
Chubby Love

Lumi Mitchell and Ren Kim met at a very young age and became best of friends until a tragedy comes to the Kim household causing them to drift apart. They later relight their flame in high school but once again fate has chosen them to be apart. Will they meet again in college and be able to seal the deal once and for all?

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15 Chs

Party Time.

Freddy's pursuit of Lumi was steady and advanced everyday since the soccer game. He would make sure to say hi to her everyday and they even sat at the same lunch table now. Ren, Jade and Oliver of course were there as well. Lumi still wasn't sure about Freddy but he was kind to her or so she thought. She had no clue about his and Chloe's plan to trick Lumi into liking Freddy. It was slowly working though. He had sparked something she hadn't felt in a long time, not since Ren.

That day he walked her to every class and at the end he asked to speak to her privately. She was so nervous but curious as well. Jade wished her luck as she stepped away with him. He was in his usual athletic wear and she was in a plain t-shirt with jeans. Once they were in a secluded area he turned to her and smiled his charming smile that melted most of the female's at school.

"So Lumi, we've been kind of talking for a while now and.." He paused, pretending to be shy. Lumi smiled up at him and nodded him along.

"Ha um I was wondering if you had any feelings for me." She blushed a little from his bluntness.


He stopped her. "No worries, it's ok. You don't have to answer now."

He was disappointed when he noticed his charms for the past month weren't working as well as he assumed. So he decided to up the ante.

"I just want you to know that I like you." He smiled devilishly. His blue eyes twinkled when he noticed her blushing even more. He thought her reaction was cute.

"I'm having a party tomorrow at my house. Everyone's invited. You should come."

"Okay, can I bring Jade?" She asked. She was confused why she sounded so timid.

"Of course! I got to go but see you tomorrow night." He was about to jet off but then remembered to stop and give her a hug before he left.

What just happened...? Her head was spirling.

When Lumi got home she got to texting Jade immediately.

"He said what?!?"

"I Like U!!!!! To me!"

"Oh my God I knew it!"

"He also invited us to his house tomorrow for a party!"

"Oh my GOD! Wait what did you say back to him!?"

Lumi dropped her phone onto her bed when she laid back. Her phone was going off with messages from Jade. Is this really happening? I mean it's Freddy. He's like the number one playboy at school. But what if he really likes me for me!? Ah! She thought to herself. It had been forever since she felt anything for a guy since Ren. Ren. She sat up and looked out her window that faced the street. She looked at his house like she had in the past from time to time. She didn't know why but it comforted her to see their house and sometimes Mr. Kim watering the yard. It reminded her of the best time of her life. When they were best friends and always at each other's house. Ren was the first guy she had ever had feelings for and this moment was a reminder that those days were gone and never coming back. She told herself confidently that she should see where things go with Freddy and that she didn't want to think about her past with Ren anymore. But why does he still have the keychain?

She fell asleep no longer dreaming about Ren but instead Freddy appeared.

"I'm here!!" Jade shouted from the living room speed walking to Lumi's room.

"Come in!" Lumi shouted back a little frantically.

When she opened the door she saw Lumi in a pair of black pleather leggings and a black top with transparent sleeves. There were small pearls beaded sporadically.

"Wow! That top. Where did you get it?" Jade shut the door behind her and touched the sleeve.

"Uh...I made it."

Jade gasped. "NOOO!"

Lumi smiled at her friend's reaction. "Do you like it? Do I look f-fat?"

"Be quiet! I love it! Since when did you make clothes?"

"I actually started making clothes over the summer. I kind of gained some weight though so I had to make some alterations." Lumi winced at the last fact.

Jade eye'd her top up and down with her jaw dropped.

"Do you think the neckline is too low?" Lumi asked nervously.

Jade looked at the heart shaped neckline that hugged Lumi's bosom perfectly.

"Digging the cleavage." Jade winked and clicked her tongue at her friend.

