
Chloe’s Choice

After using the wish to change her life, Chloe finds herself and her father living the life of Marinette‘s family. The new world has a new Ladybug and the events aren’t matching up to what she remembers of her old world. But in this new world she’s not going to be the weak rich girl she was before.

madhat886 · TV
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Inside a government building, a man falls over knocked out from behind and out of the shadows, Sunset Shimmer step into the light her face hidden by a mask. She reaches in the man's pocket and grabs the microfilm. She steps back in the shadows and got out of sight before teleporting away, leaving the people in the building searching the place but with her long gone.

Sunset appears in an alleyway jumping out of a dumpster with the microfilm in hand and took off her mask. Knowing that the other agents are watching the drop off site Sunset walks out of the alleyway and holds out the microfilm in her hand as she walks to the crosswalk in a crowd. She didn't even react when as she's crossing the street someone grabs the microfilm out of her hand as she walks to the other side. With the job done Sunset walks into another alleyway and drives into another dumpster and closing the lid on top of her, if anyone were to look inside all they would find was trash.


Chloe watch the newest episode of Equestria Girls's Spy a spin off where Sunset makes a living as a spy for one of two rival countries who are at a Cold War with each other. The series follows Sunset who still has some of her magic living in the human world in a cold war era setting, where spies, cloak and dagger operations are the name of the day. With her making a living as a gun for hirer and collecting what she can of human magic for the day she'll return to her world.

While working at a private school as a teacher who also shows off her magic to her students which she just claims that she use to work as a stage magician. And where a young pink haired girl who has the power to read minds is attending. Who has a new father and mother, the father being a spy for one country and the mother being an assassin for the other. With only the young pink haired girl knowing the truth of everything.

"Wow this is a good show," Lou the daughter of her dad's friend Julien. (1)

Her aunt Ronnie is getting married and she invited all of her friends to the wedding. Which is how Chloe is hosting the kids in her room as the adults are busy in the kitchen helping with the wedding cake, her dad made. In this new timeline instead of high class setting like in her old life, she hangs out with the kids of her dad's friends who are her aunts and uncles.

In the room with her are aunt and uncle Mary and Peter's kids, Rocky, Theo and Luna. (2)

The daughters of aunt and uncle Sandrine and William, the oldest Wendy and her little sister Marine. (3)

"Hey what happen to all of your fancy stuff?" Marine ask remembering how Chloe use to have lots of fancy stuff in her room.

"Sold it for what I really need. The only thing left are the clothes for stuff like the wedding," Chloe said who is wearing the only fancy dress she has left after selling off the other stuff.

"And you're bringing this?" Theo ask holding the plastic cane Chloe uses to fight with, against supervillains.

"It's good to have a weapon at hand," Chloe said.

"That, I agree with," Rocky said who has his wooden club.

"And remember if there is a villain attack, you all get to safety while, I go and take care of it," Chloe said.

"You really changed," Luna said as Chloe isn't the stuck up brat she was before. She and the others didn't like Chloe because of how she acted to them, but after seeing the news of her charging into the super battles of Red Queen and Cheshire with the villain of the week. Seeing her fighting and being so brutal, made her and their others scared of her. As he's no longer the all bark and no bite, she now someone more than willing to kill to win and has.

"Dying 14 times does that," Chloe said.

Having memories of her growing up with her cousins, not by blood but close enough, with her dying for real and only coming back to life thanks to Red Queen, has given her reflection of her life. Both her new one and her old one, making her realize that no matter what, her dad was always there for her and she on the other hand seek the attention of her mother.

"But it is nice to see grandma and grandpa again," Chloe said.

"The afterlife is really a train station?" Marine ask.

"That's what I saw when I died. The afterlife isn't fluffy clouds or anything like the church dogma says it is. Which is pretty much all made up, the faith is pretty much just a way for people in charge of it to have power and wealth," Chloe said shocking her cousins.

"Really?" Wendy ask.

"While I didn't get to see Jesus, I did see a poster of him in the train station. It list when he comes on stage to greet new arrivals in the afterlife he's in. And he's a middle-eastern man, dark skin and black hair, and he's a Jew as the whole faith around him was made long after he died and all of his original followers. And while a faith can help people in some ways, none of them are the only way to a decent afterlife. And the afterlife's are all fairly nice but a pretty mundane place to live. From the information booths, they're like living in a modern city, basically just like Earth but without scarcity, death or disease. There are plenty of puritanical people who spent their whole life avoiding anything that they considered "sinful" and are furious when they finds out how ordinary Heaven is, where what is sinful in the Bible or the faith they follow, aren't sinful and in some cases hurt them in getting into a decent heaven. And yes there is a hell and it's a slum right next to the dump for all the other afterlives, where there is scarcity like food which people don't need to live but still feel the effects of starving, disease and death. Which is just dying and coming back to life later. And death is painful, but for the ones that are quick," Chloe said. (4)

"No lake of fire and all that?" Luna ask.

