
Chapter 79.

"Well-well, three months? Look I am not the only man out there. There are others who feet into the category of insanely hot guys who..." Sebastian started stammering. Now, he is flustered.

"I find you cute. I have said that twice now and you've pretended not to hear me."

Oh, Sebastian did hear her right. He heard her the first time, didn't know what to say and now he is hearing her say it again. He was sure his colour changed.

Rosemary smiled at the flustered man beside her. She yawned not so gracefully. "This old bones is getting tired of standing. Can we go back to the flower store?"

Sebastian felt bad for ignoring her age. If anything her health came first. "I'm sorry, let me order a taxi or something."

"Don't you make me less old than I am." Rosemary scolded. She'd admit she is getting tired but seeing him run about to make her comfortable was degrading. He should only be running about if she is swollen and waddling about with his kid.