

I've always wondered why I'm born miserable. Being torn apart with the severe struggle of life. I was abandoned by my Mum at the age of eight, as she left to search for greener pastures to feed her daughter and herself. Loneliness has always been my watchword, not until I met Joanna, an orphan, who is very optimistic about life. She's my best friend, but we act like sisters. I always wish we were born as family. Working together at the same restaurant, living together in my apartment, having each others back and our love not dying away, gave me something to live for, Joanna and Mum. After being told my father has departed from the world and trying to battle with this loss, seven years later, I encounter what I consider as a life changing moment, a man considered as the dead,stood right in front of my doorstep. Rep Me Up High is a school for the rich, prestigious and popular. What happens when a poor girl like Hildagard Salome attends such a school. Binded by the presence of discrimination,hatred and loneliness, she encounters life changing circumstances that turns her life around. Crashing into the most handsome,richest, smart, brilliant and proud Brixan Pertel, things go around for the worst, something she never anticipated, but what if she finds love in the way, find out in CIRCUMSTANCES I FIND MYSELF

Daoist9SoFvi · Sports, voyage et activités
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19 Chs

Chapter One: Seven years later

My alarm on my phone rang, jolting me from my sleep. I yawned loudly as I got out of bed. I checked my phone for any text message from my best friend, Joanna.

"Meet me at the clothing shop, few blocks away. I've got your uniform" she said

I brushed my teeth, took my bath, wore a white sweater over a blue jeans and packed my jet black hair in a ponytail. I had breakfast consisting of pancakes and honey. I took my purse and my phone and set out for the outdoors after locking my apartment door.

It's being seven years since my Mum left me. Still, there wasn't any progress. Life over there was still hard. I didn't blame her. Life over here was still hard.

I walked briskly, heading for the clothing shop. I opened the door as I walked in

" Hilda" Joanna called

"Hey. I thought you were heading for the restaurant, this morning" I said

"I did"she said "I took permission to be absent. Mum called and told me to pick your uniforms from the shop"

"I'm fine with any school she puts me in. She shouldn't go the extra mile to pay those bulky school fees, all in the name of education" I said

" You should be grateful. Irrespective of the fees, they are the best in town" she said

"I'm also being considerate. Things aren't perfect over there" I said

"Come on. Let's check it out" she said

My cream coloured handless sweater, worn over my white long sleeve button down shirt looked exceptional with my brown kneel length skirt. I adjusted my brown tie and wore my pure white canvas.

Joanna clapped excited as she admired me in my school uniform.

" You look so cute" she said

I looked at the mirror and barely smiled.

"I see nothing here"I said "It seems all normal"

"Hilda, you're poor at comments" she said "I bet you'll make an impression "

I sighed as I looked at myself in the mirror.

"Why aren't you attending school with me? I'm not happy, you know. We've being best friends since childhood, especially when my Mum left me. I don't feel happy you have to quit schooling. I'll beg Mum to accommodate your school fees. I'll work hard. I'll..."

"Ssshhh" she placed a finger on my lips "You're like my sister, Hildagard. Your joy is also my joy. I quit schooling because of lack of income. It's fine. I'll work hard at the restaurant. I'll attend school later but for now, I'll work. You attending school, not just any school, but the best school in town is like me attending it too. Please, be happy. " she said and I smiled. We hugged for a while and I felt a feeling of appreciation towards all her efforts.

"Joanna's my sister " I screamed and she laughed.

"We're in public" she covered my mouth and I nodded.

"Let's see what hairband fits your uniform" she said as we left in search of a pretty hairband