
Chronicles of Zetari

This young Saiyan loves to train and fight and encounters Goku who takes him under his wing to train him. he continues to grow in power and even participates in the Tournament of Power with his friends but soon after a great evil awakens that threatens the entire existence of their universe. Note: i do not own the cover photo

shola_noah · Anime et bandes dessinées
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63 Chs

I Am Destruction, I Am Super Saiyan 4. Destroyer Vs Destruction

"You call that the power of a destroyer? I am THE DESTROYER, the one and only lord Frieza. Conqueror of worlds, destroyer of planets, annihilator of races. You proclaim you destroy but you have never destroyed a single thin in your life, you are nothing but a fake.....and I am the real thing" Frieza declared.

He raised up both his arms he prepared another blast, but this was the color of a sun.

"Hahaha, witness the might of the all-powerful, lord FRIEZAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!" he cried sending the blast towards Destroyer Top.

All top did was to make a sand size Hakai and sent it into Frieza's attack totally destroying it shocking Frieza as he looked dumbfounded.

"Your pride....shall be.... your downfall" Top said.

"My pride has nothing to with-"

Instantly Top appeared holding him by the head and used him as a battering ram taking him through five big pieces of rock. Back on the ring now, Top delivered bone breaking blows to Frieza who could only squeal as each punch was handed to him. Top picked him by the head squeezing it to the point that his skull almost popped then delivered more blows to his body before tossing him aside like a piece of trash. Toma hurled a piece of rock Frieza's way saving him from getting eliminated as the tumbled multiple times until he stopped by the edge of a rock.

17 wanted to use the element of surprise on Top with his attention focused on the emerged Toma and tried to strike from behind. Top read this lifting his palm over his shoulder facing his back as the android created a barrier knowing he was caught out.

"Hakai" he said launching the devastating blast at him as he was blasted beyond anyone's vision but not eliminated.

"I guess it's just you and me then" Toma said powering up and bringing back his aura.

He launched himself at Top again who this time used his palm to stop his punches with the Saiyan fighting even more furiously than the last time. Top easily caught him by the leg and slammed him into the ground multiple times then kicked him away again as he passed through a huge rock causing it to crumble.

"He's getting his but kicked" Rixxa remarked.

"And not even in a good way totally outclassed" Raza added.

"That's what you think but didn't you notice how Top went from not reacting to his punches to stopping them with one finger then now his fists?" Whis pointed out.

"Oh yeah" Raza said as the observation dawned on him.

"That means his power is steadily increasing and will ultimately catch up" Gohan reasoned.

"Correct but how long will take for him to match up" Shina said.

Toma went on the offensive again after pulling himself out of the rubble with his aura still blazing, he attacked Top again this time forcing him to start blocking his moves as he started to push him back by inches. Top was having none of it surprising Toma as he delivered a gut punch, then a flustered of blows before blasting him away sending him through three rocks now.

Out of the smoke Toma stepped forth again with a lot of bruises from his blast attack.

"You attempt is futile and this is the end for you" Top said stretching out his hand as he prepared a Hakai.

"I will never stop fighting, for the sake of those counting on me, who put their faith in me. I will never give up and I will keep on fighting no matter what" Toma answered.

"Then, Hakai" Top said.

The blast was launched straight at Toma who braced to face the attack, the stretched out his two arms still with his aura and tried to push back but the attack was too great carrying straight to the edge destroying everything in his path. The Hakai reached the edge of the ring then it exploded.

"Toma!!" Rixxa, Raza and Gohan chorused.

They waited for him to appear next to them so that could only mean one thing. The smoke cleared out with Toma standing right on the edge with his outstretched arms breathing heavily.

"He survived!" Rixxa cheered hugging her brother.

"Then that means..." Raza started.

"Top is in for a serious fight now" Gohan completed his statement.

Toma regained his composure standing upright.

"You have no idea what just happened" Toma said to Top. "I survived your newfound move Hakai and now you're in for it, you're in for my raw destructive POWER!" Toma yelled powering up as he screamed the last word.

He kicked off and landed a blow on Top which shocked even him.

"You have no idea how much energy I sucked up from that move of yours and that's enough to help me take you down" he said throwing another punch that Top caught.

Toma performed a stationary back flip using his two feet to kick Top in the chin sending him a couple feet back.

"Impossible" Belmod said surprised at what was now happening.