Lumi laughed and slapped her friend on the shoulder gently. She thought it would look much better on her latina friend. She was slim and slender and the dark green twirly dress she had on was very cute.

"I like your dress too. You look cute." Lumi complimented.

Jade fanned herself with her hand and smiled. "Why thank you."

"Let me do your makeup." The makeup department was not Lumi's strongest suit, thankfully her friend knew a lot about that stuff.

"Ok." Lumi said for the first time not putting up a fight. Jade's eyes widened.

"I like this new you!"

"Whatever." Lumi chimed.

After applying some light coverage and a small winged eyeliner Jade finished Lumi's look off with a red lip stain.

"Yass Queen." She said as she admired her work.

Lumi looked at herself in the mirror. She had never been so dolled up before. She blinked in disbelief and smiled.

"You are the makeup goddess!"

Jade bowed to the fake audience. Shen then leaned down next to her friend's shoulder looking through the mirror.

"Look at us finally going to a high school party our junior year. Before Freddy came along everyone ignored us but not anymore!" That should have been a red flag.

Lumi giggled and turned to slip on her only pair of black heels she owned. They finished up and ran out each saying goodbye to Lumi's father before jumping into Jade's Toyota sedan.

They got out of the car together when they arrived at the car filled street.

"So you didn't say anything back to him when he confessed?" Jade asked stunned.

Lumi shook her head. "I don't know if I like him."

"This better not be about Ren."

Lumi looked around and back at her friend gesturing her to quiet down not knowing who would be around.

"It's not."

"Ok good because your ship has sailed he has no chance." Jade knew most of the Ren and Lumi history and was always on Lumi's side. She was big on girl power.

Lumi rolled her eyes and smiled at her friend nodding.

"Well let's have fun tonight. Lumi babe there will probably be alcohol in there. Don't drink too much." Jade warned her innocent friend.

"You don't drink too much. You're driving." Lumi chimed back.

Jade looked up and smiled remembering she indeed was the driver. Lumi hadn't taken driver's ed yet.

"Well I'm Mexican, we can hold our liquor." She said although not fully knowing what the term meant.

Lumi giggled and they crossed arms walking into the giant home.

The lights were so dimmed you'd think they were turned off and there was music blaring out of the expensive looking music system in the living area filled with tons of their classmates.

"Do you see Freddy?!" Jade shouted.

Lumi took a moment to figure out her words.

"No!" She looked around.

Jade saw the kitchen where there were drinks laid out around the island. She dragged Lumi over so they could join in on the next shot train.

"Two more shots over here!" Jade shouted comfortably to the guy pouring everyone up a small cup of clear liquor.

"What is it?" Lumi asked when the cup was handed to her.

"I don't know, just drink it."

Lumi did just that. She and her friend swung the cup back and swallowed the vile liquid. Jade shouted a 'woo' through the room and Lumi's face read disgust. Jade laughed at her friend.

"Aww here let me get you some water." Jade said as she rounded the kitchen island going to dig through the fridge with two other girls.

"Lumi!" Freddy's voice yelled from behind her. She turned to face him trying to soften her face from her first shot ever.


"Wow you look amazing."

"Thank you. You do too." He was for once not in athletic gear and in a nice pair of slacks and an almost too snug short sleeve button up. His blonde hair tousled gently above his head slightly going back from all the times he ran his hand through his hair that night.

"Here, take this drink." He handed her a red solo cup. The infamous party cup which was almost always filled with some alcoholic potion. He raised his matching cup up to cheers with her and she returned the gesture before they both took a sip.She braced herself but was pleasantly surprised that it was just fruit punch. Or so she thought.

From across the dark room Ren was standing against a wall with a cup in his hand as well. He had noticed Lumi as soon as she entered. He was amazed at how beautiful she looked. She really had grown up, he thought when he noticed her figure in her snug outfit. Her breast hugged perfectly in the black blouse making him look a little longer than he should have.

