
The Meeting

Saw some people say the last two chapters felt like filler and I agree, so from now on I'll try to make "filler" chapters twice as long so it won't feel too bad. Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate it.


Opening my eyes and looking at the position of the sun, I realized I had taken a short nap.

"Shit, I guess I was a little tired out from all that flying. But, I'm surprised I kept myself afloat throughout my sleep. Another thing to test out."

Touching down on the ground, I began to stretch before pulling my phone out to send Steve and Andrew a text to meet up at the diner. After getting an affirmative on the meetup in an hour, I decided to quickly test some things.

"Okay, I need about 30 minutes to get to the diner, so I can test some machines out real quick. I think one of the more important ones to test out is the stealth suit. I don't want to be picked up on any radars or cameras while I'm out flying. Though I would only be able to use it with my telekinetic flying for now seeing as I can't use two machines at once for a long period of time."

Using the same process as before, my entire body started to be covered by tiny crystals made from nanites. They were off at the moment so I was still able to see myself. Turning them on the next moment, I saw my hand instantly disappear from my sight.

"Whoa. That's a little trippy."

Waving my hand around while not seeing it be there, was kind of weird. And let me tell you, it wasn't one of the types of invisibility where you can see the outline of the person. No, it was completely invisible, like I don't exist.

"Now I need to see if anything I hold will be invisible as well."

I bent down to pick up a rock and it was quickly covered by the nanites making it invisible as well.

"That's good. Let me test movement now. It would be pretty disappointing if I couldn't use it while flying."

Setting up my phone to record me, I flew around in view of the phone. I went fast and did quick movements to test out the capabilities of the suit.

"Okay, let's check the footage."

I landed, deactivated the suit, and picked up the phone to check, and thankfully the suit worked. Not a single thing was caught on video, almost like I wasn't even in the frame.

"Phew. That's good to know. Now I don't have to worry about being spotted when I'm flying anywhere. Too bad I can't fly to the diner, I don't want to leave my car here. Actually, Rex had a bike he made out of nanites. Might as well use my nanites on my car to see how it works."

I hadn't mentioned it yet but Matt really knew how to choose a car. I was driving a dark blue 1964 Chevy Impala SS 4-door. It's a beauty, but I do have to say I wish it was a 2-door I just think they look better.

Matt got it for his 16th birthday, and I know what you're thinking, that's a pretty expensive present. But it's not like it was in my old world where there was a boom in interest in old cars that caused the prices to go way up. Here, the market for cars is still not that crazy. Another thing to take note of, I should get some cars I always wanted in my past life before the prices soar.

Anyways, I walked up to my car and placed my hand on it. I wanted to communicate with it and my nanites listened to the command. My hand sunk a little into the car and all the information about the car rushed into my brain. How every single part of it works and the condition of every inch of the car. I saw which bolts needed to be tightened by a notch and which ones needed to be loosened a bit.

"Cool. Should I try to upgrade my car? Let me think, I want it to have faster acceleration, higher top speed, better handling, and braking all while keeping the exterior the same."

At my command, my nanites spread into the car and began reforming the insides. Everything was made better without changing the look of the outside. According to the feedback from the OM-1 nanite, my car was now as fast as a McLaren F1 and it could be made faster with more data.

"Jesus, this nanite is a monster. And now I know that it can make outrageous machines but it needs to have data for reference. That means the Generator Rex machines might all be in the database of the nanite. Yet another thing to test."

Checking my phone I realized I still had about ten minutes before I needed to leave for the diner.

"I still have some time, let me see if the superhuman characteristics are passive. Might as well try lifting the car."

Getting a good grip on the car, I attempted to pick it up. I decided to not use my full strength just in case I had a massive boost in strength I didn't notice. With minimal effort, I was already able to lift up the car, so I decided to see how hard it would be to lift it above my head. Not hard at all. I put the car down after holding it up for a few seconds.

"Hmm. I have this kind of strength and I didn't notice? Maybe it depends on whether or not I want to use the strength. I know of a quick test I can do."

I picked up the rock from earlier while thinking I didn't want to use my strength and squeezed it.

"Nothing happened. Now let me think about using my strength."

Thinking about using my strength, I was able to crush the rock.

