

This event happened on Mars, a red desert planet, in 5067, 50th centuries later, humanity has finally conquered Mars, exploiting a newly found energy resource, a new type of energy base mineral, this led to the rapid development of the race and new finding... That's what the records mentioned, but was that true, the crimes and genocide truth hidden from all, the dark history. what about Earth? The boy made out of his predecessor walks towards his own Doom in search of the truth, accompanied by his classmates, he shall end the journey alone. "We are are clones made by them, we failed are purpose, so we shouldn't be living"

Poker_mon · Romance
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17 Chs

/My/Our Abyss//

Jason opened his eyes, he saw a flow of information passing through, where was he? He didn't know, it was like a state of near death, or was he sleeping?

All he knew was that he was fighting the spider, and was going to collapse very soon, when Scar showed up, distracting the spider, "Scar..." He unconsciously muttered, "Yes?" Someone answered, Jason looked to the side as his vision gradually came back, and he saw Scar leaning on the wall and Luna taking care of his wounds, soon he felt someone hugging him, and he immediately smiled, as his hand held the small girl's back, knowing already the situation.

"We won" Luna and Lotus were dealing with Scar and Peter respectively, Jane helped Jason to stand, and Jason looked at the spider body who was lying dead a distance away, smoking from the head, he must have roasted the guy's brain, but the two knives where now damage and could no longer be used.

"You guys are extraordinary " Said Jane looking at what Jason was Looking at, "reckless to say" Said Luna and nodded to Lotus, Scar was shocked, "Heh, it's supposed to be thank you for saving your lives!" He held his hand, Luna smiled and kept on bandaging his hand.

"I am still surprised that we took it down hehe" Peter did not look find, his hand was broken and he looked to have a slight fever, but he stood up, and Lotus helped him, with that, they were helped back group, due to Peters injuries, they rested for a day, Peter had a heavy fever during the night, so Jason had the plan to go back to the underground lake to get water, but was too weak, Therbolt and two of Scar's friends left to fetch the water, they soon came back with the water and news.

"You mean the tremors have stopped, but you spotted a lot of Spikes on your way?" Asked Jason, they nodded, Jason looked at Scar, and they nodded, they had to move, but Peter's condition wasn't good, they used the fresh water to wipe his head and gave him to drink, everybody had a taste of the water, "if we die due to bacteria, better together " Joked Scar, nobody found that funny and Luna pinch his cheek as punishment, luckily, Peter was feeling better, Lotus help him stand and the kept the walk and finally, the saw light.

Scar was the one that moved forward, but did not go far, from Jason's words, the atmosphere was poisonous enough to kill him without proper gears, so he should not go too far, when he stood not far, he saw a giant storm of dust raging outside, turning the whole atmosphere red.

"Should we go out now?" Asked Scar, he looked down at Jason, the kids were looking up at the exit of the tunnel, from where they stood, they could see a violent storm raging outside.

"It is preferable not to" Said Jason, all the other kids nodded, "the outside environment is risky, not only the beasts outside are dangerous, but even the atmosphere is a threat... We can survive outside for a day " Said Jason.

"So... What know?" Asked Peter, Jason looked at him, walked to the wall, and sat down with Raven who kept looking at him in confusion, "We wait..." He leaned on the dirty wall and closed his eyes, all the kids stood there looking at Jason as if he was joking.

"Are you joking?" Asked Lotus, "Do I look like I am?" Asked back Jason, Lotus sighed, they could neither move forward nor backward, they were trapped, Scar sat down and closed his eyes, and someone sat near him, he opened his eyes and looked to the side and saw Luna, she looked tired, he smiled and gave his shoulder.

The other kids did the same and found a place to sit, and they spent the whole day sleeping, they all had bruises and wounds on their faces and bodies, hair unkept and all looked pale, Jason could feel his body weakening, using the suits consuming a lot of energy, if it weren't for that drug, his body might of already broken, that think boosted him, he fell like a child that could beat up and adult.

When all the kids were sleeping, Jason felt the presence of something approaching, he opened his heavy eyes and looked, his eyes first started looking down.

"Boots?" His eyes started going up, and he saw a black military gear set, well equipped, with a sophisticated rifle gun, and a helmet, (aka, like does of Halo) There were six of them, and they approached the kids.

Jason looked at them, were they here to end their lives? Or what, his hand unconsciously went to his broken blade, if he was going to die, at least, he would die putting a fight, and he wasn't the only one who thought that, the rest had their hands already on their knives.

"Number 666" The soldier in front spoke first after dusting his black gear of the red-brown dust, "who is Number 666" Asked the man once again, Jason moved forward, "I am" He answered, "Where's the child?" The man asked, Raven, to hide behind Lutos, the soldier saw that and immediately recognized the child, "Good follow us" He said, "Where to?" Asked Jason.

"Don't ask stupid questions and follow me" Warned the soldier sternly, "what about the others?" Asked Jason ignoring the man's threat, "I don't give a fuck!" He said, and he started walking back, but soon he and his colleagues realized that they weren't following, "are you trying to deliberately annoy me?" Asked the soldier.

"What about them?" This time, Jason's head moved backward, his expression solemn, he stared at them, and for a moment, the man felt a slight cold in his spine, this particularly annoying him, he walked back and sent a kick at Jason.

Jason rolled and coughed out, he stood up helped by the others, and the man removed his helmet showing his face, Jason immediately knew that he was a second-class citizen, he was surly sent by that man.