

**They promised to love each other for eternity, but they ended up separate. She closed her eyes one faithful day, wishing never to wake up again, yet she opened her eyes and she was surprised. She finds herself as the queen of an unknown kingdom, and the goddess of earth. She set on a journey to find ways to get back to the life she remembers, only to find out the life she is currently living was truly hers, with many secret and duties attached to it. The only one who could make her understand things better, was her late husband in the life she remembers, who happens to be with her in the unknown kingdom, but not as her husband. How will this man who had disguised himself as three different people to her, tell her the truth behind her real life, when he was behind every changes in her life. __________ ABSTRACT. "Please send me back, I don't want to be here anymore, I can't live this life you've given me." She said trying to get away from him. "Don't you think it's the best place to be together, for eternity as we promised?" He reply while kissing her on the neck and nape. "But you kno.... Mmmmmm... What..... are...... you...... doing.... " Her wards was cut short by him with a kiss on the lips, making her speak in-between kisses. "Just helping you to remember the moment we shared in our life as couple, and I miss you my love." He reply as he held the hem of her dress, ready to lift it "No! That's not what I came here for, why are you doing this to me, how can you live here knowing another man is abusing your child?" She asked, pushing him off her. He stepped close to her and took a look at her flushed face, then caressed her checks with his fingers. "Why do you want to go back, you've been here for months now, and you have a great life here, can't you stay?" "How can you do this to me, you made me abounded my family to be here with you, and what for, to fulfill a promise? Please send me back I don't want to be here anymore." She said angrily. "I thought you wanted to be with me, you even called me to save you, I did and yet you want to go back." He asked her calmly. "Yes I know, but we are not the same anymore, you are dead but am still alive, and I am married to another man now, so I have to go back to my life." Azura replied angrily. "So he's the reason you don't want to be here, then listen, you are my eternal wife, and I won't let you be with anyone, not even the king here. And as for going back, even if you sussed, you'll be a whole new person without memories of who you are or your previous life, so get used to being here." He said and left without waiting for her to say anything. __________ Hi guys, am a new author and this is my second book of the ETERNAL ROMANCE series, am not good at writing but I have lots of stories to share, please support me by reading and commenting. Book cover is mine, please do not use. all the names of characters and places are my imagination and creation, with few being names of friends and family members. It only coincidence if you have the same name.

QUEEN_ANND · Fantasy
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62 Chs


"Mum, I didn't see grandma Halia at the ball, please can I go and see her now?" Chesa asked respectfully.

" I think I didn't see her either, tell her I'll be there in the morning to see her." Azura said, giving her daughter permission to go.

" Does that mean I can go now? Chesa asked happily, with excitement in her eyes.

"Yes but on one condition." Azura said and Chesa puffed her checks as all her excitement vanished. "You have to go with your nanny and maids." Azura continued her statement when she saw the face Chesa was showing.

"Okay mum, bye." Chesa kissed Azura on the checks and run out of the room with Lucia following her, before her mother could change her mind.

Azura placed her hand on her checks where Chesa kissed, remembering how her daughter Lia, used to kiss her the same way. She wished to be with her, hug her and kiss her, but she knew she can only do that if she gets back to her real life. "It not easy to impersonate someone, emotions alone can make it difficult." Azura muttered in a low tone, looking through the window.

She excused her ladies and went to the sitting area in her room and sat on the queen size and luxurious green and gold seat at the very end of the room, facing the other. She picked a book she had brought from her study earlier and ready the title "I AM HIS ONLY LOVE" before she opened it to read. She read the book for a while, just to reminisce on the life she remembered living.

_______At the dinning room.

" Your friend looked kinda suspicious." Marcus commented as he sat at the end of the long glass table opposite Azura, who was ready to start eating her vegetable soup with mashed potatoes.

" She was just scared, what else did you expect from her?" Azura replied, thinking Marcus was talking about Lora.

" Who said am talking about her? Do I have to worry about your maids?" Marcus said with a sarcastic tone, as his food was served.

"I've told you she is not my maid, for the last time, she is my friend, the only one I have. So which other friend are you talking about?" Azura replied with a clear tone, but everyone around got scared, feeling the anger behind her words.

" I think you have to start with the training you were doing to control your anger again, I can be of help you know." Marcus said, picking on the food that was served by the maids.

" I'll rather die than let you train me with that darkness in your soul." Azura commented with a disgust face and started eating slowly.

" You think an the alone one with a dark soul here, what about you? Where do you think you got that raging fire in you from? And that man in a mask, is he not a demon too? What about your friend, the uninvited guest, I mean the prince of Dewan or whatever, do you think he's an angel because of his appearance? we are all of the darkness, including you."

Marcus said loudly, fuming with anger. He hated to be addressed as someone from the darkness, even though it was true. He felt like he was being reminded of the fact that he can't go beyond the boundaries even though he has the same blood as the people beyond it.

Azura got scared of Marcus's words. She could not believe anything he was saying, but what if it was true? She panic to know she might also be from the darkness she was afraid to be in. "And if all those he mentioned are also from the dark, then why did they get to her? And how did they cross the boundaries? could her destine husband be one of those men? She kept thinking and didn't know what to say or do.

