

This event happened on Mars, a red desert planet, in 5067, 50th centuries later, humanity has finally conquered Mars, exploiting a newly found energy resource, a new type of energy base mineral, this led to the rapid development of the race and new finding... That's what the records mentioned, but was that true, the crimes and genocide truth hidden from all, the dark history. what about Earth? The boy made out of his predecessor walks towards his own Doom in search of the truth, accompanied by his classmates, he shall end the journey alone. "We are are clones made by them, we failed are purpose, so we shouldn't be living"

Poker_mon · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
17 Chs

/My/Our Abyss//

"You think your that big, fucking shit, can believe, I a second class, to look for trash like you!" He held his face and smirked, "Why did they send one of those dumb clones to pick you up!" He looked at his colleagues and each of them removed their helmets, all second class.

"Let's just dump them to Antinomy and go back to the club, to think that she came and took us out personally for this task, what a bitch, she's also second class because she spread her legs to the higher up, she thinks she can bossy us around " The girl chop her nails with her teeth in frustration.

"Heh heh your bad habits are back," said her friend telling her to stop the gruesome act, "isn't it because of this damn trash who does not want to die?" All their attention where directed to the kids, their hands were itching, and they wanted to immediately shoot at them, unfortunately.

"That bitch locked down the weapons, we can engage without her permission " Complain the leader, he scratched his head violently to the point of removing some strands of it.

"Haha, at least, we can enjoy ourselves with some of them" He eyed Luna, Lotus, and the other girls, this was the line to not cross, Scar sighed and stood up from his position and came closer to Jason.

"Have you ever killed a person?" Asked Scar seriously, Jason smirked wiping the blood in his lips, "you really considered them human?" He asked back, Scar smiled, "not want little bit" The started walking forward, Scar had two blades in hand why Jason had one, "where's the other?" He asked before engaging, Jason pointed with his chin, Scar was amused, "he hasn't realized it yet hehe"

The leader felt a slight pain on his lap, looking down, he saw a blad deeply stab into his leg, he tried to scream, but his voice could not come out, he immediately felt on the floor startling his friends a bit.

"What's wrong, are you that mad?" The friends joked at first, but when they saw the knife on his lap, the immediately went serious, one of them asking for permission to engage, but the response was cold and devoid of feelings, "No" Answered Antinomy watching the scene from the camera secretly set on the shoulder of the gears, so she heard all the comments.

The rest took out their Knifes and where ready to stab the approaching kids, but the results were surprising, the two kids easily subjugated the useless people.

"Analyse their blade Athemis " The computer started it duty before giving out the results, "a rare specie, desert spider's venom, capable of paralysing an adult male tremor, interesting, how they hell did the obtain such poison?" She wondered.

They people stripped off their girls and weapons, when Jason touched the Glock pistol, it immediately deactivate, "so you want us to do the dirty work..." Jason look outside, Scar also got the point, he also had a Glock pistol in his hand, "let's end this and go back to the beginning " Said Scar avoiding to say home, it wasn't their home, but it was the only place that could ensure their safety at this moments.

Jason stared at the begging expression of the tied down bastard, and this annoyed him, because he thought of all those kids who died in the beginning, the girl who waved at him with a resolute smile right to the last moments, he immediately put the gun on the guys forehead.

He turn towards Raven who had a solemn look on her faces, all the kids carried solemn looks, "haha, can we still be called kids" At this remark, Scar laughed, "this is our Abyss, and we have to become monsters to survive in such environment " Added Scar, Jason smiled, he saw another gun being lifted up, no two others, Peter, Luna and Lotus, he smiled, "in that case" His hands when to the trigger, "this are abyss "

Soon, gun shots where heard, it continued until the guns where empty, "Go fetch them up " Ordered Antinomy, the true party in charge left the kit, heading for the entry of the hole with protective gas mask and other stuffs, later the kids were brought out and directed to the space craft waiting outside, the end of the nightmare, they all thought, but also the beginning of another one.

The ship took off, lifting up dust in the sky, main destination, Swan Fortress, Antinomy had a strange feeling, that the following years would be interesting to watch and follow up, "I kind of feel what Maxima and that perv mean" She smiled.


The ship reactors spat out flames and disappeared from the sight, leaving the hole and dead bodies behind, soon which would mysteriously disappear in the dark tunnels.

The record showed, out of a squadron of disposed, 16th were recycled for the Entertainment events, as thought Jason, another hardship were awaiting them upon their arrival on the base, a war of blood named.

The Entertainment Games.