"Interesting. It seems I need to consciously want to use strength or just by subconscious thought the OM-1 will do the work for me. Like when I open a car door, I subconsciously don't use all my strength but when I want to lift a car, I use my strength. Cool."

After a productive day of testing, I got in my car and went to meet with Andrew and Steve.


"Yo, Matt over here."

Turning to look in the direction the voice came from, I saw Steve and Andrew sitting at a booth. As I walked over to the booth, I saw the pregnant waitress was there so I waved at her and she waved back.

"What can I get for you?"

"Coffee and the breakfast platter, please, and thank you."

"Of course, I'll be right back." she said leaving as I turned my attention back to my friends.

"So, what'd you call us for?"

"Don Steve, I want to thank you for helping me organize this meeting here today. And Don Andrew thank you for taking the time to be here, I know things have been rough. How did things ever get so far? I don't kn-"

"Are you doing the meeting scene from The Godfather right now?" questioned Steve while laughing and Andrew on the side smiling.

"I was. Great movie though, huh?"

"Oh yeah, great movie. Probably top 5 movies of all time."

"Eh, I didn't like it that much." said Steve at which Andrew and I both whipped our heads to look at him with disbelief.

"What!" x2

"Are you serious? How could you not like The Godfather? It's a great film." I questioned.

"I mean, yeah it's okay but it's kind of boring."

"Boring? How is The Godfather boring? It keeps you hooked throughout the entire film. You need to watch it again." said Andrew baffled at Steve's answer.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll watch it again. Anyways, why'd you want to meet up Matt?" said Steve clearly not going to rewatch it.

Hearing Andrew's question, I got serious. After taking a look around the diner to make sure no one was listening to us, I lowered my voice.

"I discovered something recently that will change our lives forever. But before I tell you, you both have to swear that no matter what happens and what I tell you, you have to keep it a secret."

"Don't tell me you're about to say you found the cure for cancer." joked Steve but one look at my serious demeanor made him stop and say "Okay. I promise."

"Me too, I promise."

Looking back and forth at both of them for a moment I readied myself for what I was about to say.

"Here's your coffee and your breakfast platter, hun. Enjoy." said the waitress putting both down in front of me and walking away.

"Uhh, I'm kind of hungry. Do you guys mind if I eat first before I tell you? Also, I think it would be better if I told you guys elsewhere."

"Are you serious? You tell us all that and then say we have to wait?" said Steve a little annoyed.

"Oh come on, I promise I'll be quick."

"Ugh, fine. Hurry up. Now you got me curious."

"Thanks." I said with a smile.


After scarfing the food down and leaving a big tip again, we were now in my car.

"Now can you tell us what's going on? You sounded way too serious in there." said Steve clearly impatient.

"Yeah, Matt. What's going on?" chimed in Andrew also impatient.

"Okay, do you guys remember about two weeks ago that weird crystal thing we found underground?"

"Yeah, Andrew thought it was alien. What about it?"

"Turns out, he might not have been wrong."

"What? What do you mean I might not be wrong? Did you go look at it again?" said Andrew curious if he was right.

'It's probably best not to tell them I've gone to see the alien already and killed it. I'll just tell them about the telekinesis. If they want to go see the alien afterward, I just need to act like I don't know why the alien died or disappeared.'

"No, I haven't gone to check it again. But, yesterday I was bored and I had just rewatched Star Wars, so I decided to test if I have the force. Like one does."

At this, they both looked at me like I was a little kid.

"Hey! Don't act like neither of you has tried it before. Anyways, that's beside the point. I was trying to use the force to lift a pen, and I did it."

"Did what?" questioned Steve.

"I lifted the pen. Without touching it. I think whatever that alien did that caused us to blackout, gave us telekinesis." I answered looking dead serious.

"You're joking, right? You asked us to meet you at the diner for this?" Steve said while laughing.

Knowing that saying something like that is hard to believe, I decided to levitate my keys.

"Does this look like a joke to you?"

"What the fuck?" x2

Twentieth chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

I decided to make it so the OM-1 nanite needs some sort of data and reference to make machines and upgrades. Also, the hacking and technopathy part of the OM-1 can only be done through physical touch, for now.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts