the tab under Mr. Vicious's car.

"Okay," Wesley turned it on before leaving the car pack. 

Chelsea immediately began the installation process while Claudia and Audrey were monitoring Mr. Vicious and his client.