"Better believe what you're seeing Belmod, your destroyer candidate is going to be beaten by the power of raw destruction" Beerus with and arrogant tone.

Top sent a blast towards Toma, and he deflected it and went for a jab, Top caught his fist and punched him in the head. Toma quickly shook the hit off swinging his head side to side then kicked Top away. The two began to battle creating powerful lightning strikes that destroyed parts of the ring and shockwaves that demolished rocks that stood. This was the fight Destroyer vs Destruction the ultimate battle between the wielders of those two forces.

Their battle redesigned the terrain of the ring with Top hitting Toma back. Toma cried as he advanced to land another blow and Top launched another Hakai at him. Toma didn't flinch running right through the Hakai as it got sucked into his aura rather and exploding on him, this surprised Top as he was punched in the face. Toma then balanced on his left hand spun his body trying to hit Top, but Top jumped up at the last moment and blasted Toma as he moved back. Toma shot out of the smoke like a missile punching Top in his crossed arms.

"To think that I would let you ever defeat me" Toma said pushing back on Top's arms.

"The power always supersedes the channel, and the thing is I am the power, and you are just the channel. So, stop trying to play my role!" He said punching him just as he said role.

Top flew through a rock as Toma stood watching him.

"A Destroyer is not just by name and transformation, it by raw power and action and now Top I shall show you the full force of my destructive power!" Toma declared.

He began to charge up with an ear deafening cry as lightning bolts began to strike the ring again, Top stood up from sitting on the floor and began to prepare a Hakai as both were determined to end this battle here and now. Toma began to charge focusing energy to his chest as a pale green blast appeared with bolts running from it and destroying parts of his surroundings as Top charged his Hakai.

"Here's all my destruction Top, coming right at you!" Toma said unleashing the devastating beam.

"Hakai!" Top said sending his charged blast his way.

Both attacks destroyed everything at swing in their way until the clashed with a loud boom. The impact of their clash produced a devastating shockwave destroying surplus rocks as the ring began to shake. The clash of two power houses was rock pieces rise, parts of the ground ripped off, Top began to yell loudly forcing his Hakai to push Tom's beam and Toma did the same. The addition of force made rock pieces standing around to begin to crumble with violent gusts of wind slashing through rocks.

"This is certainly a clash" 18 remarked seeing the two forces battle it out.

They kept at it pushing against one another as the area of their destruction continued to expand with each passing second as both began to lose ground slowly. Toma noticed it and bowed his head to smile with his eyes closed.

"I guess there's no avoiding it now" the Saiyan said before lifting his head.

"HERE'S ALL MY DESTRUCTION TOP! HAVE AN OVERLOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Toma screamed at the top of his voice.

The sudden boost in power and strength was sensational making the mouths of the eliminated siblings drop as they saw the Hakai get pushed back.

"How's this even possible?" Gohan said.

"Where did this sudden boost come from?" 18 added.

Toma pushed harder and harder and something even weirder happened, Top wasn't the only person losing ground, Toma was as well which was very strange.

"HYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" Toma screamed on the top of his voice.

His beam overpowered the Hakai pushing it back to Top as he was being pushed back alongside Toma which was weird. The blast shot Top to the other side of the ring and shot in the opposite direction of the ring creating a huge valley which shot across the two sides of the ring. Then Top appeared on the eleventh universe sitting area with his head down. Bruises were imminent all over him with smoke rising from his muscles as he returned to regular Top.

Toma appeared on the seventh universe sitting area still in his super Saiyan 4 form which was hell-a surprising because everyone usually arrives in their base form. He had bruises from the battle and was totally worn out.

"Sorry guys"

"Toma? What happened? I thought you were the one shooting the beam?!" Raza exclaimed.

"And how is he still in his transformation?" Gohan added.

"The power of the blast too much for me to control" he said.

"So ultimately the only person strong enough to defeat him was himself" Whis said.

"But what about his transformation?" 18 asked.

"My form takes so little ki from me that I can keep this up while I'm unconscious or even in a coma. So, it's more like a base form to me than a super transformation" Toma explained.

"This form is very intriguing" Beerus said.

"Indeed, it is my lord" a Whis added.

"By the way boy, you fought well" Beerus said.

"Thank you lord Beerus, it was an honor fighting in your favor" Toma said powering down to his base form.

"Now it's time for those three to wrap it up" Beerus said returning his attention to the fight taking place in the ring.