A few different girls tried approaching him as the night went on but he just had his eyes on Lumi. He thought she had noticed him too but if she did she was good at hiding it or didn't care. He was starting to get annoyed with how many cups of "fruit punch" she had drunk already. That's 3. He thought. He had been keeping an out for her friend Jade as well, hoping she'd return to take Lumi away from Freddy. Why do I care? He thought to himself. She's not 12 anymore. She knows what she's getting herself into.

When he decided to give up on her Oliver approached him smiling in his drunken stupor. Ren told him to follow him outside for some fresh air.

Unfortunately for Ren, Freddy also brought Lumi out shortly after. When Freddy noticed his friends seated by the pool lounge chairs he hollered. Drunk. Ren thought. Lumi giggled and followed Freddy over to Oliver and Ren. She sat next to Freddy and rested her head on the side of his shoulder. More drunk. Ren thought again.

Oliver's head shot up from gazing at the floor and smiled.

"My boy!" Oliver shouted. Freddy and Oliver shared a laugh. Lumi smiled not knowing why. Ren tried not to look at them and decided to look at the pool instead.

"Aye Lumi what's up?" Oliver asked.

"D-Doesn't she look g-great?" Freddy said in between hiccups.

Oliver squinted and gave a thumbs up. Ren felt like hitting both of them for sounding so dumb while drunk.

"I need to pee." Lumi boldly said no longer smiling.

"Oh if you g-go inside to your r-right there's a hall. The b-bathrooms right t-there."

Lumi lifted up a finger moving it around as if she were taking notes. Ren watched her and tried now to scowl. He stood up and reached one of his hands out to her.

"I'll take you."

Lumi looked up at the extremely tall male. She was too drunk to care that she looked him up and down with a frown.He looked back at the pool when he saw her gaze travel exposing his chiseled jaw to her. She could tell he was clenching his teeth now. He's so...handsome. She thought to herself seeing him in some dark denim and a white shirt with a black zip up jacket on top. He made everything look good, she thought again. Even though she was drunk she remembered where they stood in each other's lives. It was the first time he had said anything to her in a long time. She stood up on her own ignoring his hand but regretted it when she wobbled in her heels almost falling back down. Thankfully Ren caught one of arms and the other hand caught her hip. He let go once she was stable.

She didn't bother to thank him and turned to walk back into the house.

"What a good guy!" Oliver shouted at the back of the two going inside. Freddy now passed out on the lounging chair.

Lumi almost passed the bathroom but Ren grabbed one of her arms to stop her in front of the right door. Lumi shook him off and opened the door and flicked on the lights. She squinted from the brightness. Then turned to close the door. Ren standing against the opposite wall as if he was babysitting her. She frowned when she saw him still there and slammed the door shut. What is his deal? He wants to help me now? Her anger grew as she pondered on the toilet.

"Ugh where is Jade?" She asked herself standing up to pull up her leggings. She pulled a little too hard and fast causing a rip to gash through the side of her legging exposing herself from her panties to mid thigh.

"Fuck!" She shouted trying to hold the pieces together while trying to balance on heels drunk. This is what I get for eating so many desserts.

There was a knock at the door. "Everything ok?" It was Ren.

"Uh yeah...I'm fine." She was not fine. "Um..I ripped my leggings." Oh no I'm too drunk for this right now.

"I can't hear you."

"I ripped, ugh I RIPPED MY LEGGINGS!"

The door knob turned and Ren waited a moment to see if she would give an indication that she wasn't decent. She seemed clothed so he entered and closed the door behind him.

"Wh-wh– Did I not lock that?" She asked, standing up straight pointing at the door. The things you forget to do when you're intoxicated. The side of her leggings sprung open exposing her red lace panties and thigh. Ren's eyes widened and then he shut them. His hand pointed down at his hip to indicate her thigh showing.

"Ahh!" Lumi screamed and placed her hands over her bare thigh. "Go get Jade, now!"

Ren nodded quickly and blindly reached back to grab the door knob. He made his exit quickly hearing the door lock behind him. Once out of the bathroom he opened his eyes again and shook his head. God. He thought as he left to find Jade.

