
Choosing the impossible difficulty.

Lux, just an average guy living a normal life who wants something to happen just like everyone else. Until it actually does. God tells humanity that their world will be destroyed and they will all be moving to different realities. But first they will have to adapt to the possibilities of powers and monsters existing. What will happen when Lux picks the hardest difficulty and has to try and fight for his survival. I would appreciate it if readers would leave reviews, add this to their reading lists and vote for it. Recommend it to your friends to increase my readers. If you do then it means more people can read it. Also, I have another novel called, Tortured Before The Apocalypse which I will also be writing at the same time as this current one so please check that one out as well.

L_6 · Fantasy
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52 Chs


Lux's new status looked like this:

Name: Lux Tenebris

Age: 15

Class: None

Skills: [Infinite Regeneration] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery) Currently Locked

[Matter creation] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery) Currently Locked

[Teleportation] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery) Currently Locked

[Shapeshifting] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery) Currently Locked

[Activate Lævateinn Set] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery) Currently Locked

[Ultimate Psychokinesis] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery) Currently Locked

[Life Drain] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery) Currently Locked.

[Absolute Order] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery) Currently Locked

[Elemental Mastery] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery) Currently Locked

[Charm] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery) Currently Locked

[Possession] (Impossible) lvl.1

"A skill to possess an enemy and control their body while they have no control over themselves but are fully awake during the experience. That is messed up as Hell. I like this a lot. But its going to be hard to control both my body and the body that I am controlling at the same time. I guess that I'll get used to it though and it will probably get easier to control with higher levels. It's confusing but at least my body will not be vulnerable during the time that I use [Possession], that is a big plus for me."

Lux went to find some enemies to try and possess and get used to [Possession] on. He came across a large snake that was coiling around everything it could almost as if it had no spine. It had two large horns at the front of its head and four smaller ones behind them. Its whole body was covered in rock solid spikes that could change from being rigid to flexible to be able to bend around anything as to not get in the way of the snake's movement. The huge snake monster seemed to be the Mythical Creature Cerastes and was dangerous. The sand like environment that this level was set is its natural habitat. After watching it for a while and seeing it enjoy itself with the body that was capable of doing insane movements, Lux decided to test his new skill out on the Cerastes. He used [Possession] and felt his mind split in two, he could see two sets of his own vision except one seemed to be much higher up and had a larger amount visible land with less blind spots. He attempted to move just the Cerastes' body but found it difficult to control. He tried moving both bodies at the same time and after practicing for an hour, he gained a shaky but decent ability in controlling it and made both of his bodies search for more Cerastes to kill.

He primarily used his possessed Cerastes to find them as it would not seem suspicious, but he kept close behind with his actual body tailing and looking for danger. In the desert, Lux found more Cerastes hiding under the ground in burrows. He only was able to see them due to the enhanced vision of the Cerastes and in his possessed body, he slithered over to the trapdoor that one of the other Cerastes was under and lifted it up with his snake nose to find the unsuspecting Cerastes looking up at him. while it was staring at him, Lux darted his head forwards and grabbed hold of the Cerastes neck with his teeth and tore it in half. Blood gushed out and spattered onto Lux's possessed bodies face. The dead Cerastes fell back into the hole in which it was hiding. Lux dragged the body out and looked into the hole and saw that it led down underground.

Lux brought his real body over to the possessed Cerastes and controlled both bodies to go into the tunnel. After walking for a while Lux came across a huge nest of Cerastes that were on high alert as their friend had not yet returned. Lux jumped on top of the possessed creature and hid on top of it to not be seen. He went into the crowd of monsters and they seemed glad to see him but they still had not found the other one that had disappeared which meant they were not fully relaxed. He decided that there was nothing he could do to calm them down and used both of his bodies to attack them. Although he could only possess one monster right now and he had no skill right now for direct attacking. His Cerastes managed to kill eight of the others but then it was brutally killed in return by its previous brethren.

Lux had not got a weapon currently but he had killed another Cerastes and ripped out two of its teeth to use as dual daggers. He had not got any experience with daggers but he though that it could not be that hard. He threw one of them at a Cerastes' head and pierced through its eye. He jumped up onto its head and removed the tooth dagger. Lux stabbed it again and pushed it further into the Cerastes' eye and tore a gash in its brain. This instantly killed it and Lux removed the dagger and jumped off the Cerastes' head and flipped onto another one and killed it. He was getting the hang of using daggers now, albeit makeshift ones, and kept on killing the Cerastes easily. There was one creature left and decided to use possession on it to find more enemies and to kill them.

Lux and his newly possessed Cerastes went back up to the surface and went out to find more of the Mythical Snakes but even after searching for a long time and splitting up, he could not find any more of them. However, after meeting back up with the Cerastes, the ground started shaking and a huge snake head appeared and the rest of its body shortly burst forth from the ground as well. It landed on the ground and coiled itself up around the surrounding landscape. Lux got his daggers out, got onto his possessed Cerastes and rode forward at it. He then jumped up from on top of his team mate and landed on the tail of the Cerastes. It flicked its tail and sent Lux flying into the air while it swallowed the previously possessed Cerastes and he started to fall incredibly quickly. He divebombed all the way to its head with his daggers held out in front of his body and as soon as he made contact with the Leader of the Cerastes, its head exploded and its brain went everywhere. He had killed the boss monster and could go onto level 102. [Possession] reached lvl.2