"H.. how.. how do you know? Why are you saying am from the darkness, when my attributes are of the lights supernatural powers?" Azura ask with her head bowed and her hands clinged to the spoon she was eating with.

"Must I be told? Am from the darkness as you keep saying, and I can sense anyone from the darkness too." Marcus said sarcastically,

"How can I no you are telling me the truth? What if you sensed something else and you are just making conclusion? Because you and I know am not from the dark but you are saying otherwise." Azura countered.

" You know, you are not actually from the dark, but you have darkness in you. I think it's just a fragment of the darkness in those two men, because it fills the same." Marcus said, behaving as if he was thinking of something.

" That's not true, you can't fool me." Azura said angrily.

" Why don't you ask that friend of yours? The one in a mask. I didn't like him training you on how to use your fire aptitude, but when I sensed his aptitude, I knew he was not an ordinal bean." Said Marcus. He continue talking when Azura didn't say anything.

"I felt he can be a demon, or a shape shifter. But wait, the energy around him and the prince that was here today feels the same. Could they be one person or from one family? Marcus said, placing his hand under his chine on the arm of the seat he was seated on.

Azura couldn't eat her food, the appetite she started eating with had all disappeared. She glance at her food as many thoughts flooded her mind. "I need to find him, tell me where I can find him." Azura said to Marcus, but he started laughing, which upset Azura.

"Me? Tell you where he is? You must be kidding me. If you can't find him, why do you think I can?" Marcus said and bust out in loud lough.

"Let go Lora." Azura said and walked out of her seat, she was about to go out of the dinning room when Lady Pearler entered.

They exchanged a knowing look which none of them wanted to back down from. Azura turn to Marcus and pointed to Pearler and asked. "Why is she here in my residence? The last time I checked, the way to your palace and the harem doesn't go through here."

"Why don't you ask her? She's standing right by your side." Marcus replied, mouthing his food.

" You know I can do that, but if I do, she might end up in a place you won't like, so you better get her out of here before I lose it." Azura said and storm out of the dinning room.

" Why's she so fuzzy, did you upset her by any chance?" Pearler asked as she sat at the right side of Marcus.

"She can be upset just by seeing you." Marcus said as he continued to eat his food, making Pearler fell unwanted.

"I want you to make a portion for me." Marcus said after a while, shocking everyone around, especially the maids.

Lady Pearler felt uneasy, she could not tell why Marcus wanted a portion all of a sudden. " Leave us alone." She said to the maids and they left in a hurry.

"If it for her then forget it, you know my portions doesn't work on her. She's a witch than I am." Pearler said, referring to Azura.

"I know, but I want a different one this time. Maybe your portion doesn't work because you want to kill her, but that's not what I want now." Marcus replied.

" If not to kill her then what? There's nothing good she can do for you than to die." Pearler said, her face lucking emotions.

" I'll let you know when the time is right, but be prepared to do it wether you agree with me or not." Marcus said and Pearler's heart started tamping faster in her chest, she feared what she was thinking might be what Marcus wanted.

__________In the dense forest.

"Can you stop for a while? Am getting dizzy with all the walking you are doing." Gideon said telepathically to Abesselom.

"How can he lie to me? I wished I could smash his head to the walls, but Azura will see me as the demon he painted me." Abesselom said angrily, pacing in his dark room.

"He was even bold enough to tell me he was the one that saved Azura when it was actually me. He even narrated what I did to save her, saying that was what he did. Azura has to know the truth. That heartless man kidnapped her but didn't save her." Abesselom said angrily when he finally stopped pacing and sat on his bed, next to Gideon.

"Why didn't you let him know you were the one that saved Azura instead? Gideon asked telepathically.

" I want Azura to know first, so she can be the one to decide what to do next." He replied with a worried face.

" There are many things I need to tell her, but I don't know from where to start, and in which way she won't get angry. I trained her on her fire aptitude just for the day I'll tell her the truth, but she waked up at the wrong time and forgot everything I thought her." Abesselom said with a sad face, worried for Azura.

" Just let her see you as the one who was training her, maybe she'll want to go through that difficult training again." Gideon suggested.

" You mean the masked man? You want her to see me that way? What if she get angry? You know what is at risk here right?" Abesselom asked and Gideon kept quiet. He continue talking.

"You don't know how much I've missed her. I wish to hold her fragile body and smell her skin that smells like mixed flower fragrance. I want to kiss those rossy lips and feel her soft hanny-gold hair in my palms, and maybe I can make her moan for me in a...."

" Too much information... " Gideon interrupted him from finishing his statement.

" I know right. But I can't do any of that till she remembers her life here." Abesselom said and stood up from the bed. He went to his window that gave him a view of the boundaries that divides the two kingdoms.

It looked like a water fall, but with much vapor than water. And it looked so colorful, everyone who sees it will want to touch and have a feel of it. This wasn't the first time Abesselom was seeing it, but when ever he was at his window, he felt like touching it even though his hand couldn't reach.