
Claimed by my Guardian Angel.

Wanting to find answers about the disappearance of her roommate who hadn't returned back after entering the young Master Marcos room, Anna walked outside the Mansion to the backyard where Young Master Marcos often visits at midnight. She saw him standing with his hands tucked into his front pocket looking at the butler who was holding a shovel in his hand. He was digging a pit at the late hour of the night. "What are you--" Anna stumbled on her footsteps, making her fall on the ground. On hearing a female voice, Marcos turned around to see Anna standing near one of the graves holding a lantern. "What do you think I'm doing?" The corner of his lips tugged up with a cunning smile. "Burying a maid who refused to obey instructions." Anna took couple steps and she froze on that spot. Close to the butler was the dead body of her roommate! "Victoria!" "I told her to make me coffee and she made me tea instead." He put two and two together and his eyes went from her head to toe. "Maidens like you are supposed to be either on bed or working in the kitchen at this time. Anna what are you doing in the middle of the night all alone? Did you come here to seduce me again?" At his words, her face flushed with pink blush and she tried to avoid his gaze. "That is not true." As the butler was about to place the dead body into the grave, Marcos stopped him by raising his hand. "Find a way to dispose this body. We will be burying Anna instead." She felt her heart sink into her stomach at his words.

Gift_candy · Urban
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40 Chs

Digging grave

After digging the soil for an hour alone, Anna raised her head to look at Marcos who was laying on the ground looking at the night sky.

"Are you not going to help me?" She asked.

"You brought the idea of burying him. You should do it yourself." He said.

"And you....?" She dropped the shovel. "What are you doing?"

"Counting the stars. They look so beautiful from this view." He smiled.

She was convinced that this man was a monster like the man had described him. A demon in disguise. He was the one who killed him and she was the one doing the burial.

The sky had turned dark making it hard for Anna to see. As her clothes was wet previously from the water in the boat, she began to shiver from the cold wind blowing on her skin.

Just when she had thought yesterday was a stressful day, today was worse.

After she was done digging the ground, she sat down in the grave breathing heavily.

"Are you going to replace the dead body with yourself?" Marcos stared down at her.

Her head quickly snapped to look at Marcos who was standing above her. He brought his hand out for her and she took it. In a swift movement, he raised her up and she moved far from him.

Before she could go and sit down to watch the sky, Marcos stopped her.

"We still have work to do. We need to put his body into the grave." He told her.

Anna turned around with a small frown. "You are making it look as if I was the one who killed him. You should bury him yourself."

"The smell of this bag is getting intense. We should open it—"

"Don't." She glared at him before going to the body and held both legs.

"You should not blame me. It's not my fault." He commented as they dragged the body towards the grave.

"Ohh.... It's my fault. I killed the man." She muttered.

"I am lazy to the extent were I can't even remove my coat without a maid helping me." He smiled.

"Pathetic." She cursed.

"What did you just say?" He tilted his head.

"We're wasting time. We need to bury the body and go find a boat back home." She said.

The both of them dragged the body into the grave and they put the sand on top of the man. Once they were done, they walked away to look for a boat that would cross them to the other side but there was none available.

All the people had retired for home and they had no other option than to sit down to watch the river.

Anna shivered in cold when the breeze slammed her body. The shore was more colder than the other side that even with her clothes on, she was still shivering.

"This isn't right." She turned to look at Marcos who was sitting far from her.

"What?" He tilted his head.

"We can't spend the night here together. It's just the two of us." She muttered.

"You are right." He stood up from the ground and started walking.

"Where are you going to?" Anna quickly stood up and ran behind him.

"To somewhere else. Where there's food and drinks. I had forgotten I had an old friend in this town." He turned around and continued to walk.

"You are not going to leave me here. We came together." She said, stopping him from walking.

"I thought you are not comfortable with me being around you?" He asked.

"I can't stay here alone. I'm coming with you." She said.

"First you do not want to be around me and now you want to come with me to see an old friend. You know what..... You should stay here and I promise to come fetch you first thing in the morning." He started walking again and Anna followed him.

Sighing to himself, he continued to walk, taking different path until he finally reached a small house at the end of the road. With just one knock on the door, it opened for him to see a beautiful woman with striking curves. She had blonde hair with pale face and red lips.

"Marcos..... What are you doing here?" She smiled and opened the door for him.

When the woman's eyes moved to Anna, a frown formed on her face.

"Who is she?" She asked Marcos.

"This is Anna, a maid working in my house. Anna this is Alex an old friend." He introduced.

Alex smiled at Anna before shaking hands with her. "It is nice meeting you, Anna. Please come in."


"So you are trying to tell me that Lucian is back?" She asked.

"Yes." Marcos nodded. "He came back few days ago."

Anna watched the both of them while she shivered in cold. This man was something else, she thought. If only she hadn't gone with him she would have been in the Mansion.

"Ohh....." She pinched his cheek before licking his face. "I thought I will never get to see you again."

"It is good to see you Alex." He forced a smile. This was the reason he never wanted to meet her at first.

Alex was a female demon who could not control her lust when she sees Marcos. She viewed him as her mate even when he hadn't found her to be. All Alex do was feeding from humans and having sex with them everyday.

"Don't do that." He whispered in her ears. "We have a human in our midst."

"I could just snap her neck this minute so we can continue." She smiled and brought her tongue to his face but he pressed her neck against the chair.

"I told you before. Don't do anything stupid or I will forget you once saved my life and put a stake through your heart." He stood up before walking to Anna who had fallen asleep.

Carrying her in his arms, he walked into the room and lay her on the bed. He removed his long coat and wrapped it around her body before walking out to take a shot.