

**They promised to love each other for eternity, but they ended up separate. She closed her eyes one faithful day, wishing never to wake up again, yet she opened her eyes and she was surprised. She finds herself as the queen of an unknown kingdom, and the goddess of earth. She set on a journey to find ways to get back to the life she remembers, only to find out the life she is currently living was truly hers, with many secret and duties attached to it. The only one who could make her understand things better, was her late husband in the life she remembers, who happens to be with her in the unknown kingdom, but not as her husband. How will this man who had disguised himself as three different people to her, tell her the truth behind her real life, when he was behind every changes in her life. __________ ABSTRACT. "Please send me back, I don't want to be here anymore, I can't live this life you've given me." She said trying to get away from him. "Don't you think it's the best place to be together, for eternity as we promised?" He reply while kissing her on the neck and nape. "But you kno.... Mmmmmm... What..... are...... you...... doing.... " Her wards was cut short by him with a kiss on the lips, making her speak in-between kisses. "Just helping you to remember the moment we shared in our life as couple, and I miss you my love." He reply as he held the hem of her dress, ready to lift it "No! That's not what I came here for, why are you doing this to me, how can you live here knowing another man is abusing your child?" She asked, pushing him off her. He stepped close to her and took a look at her flushed face, then caressed her checks with his fingers. "Why do you want to go back, you've been here for months now, and you have a great life here, can't you stay?" "How can you do this to me, you made me abounded my family to be here with you, and what for, to fulfill a promise? Please send me back I don't want to be here anymore." She said angrily. "I thought you wanted to be with me, you even called me to save you, I did and yet you want to go back." He asked her calmly. "Yes I know, but we are not the same anymore, you are dead but am still alive, and I am married to another man now, so I have to go back to my life." Azura replied angrily. "So he's the reason you don't want to be here, then listen, you are my eternal wife, and I won't let you be with anyone, not even the king here. And as for going back, even if you sussed, you'll be a whole new person without memories of who you are or your previous life, so get used to being here." He said and left without waiting for her to say anything. __________ Hi guys, am a new author and this is my second book of the ETERNAL ROMANCE series, am not good at writing but I have lots of stories to share, please support me by reading and commenting. Book cover is mine, please do not use. all the names of characters and places are my imagination and creation, with few being names of friends and family members. It only coincidence if you have the same name.

QUEEN_ANND · Fantaisie
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The music playing ended and the orchestra started playing a new one, but Chesa insisted on dancing more with Azura, and when Azura rejected her request, she puffed her checks and folded her arms in anger. Abesselom saw the situation and went close them. He offered to dance with Chesa instead, and she accepted his hand happily.

They begin dancing as Abesselom held Chesa's small figure to guide her through the dance. Other guests who wanted to dance joined them on the dance floor and danced alone side. Chesa and Abesselom looked like father and daughter on the dance floor as they dance to the music, with Abesselom carrying Chesa up whenever she needed to twelve to the song.

Most of the guest especially the nobles of Kelvindor, were surprised to see Chesa so happy and giggling like the ten years old girl she is. They had never seen her behaving so childishly before, even though she was just a child. And the one who made her lough was what they couldn't understand.

Even Azura her mother doesn't have this much effect on her, much less her father Marcus, so how come she's this happy dancing with a stranger who just appeared in the palace uninvited. Even though the guest wear also dancing, most of them were glancing at the unexpected sight they project, especially the ones who were dancing close to Chesa and Abesselom.

"May I have a dance with my daughter as well, if you don't mind?" Marcus said calmly, interrupting Abesselom and Chesa, but he was actually fuming with anger and Abesselom saw it.

Abesselom thought of doing what he was there for, so his plans can come out as planned. "The last time I checked, this beautiful princess here wanted to dance with me, so unless she wants to dance with you, I can't give her up." Abesselom said as he carried Chesa up, looking at her as he talked.

Chesa saw the situation and her small mind knew what might happen if she say no to the king. "Sir handsome, I'll dance with the king and get back to you, please don't go anywhere okay." Chesa's small voice said and Marcus was shock to know Chesa want to dance with him.

Both Marcus and his wife lady Pearler had made the palace a living hell for Chesa in the past year when Azura went into comma. Even though she was a princess, she was restricted from going out of the palace, even some part of the palace itself was bound to her.

Marcus remembered clearly he shouted at Chesa and called her a witch just like lady Pearler. And that day he had said she was not his child. He was not sure if she heard him, but he regret it now that the princess called him the king, instead of Father or Dad that she was used to calling him. "Does she knows the truth?" Marcus asked himself inwardly as he took Chesa's hand from Abesselom.

"I no there's a lot I have to apologize for, but my dear, you have to forgive your father, I was just depressed when I saw your mother in that state, and I vent my anger on you instead of..... " Marcus tried to start a conversation with Chesa, but she had no interest in that.

" I think we should make the dance a silent one, that way the music might sound better. Don't you think?" Chesa said and the smile that was on her face earlier disappeared.

The people around and even Azura noticed the change in Chesa behavior, and they wondered why just the mere presence of the king changed the princess's mood. Azura saw everything that was happening, but her mind had something else to worry about. She kept looking at the entrance of the throne room, wondering why Enoch hasn't appeared yet, even though she didn't wish him to come.

