
Cleansing Flame

All chapters are subject to change; this is a rough draft. What happens in a world where mortals only gain the power of magic through the consumption of dragon blood? More importantly, how would you react as a dragon, hunted by the creatures you've looked down on throughout your race's entire existence? Maybe it's time to torch the world to clean out the parasites. A cleansing flame if you would. The R-15 tag is simply because I find I have a rather gruesome way of describing fight scenes. Wouldnt have a 13 year old watch the beginning of Saving private ryan now would we?? Image is "Fire Drake" by Sansyu (Fantastic uploads Sansyu)

Spartan0406 · Fantasy
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6 Chs



It wasn't the first feeling that I have felt, but it's probably the most pronounced one so far. The one that stirred me to take deliberate action for the first time. Tight, it's to tight in here, I need space, and I need it now.

I press outwards, putting my full strength to bear on the confining walls. They expand but soon revert to their original position. More and more, I push, but still, I am trapped in this spot.

This space resists my attempts to expand my domicile. If it doesn't let me do so willingly, I shall force it. As I apply more pressure outward, I feel a give in the walls. I press onwards, and eventually, it cracks. Light floods in, blinding me in the process, but I shall not stop just because I can't see. If it can crack, then it will break.

Moments pass as I rip and tear at the crack to create a hole large enough for me to crawl out. What greets me is a delightful atmosphere. Smells of sulfur tickled my nose, and the flowing of magma besets my ears. I felt comfortable to a level I hadn't experienced before.

I stretch my limbs, enjoying my new found freedom. It's a beautiful feeling to move about as one desires, not to be limited by anything. I bask in the sights before me; my surroundings are tinged red by the light given off by the lava flowing freely. High walls encompass me slowly inclining to a hole in the ceiling that lets light shine into the cavern.

I stand amongst the shards of the egg from which I've just emerged atop a raised platform. The lava courses as it wills developing an archipelago amongst the ocean of molten stone. Not much detail can be seen other than small burrows in these islands and the fungi that grow upon them.

But comfort is such a fleeting emotion; discomfort is always soon to follow. Hunger, now that is a constant feeling. I turned to feed on the shattered remains of my previous residence. It's not enough; it takes the edge off but does not satiate my hunger. There must be more; I search for something, anything to consume.

I crawl down to the edge of my little island and watch the magma flow onwards, the heat it gives off is soothing. I proceeded to dip my head into the goo, drinking enough to sate my building thirst. I don't know what beckoned me to do, so only that I knew it would help relieve some of my discomforts. However, I am still hungry, across the stream, I can see a patch of mushrooms growing by a cavern.

I submerged myself into the stream and swam across slowly to enjoy the warmth of the lava. Upon reaching the shore, I climb out and climb to the mushrooms and start to gorge upon them. Once there are no more, I inspect the burrow, as surely that could not be all of them nearby.

What meets my query is the sound of cracking, similar to one I had heard when breaking my egg. A yelp follows the sound. I dash for if there are any similarities, then that means food is near at hand.

So here is the first "chapter" more of an intro or a teaser trailer, if anything. There's not much as I decided on my magic system and what my conflict will be not even two hours ago. It'll be fleshed out by Monday, hopefully, or I'll leave as is and have chapter 2 be the first real chapter.

All reviews and comments are accepted; any questions answered.



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