
Chloe’s Choice

After using the wish to change her life, Chloe finds herself and her father living the life of Marinette‘s family. The new world has a new Ladybug and the events aren’t matching up to what she remembers of her old world. But in this new world she’s not going to be the weak rich girl she was before.

madhat886 · TV
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10 Chs



In the butcher shop owned by her father's friend uncle Fred, Chloe is helping out butchering meat. It's a part time job she's doing to earn money and to build up her strength and skill but chopping meat. Watching her swinging a meat cleaver down on a pig's leg, cutting off pieces of meat is Alya, having come to interview Chloe for her podcast. Alya looks around at the slaughterhouse and wonders if all the blood makes Chloe squeamish.

"You don't mind all the blood?" Alya ask.

Chloe doesn't answer right away. She just continues working. After a moment or two, she says, "I'm used to it."

"Used to what?"

Chloe sighs as she puts down the meat cleaver and picks up some pieces of meat.

"The smell of death," she answers in a quiet voice.

"From fighting the villains?" Alya ask.

"Yes, just more clean smelling. The bodies brought in are already cleaned of their organs, blood and other body fluids. I remember the smell of the villains who died the body muscles letting loose and soiling themselves, like you," Chloe said.

Chloe place the pieces of meat into a bowl with other pieces of meat. All to be dump into the meat grinder to make into sausage. She went back to chopping meat from the leg bone.

"It really doesn't bother you in killing?" Alya ask.

"Not after the first time I died. I knew I was going to die so I made sure I would be taking Donna with me. That's why I was laughing as I force her into the wood chipper. As if I'm going to die, I'm taking her with me," Chloe said.

"The only reason why there have been no charges is because she did killed you and was a villain at the time. Good thing that Red Queen can bring you and others back to life," Alya said.

"And I got to see my grandmother and grandfather on my dad's side of the family," Chloe said.

"So the afterlife is real?" Alya ask.

"Yes and not as you think it is. All the stories are all wrong, I found myself at a train station," Chloe said.

"A train station?" Alya ask.

"There is more than one afterlife and the trains take you to the one you're going to. For me because I keep on being brought back to life, I can remember more and more than you who I killed only once," Chloe said.

"Can you not normalize killing?" Alya ask.

"I'm the one who has to cope with being killed and dealing with superpowered villains. I have to get it to be just something that is normal for me. And seeing how badly things went when I wasn't around with the spider villain, you people need me," Chloe said.

"Do you really need to kill the villains?" Alya ask.

"When you were Lady Wifi, would you had stop if I didn't electrocuted you to death?" Chloe ask causing Alya to go silent.

"I couldn't control myself," Alya said.

"There is only Red Queen, Cheshire, and me who are fighting the villain. Till the other Kwamis are used, you're stuck with me," Chloe said.

"Kwamis?" Alya ask.

"Small little fairy like magical animals, they're magical and are the ones who grant Red Queen and Cheshire their magical powers from their magic Miraculous. A ladybug and a small black cat are what they look like who can fly and pass through walls, they also can't be seen by cameras," Chloe said.


Elsewhere -

In her home Sabrina has been watching Alya's podcast with Chloe, with Tikki. While in his home Adrien is also watching the podcast with Plagg. All four are shock hearing that Chloe knows about Kwamis.

"How does she know about you?" Sabrina ask Tikki.

"I have no idea," Tikki said.

"Did she see you?" Adrien ask.

"I don't think so," Plagg said.


Back with Chloe -

"How do you know that?" Alya ask.

"I have my ways. Being killed so many times and being brought back to life, has its benefits. Like being able to see and talk to things that normal people can't see or hear," Chloe said. (1)

"Wait you mean like in Harry Potter where there's a whole hidden world of magic but we can't see it?" Alya ask.

"Wouldn't surprise me that there is a hidden society of magic users. But yes there are magical beings out there and are real. Besides we live in a world where there are superheroes and villains, the United Heroez would have run into magical beings in their line of work time to time. Why is it so hard to believe that magical creatures are real and why are people who know are always so dead set on hiding it? It's just a pointless endeavor, Hawkmoth's power come from the Butterfly Miraculous which is how he's able to turn people into superpowered villains. Which if there is a hidden magical world of magic users, they're doing nothing to stop a magical villain, showing that they're only brave as long as they're not dealing with someone who will outright kill them if they try to stop them from using magic," Chloe said.

"You really don't like Harry Potter do you," Alya ask.

"I find the whole thing too dumb. The whole mindset of muggles can't handle that magic is real, is more about the magical world wanting to maintain their control of magic and being special compared to muggles. The magic world of Harry Potter is only for and only for those who can use magic and keep anyone who isn't like them out. Besides we muggles have our own magic," Chloe said. (2)

"Muggle magic?" Alya ask.

"Science, is just another form of magic that anyone can learn. All you need is the dedication to learn it, while magic seems that you must have a magical fairy to barrow magic from or born with it to use it. If annything it's like that movie Onwards where science and Magic appear to happily co-exist in this world, it's just that due to the difficulty learning it, people stopped using magic as more convenient technology was invented to do the same things," Chloe explains.

"So you wouldn't use magic?" Alya asks.

"If i came across something that helps me, sure. But with how rare it is to find magic, I just have to make do being a badass normal," Chloe said.


Bourgeois Bakery -

In Chloe's room, she has changed it from what it use to look like. There is now a work table where she's been busy at work, bits and pieces of metal and machines littered the work table. Books of engineering and how to books also littered the room. Old and worn tools are also around the room, all what Chloe could afford to get and find while dumpster diving to find parts.

Chloe has been reading up and watching online videos to learn to be an engineer. Her grades in science has been going up thanks to all the stuff she's been learning on her own. After watching Avatar and gameplay of Batman Arkham, she's been working on her own shock gloves that she's has been testing. She's been watching lots of shows and gameplays of video games for ideas.

She's already made a pair of gauntlets based on what she saw on that gameplay video of the Fallout game. The power fist is a mechanical glove mounted with a hydraulic piston powered ram. When punching, the pistons push the ram forward, smashing into the enemy. Sometimes, enough power is transferred to the target to knock them down. Chloe has tested them and only needs to test them in battle. She will show everybody that she is everything that she says she is, she is the best and shows it by fighting superpowered villains. While others cowered in fear. (3)


Author's Notes -

1 - Because of Chloe being killed and brought back to life so many times, she is now able to see the magical world around her that most other people can't see or hear. And also ghosts.

2 - The world of Harry Potter is nice but is only for those who can use magic and unless you are related to a muggle born if you learn about magic you get memory erased.

3 - Chloe is still a jerkass who loves to rub how much better she is then others, but she also proves it by fighting supervillains at least once a week.
