
Chapter 93

Chapter 93

"Sell me one! Or at least tell me where you got them! I'll even make you my best and favourite customer with discounts of 3% off everything you buy!" Z seemed to beg him and grab onto his legs.

"Even if I did tell you I doubt you could get there, now please let go, I need to get the others out now." John says only for Z to spring up and grab him by the collar and shake him vigorously.

"Theres still more!" They seemed to yell in surprise and shock, Ash and Saya at this point where already speechless, deciding to instead inspect the statues and clockworks present.

"Rather doctor who and the cybermen aren't they? Except they luckily use a lot of gears." Saya says well looking at a clockwork.

"And these guys are a lot like the god warriors in Nausicaa except smaller or like the Daguarees on grandcrest, but they definitely have more of a fantasy feel." Ash says inspecting them.

Ignoring the pair John kept taking out some more soul stones, magic stones and cores before finally he found the tags, placing each one down carefully and spaced out he did as Peter showed him to get them out much to a curious Z.

With a flash and small puff of smoke 7 people now stood infront of him, 4 emanating an intense pressure and bloodlust well the remaining 3 seemed to stretch and look around.

"Wha- but- what- how! You didn't teleport people in as I didn't feel anything, and I recognize that as a possible slave marks on them but if you had somehow met with a black merchant I would have known, and you took them out your bag which isn't possible, just how! What's going on here!?!" Z asked in shock, practically breaking down like a person watching all they ever knew fall to pieces infront of them.

"So this is your home? This one is rather surprised, the energy in the air feels extremely thin to this one, this one would probably only manage a 6th of there full strength in this world, but this one is also happy, it means this one can further refine there control due to the limited energy and learn to rely more on their internal energies." The small girl says, John having found out her name was Evangeline Frostheart, or Angel for short.

"Indeed shorty, but this is masters world, remember he told us its situation?" The fox women Aria says to her companion with an eyeroll, before smiling at John.

"Well I know it doesn't seem like much but this will be where we will all be staying once you help me get some revenge, Z here will help supply you with any potions or weapons or armour you feel you may need, ill cover the costs, we will leave in 2 hours after I make sure you all get a good meal, till then feel free to inspect here and the underground city, welcome to your new home." John says to his slaves with a smile as he returns all the stones and cores to the bag getting surprised looks from them at the amount of freedom he was giving them.

"Your trusting us and giving us so much freedom? Just like that? What if we try to run away or hurt someone around here? Or we have the merchant break our slave marks?" the green robed girl asks, her name being Ivy with her sister Grace nodding along beside her, the rest of the slaves also looking at him funny but agreeing with the twins.

"Mutual trust, honestly I don't know if any of you would do what you just said, but my gut says none of you would do any of that, your good people who were dealt a bad hand, I know it sounds cheesy or stupid but I want to give you all a second chance. Besides, after a few fights or helping for a short while I probably will just break the seals myself." John says with a small smile only to be stopped by Saya and Ash.

"John what the hell is going on! Who are all these people?" Saya demands, surprised and shocked at there appearance.

"And what do they mean slave seals?" Ash chimes in.

"Uhm, well you see I kinda got them from that friend I mentioned, he took me to a slave store and they're the ones I chose to bring with me, they gave me the best feelings and I trust my gut, well except for Angel and Aria, they chose me and wanted to come with me." John says rubbing his head in embracement feeling like a naughty child caught eating cookies when he got told no more.

"And there the ones you chose? Where you serious about a second chance? I thought you hated slavery and the like! Why didn't you take more to free!" Saya says glaring at him and her words making him feel conflicted before he resolved himself and stood straighter, staring at her and causing her to cave first.

"I didn't take more because I trust my gut, yes I dislike it to a certain degree but I didn't want to spurn a new friends offer or offend him, It seems slavery and the like for him is something normal, I didn't take more because I felt a small number would hold lower risks of casualties! I am going to be doing everything I have to in order to stick it to those gods and reach them to cut them down. And I will be getting more in the future, atleast I know I can trust my back to them without fear of a knife landing in it like what happened with the last lot!" John says, his eyes and tone hardening with each word causing both girls to flinch.

Walking past them he went underground, his group of statues and clockworks following behind as his last order was to follow him leaving behind the slaves, Z who instantly began trying to interest them in buying stuff and a surprised Ash and Saya, one now biting there lip unsure on what they felt at being spoken to like that and the other with a blush and rubbing their legs together, seemingly having something ignited in her at Johns harsh tone and almost wishing he could have been slightly physical with her, the thought causing her own blush to increase in intensity.

"Really? This one does not understand how their master has survived with people like the two of you, but this one does suppose you could be suitable concubines for master." Angel says as she walks past causing Aria to break into giggles and the pair to glare at her even well blushing. The other slaves currently looking through Z's wares or looking around the area.