
Choosing the impossible difficulty.

Lux, just an average guy living a normal life who wants something to happen just like everyone else. Until it actually does. God tells humanity that their world will be destroyed and they will all be moving to different realities. But first they will have to adapt to the possibilities of powers and monsters existing. What will happen when Lux picks the hardest difficulty and has to try and fight for his survival. I would appreciate it if readers would leave reviews, add this to their reading lists and vote for it. Recommend it to your friends to increase my readers. If you do then it means more people can read it. Also, I have another novel called, Tortured Before The Apocalypse which I will also be writing at the same time as this current one so please check that one out as well.

L_6 · Fantaisie
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52 Chs

Level 102 - 110

Level 102: A level with completely snow covered surroundings that was completely lacking vegetation or anything discernible from the pure, elegant snow that had lain completely still and perfect until Lux appeared. He stumbled through the snow searching for enemies and came across a group of Yetis with long fur and plants growing from their bodies as if they were the only source of life on the entire level where nothing could live, yet they had plants growing on them. Lux attempted to possess two of them and managed to succeed and it was not a lot different to controlling one extra creature. He did not want to act suspicious but there were only ten Yetis present including the two that were under Lux's command. He crept over and made it three against seven, although he had less people on his side he was confident that he would win against them. He still had his daggers from the last level but they were a bit chipped, still usable but not in great condition. He stood up while controlling both Yetis and snuck over to them himself as well. He got up behind one of the monsters that he was not controlling and slit its throat. The controlled Yetis smashed their hands down onto the chests of their old comrades. This split open their stomach and chest displaying the immense strength of the Yetis that Lux had not know about until then. They finished off killing them and went out to find more enemies to kill. They kept on killing them and whenever a possessed Yeti died, Lux replaced it. This led to all of the Yetis dying and a Boss Yeti appearing but it was not a lot different to the others. It was larger and stronger but while Lux's Yetis did fall in battle, he managed to kill the Boss with his daggers, however they broke in the process. He then went through the portal to level 103. [Possession] reached lvl.3

Level 103: This level had huge pterodactyl like creatures with no feathers. They were a dark red hue with leathery skin and huge wingspans. They seemed to be a species similar to the Kongamato which Lux knew to be a creature that was never proven to live in Africa on Earth but was rumoured to. He used possession on three of the Kongamatos and could feel himself controlling four bodies at once with four sets of vision which was still very strange for him as he was used to just having one. He presumed he would get used to it eventually so he had no problem with that fact. He flew in the sky while controlling the three Kongamatos and set out to kill the others. He swooped down with his possessed monster and jumped onto its back. He flew back up into the crowd of Kongamatos and his two other possessed creatures were controlled to attack the crowd as well. Lux punched and grabbed the monsters, smashing their bones and causing their organs to explode. The crowd kept on growing and Lux possessed more Kongamatos when his old ones died and killed over two hundred in total with the one he was flying on still intact. A giant Kongamato appeared and its disgusting-looking wings caused shock waves to be created when they flapped. This almost blew Lux away but he kept a tight grip on the back of the Kongamatos and flew forwards as to not get pushed backwards. Once it stopped flapping its wings, Lux jumped onto it and grabbed on. He attempted to possess it but was unable to due to it being the Boss Kongamato, this meant he needed to kill it with normal means. He grabbed onto the base of its wing and started punching at it with great force. The Boss tried to shake him off, but Lux was not letting go and he eventually crippled its wing which made it fall to the ground and shatter all of the bones in its body, killing it instantly. He then moved on to level 104. [Possession] reached lvl.4

Level 104: This level was one that was completely under deep water but Lux was able to breathe for some reason. He presumed it was just because of the Impossible Tutorial making sure he would be able to breathe. The monsters on this level were very similar to the Cipactli of Aztec mythology. They were a mix between a crocodile, frog and a fish. However, their power was not to be underestimated as they were extremely large but still able to move easily in water. They had incredible strength and speed with even more impressive biting force. Lux found a group of thirty and possessed four of them without making himself known. He was planning to only really use the Cipactli that he controlled as he was not great at manoeuvring in water while fighting. He made the controlled monsters bite off the heads of four of their friends. This left only twelve enemies left and Lux made two of his Cipactli swim straight towards them and attack two and they killed them but were soon killed again. He controlled two of the remaining ten which meant that it was four vs eight if you do not include Lux. they swam at each other and Lux's team all lost but conveniently there were four left unscathed on the other team. He controlled them and kept on finding more to kill, eventually no normal Cipactli were left and the Boss appeared. Lux was still controlling four Cipactli and they all attacked at once but were taken down after only injuring the Boss slightly. Lux swam over to it and grabbed onto the back of the Boss Cipactli and ripped away at the scales on its back. Once the scales were gone, Lux tore away at its flesh and got inside of its body. He destroyed all of its organs from the inside out and killed it. He went through the portal to level 105. [Possession] reached lvl.5

Level 105: Cerberus monsters that seemed to come directly from Hell with their scorching hot aura and control over anything and everything fire related. Lux possessed five of them that were in a group of ten which meant with his regular bodies assistance, he had the upper hand. Using all five of the possessed Hell Hounds, Lux created a destructive fire that burned everything around it but only did a bit of damage to the other Cerberuses. He then used the possessed Cerberuses to bite and hold onto the other enemy monsters and use their long claws to scrape away at the flesh of the creatures. Lux managed to kill the creatures without having to use his real body. He searched with his possessed creatures and his own body, this meant that six combined sets of eyes were searching for more enemies and he inevitably found multiple groups of them. He grouped back together into one team and went from group to group killing them all until the Boss Cerberus appeared. It was three times the size of a regular one and its flames were more powerful, the possessed Cerberuses attacked the Boss and ripped off some of its flesh and wounded its right leg. This meant that Lux could easily finish off the Boss and he killed it by snapping its neck after completely disabling its leg with an array of punches. He then moved onto level 106. [Possession] reached lvl.6