She stood from the throne and thought of going out, but Abesselom stopped her asking if he could accompany her, that they need to discuss something. Azura agreed since she wanted to get out of the ball room. She stepped out with her ladies in waiting, Abesselom and his men follow her.

Chesa saw her mother going out and thought of using that as an excuse to get away from her father Marcus. "I'll like to go with my mother if the king don't mind, please excuse me Your Majesty." Chesa said respectfully and bowed to Marcus, holding on to her long sea-blue dress before running after her mother without waiting for Marcus's permission.

Azura excused her maids and ladies immediately she got out of the ball room, and Abesselom excused his men as well. After all they were just a show of and he had no need of them anymore. Lora though or staying behind to wait for her queen, just incase she needed her help. She moved close to one of Abesselom's men to have a word with him, to find out more about who their prince really is.

"Hi am Lora, what is your name?" she said, stretching out her hands for a shake. Whenw!!! Just when her hand got midway, the man in front of her disappeared. She took steps backwards out of fright and turn to see if the other one was still there, and yes he was. "Hay where did your friend go, he just disap....peared.... " The other man also disappeared even before Lora could finish her statement.

She run off to the direction Azura went with Abesselom, thinking of what might have happened to her, what if that unknown prince disappeared with her queen. She was used to seeing supernatural thing, but people disappearing was not something she was found of. She needed to be sure Azura was safe.


" I noticed your mind was somewhere through out the celebration. Do you need help?" Abesselom asked casually when he noticed he and Azura were alone on the palace's corridor.

"No? And why would I asked for help from a stranger?" Azura said and her words pierced through Abesselom's chest to his heart. He felt hurt and his usual expressionless and cold face turned to a sad one. Azura saw the change in his mood and how her words affected him, but she had no idea how to say sorry, and for what? He was indeed a stranger, an unwanted one as that.

"You said you have something to talk to me about, what is it?" Azura asked, changing the topic.

" I've been seeing you go beyond the boundaries, I just wanted to know why You're Majesty." Abesselom asked, being formal with Azura since he noticed she didn't remember nor recognize him at all.

" You also went beyond it didn't you? Tell me, how many people from your Kingdom are here in mine, because there's one here already. Azura asked, behaving like a strict queen.

"I can't tell Your Majesty, but I can be of help if you want to fetch them out." He replied with a smirk playing on his lips.

"How will you, how can I trust you on that?" Azura asked calmly this time.

"Unlike your people, our people are of the dark supernatural powers, and just like this kingdom, only the purest blood royals have the strongest, with few of the citizens who are a branch of the royal blood, having a bit of power as well, like your husband the king, I can sense he is of the dark supernatural powers, but his aptitude is not that strong." Abesselom explain with the little knowledge given to him by Gideon, his pet, using Marcus to back his claims up.

"I can see you have more knowledge about supernatural powers, I might need your help to master mine." Azura said, feeling like she desperately need help from Abesselom if she wants to get back to her real life.

"As you know Your Majesty, am forbidden in your kingdom, and I might cause a war if I change into my real self, so I'll plead you to look for someone else to help you." Abesselom said with his head bowed, he didn't want to help Azura as Abesselom, but another person. He didn't want any unwanted attention and situations.

Just when he was done with the statement, Lora run in on them, making them worry as to what might have happen to her. "Are you okay Lora, did something happen to you?" Azura asked worriedly, holding Lora by the shoulder.

"Your Majesty, his.... his men.. they.. they are gone... they disappeared." Lora answered with a hoarse voice.

" What are you saying? Who's men disappeared?" Azura asked Lora.

"The prince.... His Highness..... his men disappeared" Lora answer, trying to catch her breath.

Azura lifted her head to look at Abesselom and he still had his cold and expressionless face on. She kept looking at him till their eyes met and Abesselom knew she wanted an explanation to what Lora was saying. He lifted his hand up with his palms facing Azura as he spoke. "I didn't do anything, I just asked them to leave. Besides, if they stay here for long, your people might think we want trouble.

Marcus arrived on time to hear his last words and wondered why and who wanted trouble. " Is everything okay, who's causing trouble for you?" Marcus asked Abesselom, looking at Lora who was in Azura's arms with disappointment in his eyes.

"Why don't you talk with the king? he is also from your Kingdom, maybe you can take him back when you are going. Excuse me." Azura said and left with Lora, without waiting for the two men to say anything, even though she knew she was being rude.

Azura walked with Lora to her carriage and she found Chesa waiting for them by the entrance of the main palace. Chesa noticed the situation Lora was in and run to them, asking what happened to her. Azura explained to Chesa what Lora had told her as the carriage took them back to the queens residence.

"Lora, get some rest, I'll be calling for you in the evening, you need to explain some things to me." Azura said when they got to her room.

" Yes Your Majesty, I'll be in my room. Lora said and walked out of Azura's room, still shaking from the incident earlier.

Lucia and Maria took care of Azura with the help of the maid, changing her from the heavy dress and jewelries she was wearing. She decided on resting for a while before dinner time, but she was still worrying as to why Enoch didn't show up, even though he had promised to come. She stood in the window wishing he can appear in front of her.