
Chronicles of Zetari

This young Saiyan loves to train and fight and encounters Goku who takes him under his wing to train him. he continues to grow in power and even participates in the Tournament of Power with his friends but soon after a great evil awakens that threatens the entire existence of their universe. Note: i do not own the cover photo

shola_noah · Anime et bandes dessinées
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63 Chs

Down With You Dyspo, Praises for Gohan

Goku weaved to the right and Vegeta moved to the left as Zetari went straight ahead and they punched Jiren on his crossed arms, Jiren shot through a rock for the first time displaying their combined strength.

"OH YES!" Raza yelled in an outburst of joy seeing them landing that blow on Jiren.

His loud attitude got him stares from the eleventh universe, but he didn't care, his team was finally on the front foot.

They began to trade blows with Jiren pushing him back as they were going to try to force him off. Jiren swung at Vegeta, and he ducked and landed a blow to his gut wearing a smirk on his face. Still trying to deal with that, Goku landed a right hook then Zetari landed a left hook then all three gave him an uppercut sending him into the air. Vegeta sent a Final Flash his way and Jiren stopped that with his stare, what he didn't know was that the Final Flash was a distraction as Goku and Zetari flew in from the right landing another blow on him.

"Holy cow, their coordinate attacks are succeeding" Rixxa said with excitement.

"They want to force him out of the ring" 18 stated.

"And from the looks of it it's working" Elder Kai said.

"Come on boys! Take him out!" Beerus cheered.

As Jiren landed on the ground, Zetari appeared blitzing in front of him with Zetari playing decoy attempting to try and punch him, Jiren clashed fists with him creating lightning strikes destroying the area and a huge shockwave creating a large crater as it peeled chunks of the ground.

"Still think I'm weak now?" Zetari asked with more bolts appearing vigorously.

"You're all weak to me" Jiren answered.

That's what Zetari needed with Vegeta appearing next to him and kicking him in the head towards Goku who hit him up with a kick then Zetari appeared above him hulking a huge Ultra Sphere with sparks raging on it.

"Suck on this!" He yelled sending the blast towards Jiren.

The blast crashed down on Jiren as the two demolished three large rocks sending pieces of them in all directions before a large explosion with the premature ones before the main one. The explosion was strong enough to throw the three Saiyans back as they still tried their best to get their footing back.

They screeched to a stop with huge clouds of smoke from the attack.

"How much did you put in that?" Goku asked.

"Enough to send someone through a planet" Zetari answered with their auras still blazing.

"You should have done more" Vegeta rebuked him.

"Tch" Zetari ticked as they waited to see what had become of Jiren.

Red light shot put of the dust clouds making them vanish as Jiren walked forward knowing he had to put in more effort. He looked straight at Zetari as the Saiyan smirked as their gaze locked. Jiren huffed then propelled himself at the three, he punched Zetari in sending him through a rock even though he was able to make a block to an extent. Goku swung his right leg aiming for the head and Jiren ducked under it, Vegeta tried to go for a cheap hit with his opponent grabbing his fist and throwing him to the side. Goku then performed Transcendence as four blasts appeared around his head and exploded at once. Jiren waved away the cloud of smoke to see what the three had prepared for him, Kamehameha, Final Flash and Phaser Beam warmed and ready to strike.

"Hope you like this, Jiren!" Goku screamed as all three fired at him.

The three beams shot as faster than the eye could blink as Jiren faced it with only his stare, the force of his stare pushed back against the beams, but he began to lose ground as he inched backwards more and more.

"Come on, we can do this, we just need to give it our all!" Zetari gritted.

"Let's do this VEGETAAAAAAA!!!!" Goku screamed.

"DONT TELL ME WHAT TO DO KAKAROOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!" He yelled right back at him.

The three gave loud cries that rose with every second and then Jiren was engulfed in the blasts and then the moment they had all been waiting for. A resounding explosion that sent shockwaves all over the ring that were strong enough to level rocks in one go chipping of a chunk on the ring.

"Did they, do it?!" Raza said in anticipation.

Under that cloud of dust and smoke, Jiren found himself balancing on a tiny piece of rock that descended from the ring.

"Hmmmmm" he said arrogantly.

He was covered in a red outline and hopped from rock piece to rock piece until he made it back to the ring.

"What is it going to take to eliminate that guy!" Rixxa said annoyed.

"They've come this close already, it's only a matter of time and they'll take him out" 18 said.

The clouds cleared with Jiren walking towards the blazing three.

"I admire your efforts but even that much power won't be enough to take me out" Jiren said confidently.

"I don't get how bastardly arrogant you can be even after you almost got eliminated" Zetari said with anger.

His anger was reflected in his aura with bolts becoming more violent.

"Then we just have to try harder!" Vegeta said travelling forward.