Level 106: Huge red Behemoth monsters that stood 100 metres tall with massive horns and the features of a bull on two legs were roaming this level. lux found a group of eight five in one spot and used [Possession] on six of them. He used his possessed monsters to headbutt six others and knock them off balance. He then sunk their horns into the chests of them killing them. However, due to the fact that there were seventy three left, the possessed Behemoths were slaughtered and fell to the ground atop the pile of the ones they had killed. Lux repeated this process until there were only six remaining Behemoths and Lux used [Possession] on them to find more enemies. He brought the Behemoth's hand down to the ground and he climbed onto it. He then placed himself on the possessed Behemoth's shoulder. After searching for a while, Lux's group came across the first Boss that was visible before its minions were dead as a three hundred metre tall Behemoth with insanely huge horns and a more blood red colour was sitting on a ginormous throne. It was guarded by about one hundred and fifty Behemoths and Lux set out to kill all of them. He lost all of his companions in the process and was going to have to fight the Boss alone this time. He grabbed onto its foot and started to climb up the monstrously large body of the Boss monster and it took him half an hour to reach the head. The Boss monster obviously tried to stop this but due to its size it could not reach Lux when he went onto its back. Once he got to the eye of the monster, Lux destroyed it and walked through into the cave like hole that was left behind. He got to the brain and started dismantling it and eventually the Boss died. [Possession] reached lvl.7

Level 107: This level was very strange as instead of taking place out in the open like normal, it was inside a huge pyramid. Lux walked inside the entrance and found himself in a large corridor. Mummies were crowding the room in front of him but they were not that strong, only being a bit more powerful than the strongest Zombie that Lux had faced so far. He decided it would be pointless to use [Possession] on them as he could just kill the Mummies himself. However, as he kept going down the layers of the pyramid the Mummies got a lot stronger. He decided it would be a good idea to use [Possession] on seven Mummies and change them out each time the enemies got stronger. He eventually got down to the Boss Room that was clearly the Pharaoh's tomb. A large coffin stood at the centre of the room and once Lux and his possessed monsters came within fifty feet of it, the lid burst off. A large, powerful looking Mummified Pharaoh with a staff emerged and instantly wielded the Golden Staff to send fire magic in the direction of Lux. He dodged the spell with his real body and the possessed ones and they all ran at the Boss. Lux split his group into four groups of two and attacked from all different angles. The Boss was overwhelmed by this and after killing Lux's monsters, it eventually fell in battle and Lux went on to level 108. [Possession] reached lvl.8

Level 108: Ice, Fire and Electric Birds were on this level all working together. Lux used [Possession] on three Ice Birds, two Fire Birds and three Electric Birds. He set out with his team and came across a mountain at the centre of a forest that was swarming with monsters. He went over to the base of the mountain and then got on the back of one of the Ice Birds that he was possessing. He flew right to the top and started fighting off all the incoming enemies. They were firing magic attacks and also using physical attacks but Lux and his ever replenishing team of possessed creatures managed to kill them all after a long time of fighting. An ear piercing shriek was sent throughout the entire level as a huge bird with one wing consisting of Fire and the other Electricity with its main body being Ice appeared and shot up into the sky. It then plummeted towards Lux while shooting a mix of its bodies elements at him and the possessed Birds. Instead of dodging this, Lux used the Ice Bird he was on to fly towards the Boss. He pulled his fist back and as soon as the Boss was about to hit him, he punched through its eye and killed it in one hit. He then killed the remaining possessed Birds and moved on to level 109. [Possession] reached lvl.9

Level 109: Lux had seen some weird levels but this was the strangest by far and would probably never be topped in terms of strangeness. He was in a house with nine other people which was very convenient for Lux but he did not use [Possession] yet as he wanted to see what would happen. The people seemed to be completely normal and for some reason they were celebrating Christmas. Lux seemed very out of place but the people did not seem to mind or even acknowledge him at all. It seemed to be storming outside and the lights suddenly all went out at once. Snow blew through the bottom of the chimney and a white fur covered hand emerged and dragged its long claws across the brick. A disgusting head appeared and the rest of the body appeared, revealing it to be Krampus. Lux was confused as there was only one Krampus and the whole level made no sense at all. The monster dashed out of the chimney and slashed one of the people in half. It then proceeded to easily kill the rest of the people but had not yet taken notice of Lux. He had no idea what was happening and just walked up to Krampus and punched it in the face. The monsters head just flew off and Lux was surprised as it seemed too easy. But then everything reset and the same sequence happened hundreds of times until the Boss appeared. It was Krampus but with the face of a baby for god knows what reason but it was terrifying. It seemed as if it would be stronger but it was in fact just a little bit faster and Lux once again punched its head off. He then walked through the portal to level 110. [Possession] reached lvl.10

Level 110: This was another level where the Boss was present the entire time. A giant tree like monster was at the centre of the Forest, it towered above everything and had huge roots that protruded from the ground. It commanded the Tree spirits and Treants in the level and was extremely powerful. Lux's [Possession] had reached lvl.10 now so he tried possessing the Boss and it actually worked. He commanded all of the monsters in the level to get into one big line and stand still. They obeyed and Lux got one of the tentacle like roots that was insanely long and sharp. He shot it out and pierced through all of the bodies of the unsuspecting monsters and killed all of them. He then pierced the possessed Boss with its own root and left for level 111. [Possession] reached Full Mastery