

I've always wondered why I'm born miserable. Being torn apart with the severe struggle of life. I was abandoned by my Mum at the age of eight, as she left to search for greener pastures to feed her daughter and herself. Loneliness has always been my watchword, not until I met Joanna, an orphan, who is very optimistic about life. She's my best friend, but we act like sisters. I always wish we were born as family. Working together at the same restaurant, living together in my apartment, having each others back and our love not dying away, gave me something to live for, Joanna and Mum. After being told my father has departed from the world and trying to battle with this loss, seven years later, I encounter what I consider as a life changing moment, a man considered as the dead,stood right in front of my doorstep. Rep Me Up High is a school for the rich, prestigious and popular. What happens when a poor girl like Hildagard Salome attends such a school. Binded by the presence of discrimination,hatred and loneliness, she encounters life changing circumstances that turns her life around. Crashing into the most handsome,richest, smart, brilliant and proud Brixan Pertel, things go around for the worst, something she never anticipated, but what if she finds love in the way, find out in CIRCUMSTANCES I FIND MYSELF

Daoist9SoFvi · Teen
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19 Chs


I watched as my Mum rummaged the room searching for her properties and stuffing them in her travelling bag. I felt my eyes teary. I'm only eight years old and I'm miserable at such a young age. She suddenly stopped and looked at me. She had the look of affection and love.

"Honey" she hugged me and I burst into tears"I'll be gone for a while. Once I get there, I'll work very hard and make provisions for you to join me over there. It's for your good, honey. If I don't go, I can't feed you or myself. I'll be back, I promise" I nodded as she smiled at me

"Ok, Mum" I said

"That's my baby. Now, help me get those bags over here " she said and I obeyed

I helped her arrange her properties. At intervals, I would look at her. She was emotional. She didn't want to say goodbye too. I stumbled across our photo frame. I slowly felt it, and I got emotional again. My Dad had the best smile on his face as I stood at the middle and Mum at my right hand side and they both clutched me to themselves.

"Mum" I called and she looked up at me

"Where is Dad? "I asked

She seemed startled and dumbfounded.

"Em...em honey" she called softly" Now isn't the time to talk about your Dad"

"Mum, where is Dad? " I asked again as a tear rolled down my cheek. She sighed in abject frustration.

"Honey, your Dad passed on. That means he's dead, up in the sky, watching over you and me "she said and I burst into tears

"But he promised he'll never leave me " I said

"Honey, death is a thief. It comes when you never expect and goes. He always wanted to stand by you. I guess death didn't want that to stand " she said with no emotion. She watched me for a while before she continued packing her luggage.

I stood at the doorstep as I watched my Mum leave, in search of greener pastures.

"Bye, honey. Don't forget to call me whenever you want with the cellphone I bought you " she smiled and I nodded.

She hugged me tight as tears dropped from her eyes, flowing down her cheeks.

"I love you, honey " she kissed my forehead.

"I love you, Mum" I said in between tears

"Now, be a good girl and don't cry. Always remember to lock the doors so as to prevent scary monsters from coming in. Wish Mummy luck" she wiped her tears and smiled. I nodded and kissed her on the cheek. We kept on waving, even after she had gotten in the cab. As the cab slowly drove away, I sighed. My life had just begun.