"Right!" Goku and Zetari choruses pressing on to give him back up.

Frieza and Gohan battle Dyspo vigorously with the speedster running circles around them landing some blows and if the other two got lucky, they would land a blow as well. Dyspo got Frieza in the back which let Gohan track him a bit landing a kick to the gut then Frieza blasted him in the head. As he skids back, the other two charged forward trading blows as shockwaves were aplenty distributed over a good portion of the ring. Gohan punched Dyspo in the gut Frieza seating him away with his tail as the other crashed into a rock with a loud thump making a crater. The two stood panting heavily as keeping up with Dyspo was a great challenge.

"We're getting worn out, I think it's time we end this quickly" Gohan suggested.

"Indeed" Frieza agreed.

"If you guys are going all out then I guess I'll stop kidding around" Dyspo said pulling himself out of the crater.

Gohan charged himself with are cry activating Ultimate Gohan and Frieza produced that bright golden glow as he went Golden with the light from his transformation glowing brighter than the sun there. The two had intimidating looks as they set their gaze of the pride trooper. Dyspo charged first punching Frieza in the face, Frieza blitzed to his side after getting punched and he and Gohan punched Dyspo in the face sending him through a rock and they followed him as it came crashing down. The two dominated the battle landing blow after blow after blow before combining a Masenko and Death beam to send Dyspo through five rocks then ending it all with a huge explosion.

The two landed feet away from the wreck with Dyspo bruised from getting totally dominated by the two, they were a handful.

"Your time in the ring has come to a close" Frieza said.

"No, I'm just getting started" Dyspo said.

"No matter what you say you simply lack what's needed to defeat me!" Frieza yelled charging right at Dyspo.

Dyspo took in a deep breath and bowed his head as Frieza neared, Dyspo was then covered with a lavender outline as Frieza drew near. As the punch came closer, Dyspo's reaction time became something else pushing aside Frieza's hand then punched Frieza in the face.

"You're the one who's lacking, you just haven't realized it yet!" Dyspo cried as he began to land blows on Frieza.

Frieza became nothing more than a punching bag in Dyspo's hand then the trooper blasted Frieza with a blue ring which trapped him and exploded when Dyspo used his hands to form an X then broke it.

"We need a new strategy" Gohan murmured with Dyspo's rise in strength astronomical.

Frieza stood up slowly with bruises evident all over, Dyspo stood over him waiting to give him the final blow the Gohan flew from the side kicking him away.

"Frieza, we need a new plan" Gohan said.

"Not this again" Frieza protested, tried of teaming up with the Saiyans.

"If you could use those finger beams of yours and make like a moving cage, I think we might stand a chance against him" Gohan stated.

"Tsk" Frieza grunted.

Frieza jumped back getting on an elevated platform and gathered energy, Gohan went ahead to battle Dyspo. Frieza shot down the beams as Gohan engaged Dyspo on full throttle giving it his all as they traded blows with Gohan the aggressor and Dyspo was mainly on defense. Dyspo pulled his arm back preparing to strike and then a beam appeared behind him hitting his elbow receiving a great shock.

"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" Dyspo screamed.

Still recovering from that Gohan began another barrage of attacks and Dyspo managed to kick him backwards as beams appeared behind him inflicting damage. It was the price he had to pay if he was eliminating Dyspo. Frieza began to feel the strain of holding up the beams grunting and gritting his teeth as beads of sweat ran down the side of his cheeks.

Gohan landed a solid blow to Dyspo's gut making him skid back for some inches as Gohan delivered two more blows to his face with the last one sending him into a net of beams forcing him to cry and shriek as he was getting damage by the beams. Gohan came in for the final blow then all of a sudden, the beams holding Dyspo disappeared, Frieza had given it his all and was put of gas falling to his knees drained and out of breath. This allowed Dyspo to counter going under Gohan's hand and punching him in the chest sending Gohan back.

"I guess Frieza's all out of steam" Gohan commented kneeling down as he was feeling the drain as well.

"Hahaha, I guess the seventh just can't keep up with my speed" Dyspo chuckled.

"Physically yes but mentally, you don't stand a chance against us" Gohan said with a smirk.

"What are you talking about?"

Gohan moved quickly using that conversation to make Dyspo drop his guard as he stood behind him and got him in a head lock.

"Now Frieza!" Gohan yelled.

"What the-"

Before Dyspo finished his statement Frieza fire a beam at the two with the explosion taking the two out of the ring.

"Sorry guys I tried my best" Gohan said after appearing on their sitting area.

"What are you sorry about man, you were absolutely amazing!" Rixxa cheered.

"Hell, yeah man you were the bomb" Raza added wrapping an arm around his neck.

"Thanks guys" Gohan said.

"Son of Goku, you fought well" Beerus said shocking them all.

"Thank you lord Beerus" Gohan thanked.