
Claimed by my Guardian Angel.

Wanting to find answers about the disappearance of her roommate who hadn't returned back after entering the young Master Marcos room, Anna walked outside the Mansion to the backyard where Young Master Marcos often visits at midnight. She saw him standing with his hands tucked into his front pocket looking at the butler who was holding a shovel in his hand. He was digging a pit at the late hour of the night. "What are you--" Anna stumbled on her footsteps, making her fall on the ground. On hearing a female voice, Marcos turned around to see Anna standing near one of the graves holding a lantern. "What do you think I'm doing?" The corner of his lips tugged up with a cunning smile. "Burying a maid who refused to obey instructions." Anna took couple steps and she froze on that spot. Close to the butler was the dead body of her roommate! "Victoria!" "I told her to make me coffee and she made me tea instead." He put two and two together and his eyes went from her head to toe. "Maidens like you are supposed to be either on bed or working in the kitchen at this time. Anna what are you doing in the middle of the night all alone? Did you come here to seduce me again?" At his words, her face flushed with pink blush and she tried to avoid his gaze. "That is not true." As the butler was about to place the dead body into the grave, Marcos stopped him by raising his hand. "Find a way to dispose this body. We will be burying Anna instead." She felt her heart sink into her stomach at his words.

Gift_candy · Urbain
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40 Chs

The dream

Waking up to the chirping of birds outside the window, Anna opened her eyes to see herself in a small room. She didn't believe she would have slept just like that in the chair when she was waiting for Master Marcos and Alex.

Tiredly, she sat up and rubbed her eyes. Her gaze was heavy as she looked around and then realized what was wrapped around her body. She instantly snapped out of gaze at the sight of Marcos coat around her shoulders.

How did she get into this room last night? Had she sleep walked to here or was it Marcos who brought her here?

Frowning to herself, she threw off the coat from her shoulders and placed it on the bed. She sat down on the bed while her eyes scanned her environment to look for Marcos.

Just then, the door opened and Alex came in with a tray of food. She didn't bother to greet Anna and Anna kept her greetings to herself not caring that if she had given them a place to stay last night.

Once she placed the tray on the wooden table, she turned around to leave when Anna stopped her.

"Do you know where Master Marcos is?" She asked.

"I don't know." Alex replied without sparing a glance at her.

"Have you seen him today?" Anna was worried that Marcos had left to Ravens town without her. Of course he was cable of doing such thing after he allowed her walk to the council yesterday.

"Don't bombard me with questions. For a low maid like you....." Alex pursed her lips with a frown. "If you want to find Marcos, go out there and look for him."

Her words were sharp, directly into my skin. A low maid?

She gritted her teeth to suppress the anger she was feeling right now. If this was the Anna of a few years ago, she would have already smacked the woman before she finished talking. But she told herself not to do anything stupid here. It was not like she would have to come with Marcos here again.

"And how much better are you compared to me?" Anna asked to see Alex turn around to look at her.

Upon hearing Anna speak to her in such tone, her blood began to boil with anger. She had lower herself to cook for this rat and here she is being so rude to her.

"I know what you are trying to do there." Alex said with stern eyes. "To make me look bad so you can report me to Marcos. Well that silly plan of yours won't work with me."

"I don't think you understand what i was saying. I was only asking you on the whereabouts of my Master." Anna was in no mood to argue with this woman.

"I am not subjected into answering your questions. If you are in need of Marcos, go find him yourself." Alex said.

"I was only worried about him. He is my Master and I ought to know where he disappeared to. You were the last person I saw with him." Anna told her clearly.

"I should have known better that for a person like you.... All you do is badmouth people around you. If it weren't for Marcos, I wouldn't have let you into my home." When Alex said this, Anna frowned.

"And mark my words you wouldn't last long in that Mansion." Before Anna could open her mouth to speak back, Alex left the room.

Inside the kitchen where Marcos was drinking from the tea slowly, Alex came inside with a frown. If it weren't for Marcos, she wouldn't have allowed the girl talk to her in such manner.

"What is it with the frown?" Marcos dropped the tea cup in the sink.

"Don't ever bring that girl into my home again. For a maid like her, she's such a spoilt brat." Alex said with annoyance.

"Has she done anything to offend you?" Marcos asked.

"She has so much audacity to deflect me. Who does she thinks she is?" Alex titled her head.

"She acts like the mistress and makes me look like the maid just because I acted kind enough to prepare breakfast for her." Alex rolled her eyes.

Marcos opened the drawer and took out the cigarette box. "You don't have to worry as she won't be causing any more havoc. We will be leaving soon."

"Do you have a matchbox with you?" He turned to Alex who had taken the cigarette box from him.

She pulled the matchbox from the drawer and handed it to Marcos.

"Isn't it too cold for you to go this morning....? A little play wouldn't hurt." She taunted him.

"This is the reason why I've been avoiding you." Before Marcos could leave the kitchen, she pulled him closer before ripping his shirt and used her tongue to play with his neck.

With inhuman speed, he took her in his arms and threw her on the bed before pressing his body against hers

After Anna had finished getting dressed, she refused to eat the food Alex had served for her. Opening the door, she saw Marcos standing there with Alex.

"Till next time." She leaned closer and planted a kiss on his forehead.

On their way back, they didn't utter a word to each other. She was in no mood talking to Marcos as he was the one who had put her through this.

She turned to look at his face secretly. His short black hair was roughly pushed to the side and the urge to ran her hands through it overwhelmed her. He looked like a gentleman, unlike anything else.

Remembering how Marcos had killed the man, made her refused to believe this man was a gentleman.

Reaching the Mansion, she stepped down from the carriage and headed to the kitchen to join the other maids with the chores. Since she had skipped a day, Edith made her do lots of work and Anna didn't complained about it.

As the day eventually came to an end, Anna was still trying to recover from what happened in Median Town. After feeding her mouse, she went to sleep on her bed.

Waking up from an horrible dream, Anna saw herself in the middle of the corridor. She didn't know how she got here as the only thing she remembered was going to bed last night. The wind slammed hard against her skin making her shiver.

Just then, Anna saw black vapour surrounding her and all of a sudden a man wearing black cloak appeared in front of her. Anna could not see his face clearly as her vision was hazy. This was her guardian Angel.

"Don't come any closer." She warned and started crawling away from him when he began to walk towards her.

All of a sudden, she fell down on her back. She could feel something wet trickled down her back. Turning around, her eyes widened to see a dead body lying beneath her.


Before she could check what had happened to her roommate, the man grabbed her leg. His fingernails piercing into her skin as he started to drag her into the dark side of the corridor.

"No!" Anna shouted, making her wake up from the dream.