They returned after a few minutes. Jade was also heavily intoxicated as she banged on the bathroom door. Ren was standing behind her.

"Lumi!! It's Jade!!!" She shouted while wiggling the door knob uncontrollably. Lumi unlocked it and Jade swung the door open by accident once again her panties and thigh exposed. Ren rolled his eyes and turned his head.

"Ahh!" Lumi screamed again as she pulled her drunk friend inside and shut the door behind her.

"Jade, help me!" She popped her hip out.

Jade examined her leg and stuck a finger under the side of Lumi's underwear and strung it while giggling.

Lumi took a step back trying not to fall but she couldn't help laughing at her friend. Blame it on the alcohol.

"Stop. I need you to help me." Lumi exclaimed as Jade stood up.

Jade started lifting her dress up. "Here take this."

"No silly, I can't wear that. Besides, you need that!" She giggled.

Jade pushed her dress back down and squinted in thought. "Oh I know."

She quickly turned and opened the door assuming Ren would still be there. Which he was but he had learned his lesson and had his head turned away. Lumi squealed, covering her bare thigh not prepared for her friend's drastic move.

"Ren, lend me your jacket."

He slid it off his shoulders and then off each long arm of his handing it to her, never looking. Jade took it and turned back to her friend waving it up like a trophy. Ren reached for the door and closed it for them when he realized Jade had forgotten. Lumi took the jacket and tied it around her waist.

"Good thinking." Lumi said.

Jade winked back.

"Let's go home."

Jade nodded in agreement. She turned around and once again opened the door with a thumbs up to who she assumed was still there. Ren's arms were crossed as he leaned back into the wall.

"Thank you for your jacket sir. We will now be taking our leave." Jade said slurring as she and Lumi exited the bathroom.

"I'll take you guys home." Ren said calmly.

"No it's ok." Lumi said now finally starting to sober up.

Jade looked from Ren to Lumi.

"Actually Lume, it's probably best he drives. I'm a bit tipsy." A lot of tipsy actually.

Lumi sighed and crossed her arm with her friend before looking up at Ren. He led the way outside and Jade and Lumi took over locating the car. Jade turned to Ren and handed him the keys before hopping in the back seat. Lumi was headed to the back seat but Jade sprawled out laying down and passed out immediately. She slowly redirected to the passenger seat and got inside with Ren. They buckled up and he started the car.

"You can just take us to my house."


They were half way there when they came to a stop light. You could definitely feel the tension in the air. Lumi looked out the passenger window the whole ride.

"Are you feeling better?" Ren asked. His voice was deeper now than when they were kids. Lumi turned to look at him and nodded.

"Yeah...thanks for driving us home." She hugged his jacket tighter to her thighs.

The light turned green and they were off again.

Soon they arrived at the driveway to Lumi's home. Ren parked and cut off the car. They both unbuckled. Lumi leaned into the middle looking back at her sleepy friend. "Oh Jade." She said and smiled poking at her friend to wake her up. Ren tried to keep his gaze on the steering wheel.

Jade sat up out of nowhere. "Where are we? Are we home?" She yawned after.

"Yes we are at my house. Let's go inside and get you to bed."

Jaded nodded and popped her door open. She looked at the driver's side realizing she wasn't the one who drove and was stunned when she saw Ren. She had forgotten everything.

"I'll go change and bring this back out to you." Lumi said to Ren before reaching for her car door.

"It's ok I'll just get it from you later." He handed her the keys to the car.

"Thanks...again." She said before leaving the car and walking around the hood to help her friend inside. They talked without directly looking at each other. They could both sense the other wanting to say more but they didn't know how and what.

Ren got out of the car and watched as the front door closed behind the girls before turning to walk across the street to his own home. He walked up the stairs and laid down in his bed and all he could think about was Lumi and red lace. He got up and did ten push ups. When he finished he laid on the ground with his arm over his eyes. What am I doing?