
Chapter 80.

It was as if he could read his guard's mind. Laurel was being extra conscious and that was why he was able to taste the last one. Not this one though. Not this one.

"You didn't even have the decency to reject the last meal I presented to her." Lucas scolded while adding a bit of salt to the mixture of vegetables, tomatoes and beef and when it tasted well; he added garlic seasoning and oregano.

The smell was heavenly.

"Feel that Cecil? That is what my cooking can make you feel. Makes you feel like you are fucking high."

Well, the boss sure talks a lot when he is preparing his girlfriend's delicacy...Cecil thought in sarcasm. If he wasn't going to give him a bite, he could as well shut the hell up and not call him to feel, taste or smell his heavenly made food.

He added the pasta into the mix and stored under low heat. It was ready to be devoured.

Lucas hummed as he dished the meal out in different dishes. He even made it into a dressing!