
Cleansing Flame

All chapters are subject to change; this is a rough draft. What happens in a world where mortals only gain the power of magic through the consumption of dragon blood? More importantly, how would you react as a dragon, hunted by the creatures you've looked down on throughout your race's entire existence? Maybe it's time to torch the world to clean out the parasites. A cleansing flame if you would. The R-15 tag is simply because I find I have a rather gruesome way of describing fight scenes. Wouldnt have a 13 year old watch the beginning of Saving private ryan now would we?? Image is "Fire Drake" by Sansyu (Fantastic uploads Sansyu)

Spartan0406 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Neither hide nor hair

sorry for not holding up to promise of swift chapters. I hit a block on what i want in this story concerning monsters, gods etc... ive been listening to lectures on all forms of mythology and religious texts from abrahamic to hindu to african. theres so much i want to incorporate but i also dont want to drown people if i do take bits and pieces from all over and end up taking way to much. There WILL be more though!

stay healthy