"I ask about that and it's a hell factory where people in hell work to earn their way to another life, think of the worst jobs and work environments and that's what people in hell have to deal with to earn a new life, which with the slave wages takes centuries, depending on what they're there for. Reincarnation is real where people can get another chance of life. And like in manga and anime where people are killed and end up in another world, that is real. There's a long waiting list for that however, lots of people wanting to be reborn in other worlds is a big thing. For those in hell however, once they earned a new life, everything about them is erased so that it's a new person who is reborn," Chloe said.

"So they do get to be reborn but the person they were is gone forever?" Rocky ask.

"Yup, or they stay in hell till the end of humans," Chloe said.

"What?" they all ask.

"The afterlife is link to humans and once there isn't any humans left, all the afterlife's are closed down and everyone in it are either go someplace else or recycle into a new soul. There are plenty of other worlds out there and plenty of alien life," Chloe said.

"Oh yeah," Theo said as The United HeroeZ do take on aliens now and then. (5)

"What are alien afterlife's like?" Marine ask.

"Have no idea, but there is a head god but it's not what any of the faiths of Earth. Think of it like a company with branches around the world but the universe instead. The head god is the head of the company, while the head god of Earth is just a branch manger," Chloe said.

"Have you told your dad about this?" Wendy ask.

"Yes and send grandma and grandpa's love to him," Chloe said.


Downstairs -

"And that's how the afterlife works," Andre said having explained how the afterlife works from what Chloe told him.

"Hell is just a slum? And Heaven is a modern city?" Julien ask getting ideas from what she learned.

"And all the faiths aren't a guarantee into entering a good afterlife. You can not follow any faith and still get into heaven. You just have to be a decent person to do it," Andre said.

"I know Chloe has died, but does she have any proof?" Sandrine ask.

"Chloe knows all about the skinny dipping and having fun at the Dunke Hotel, where we all got kicked out and how she and Wendy were conceived," Andre said causing all the adults to blush.

"So that's what happen," Julien said being the youngest and didn't went with the others.

"How did she found out?" William ask.

"My parents told Chloe all about it," Andre sighed.

"That's right, they were with us," Peter said shaking his head.

"Well, I'm convince," Mary said having vowed with the others never to talk about that night.

"Julien get the kids, the cake is ready," Andre said.

"Right," Julien said heading upstairs.

"Chloe has really changed," Mary said.

"Yes, I don't like her fighting supervillains, but it has changed her for the better," Andre said.


Church of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul -

The church is in ruins after Max was transformed into Gamer, after Marinette beats him in a videogame to be Adrien's partner in an upcoming videogame competition. With him in a giant robot chasing after Marinette through the city, resulting in him destroying the city as he does so. And destroying the church that Chloe's family were in for the wedding. (6)

Chloe stared at the wreckage of as the adult dug away at the broken pieces, trying to dig the other kids who were inside out. She already knows that they're dead as she watched the giant foot crush them as it step through the building. Chloe knows what she needs to do, make whoever is in that robot pay. She could see both Red Queen and Cheshire doing what they can to stop the robot but like all the other villains, Hawkmoth has powered up the villain.

Chloe steps on a large stone block and felt that it's lighter than it should be. She picks up a large solid stone and smash the block till it breaks open revealing an ancient looking gold bracelet inside. Hoping that it's what she thinks it is, Chloe picks it up and slaps it on her left arm and it is a Miraculous that was sealed away inside a hollow stone block. And a small fairy like spirit appeared in front of her, a chimera, who has the body, front paws, and head of a lion of tan color, the horns and read legs of a brown goat, and the head and body of a green snake for a tail.

"Good a miraculous. I am Chloe Bourgeois, what can you do?" Chloe ask the spirit.

"I am the kwami of fusion, Demi," the kwami greeted Chloe, in a duel voice as both the lion head and snake's head spoke at the same time.

"And what does that mean?" Chloe ask.

"I give you the power to transform into anything that is fused with something else," Demi explains.

"Good, Demi, time to fuse!" Chloe shouted out.

"What?" Demi ask looking in confusion.

"You know, transform into a super form that allows me to use your power?" Chloe said.

"Where you heard that?" Demi ask.

"Learned it from Pollen the kwami of action a bee," Chloe said.

"Oh, you know of the Chinese kwamis, I'm a Greek kwami we don't do that silly stuff," Demi said with a huff as he transforms Chloe.

Chloe glowed as she transformed into a superhero in a spandex out of tan coloring, with a brown helmet that has the horns of a goat, and unlike Red Queen and Cheshire, she has on armor. A dark green chest plate and lighter green skirt for her upper body and green greaves to protect her legs. She is armed with a green spear and a brown circular shield. In all Chloe took the appeared of a Hoplite theme superhero.

"Chloe?" Andre ask as he and the other adults stared at her.

"I'll take down the villain and Red Queen will bring the others back to life," Chloe said as she transforms into a harpy and flew off towards the giant robot.


At the battle -

Red Queen and Cheshire, finally got Gamer to go after them but only after Gamer finally blasted the car Marinette was inside. Now they're avoiding the energy blasts and missiles being fired at them, destroying much of the city they're at. Red Queen used her yo-yo which transformed into a spray can of paint.

"Why can't that thing give you some firepower for a change," Cheshire ask, both of them are hiding behind a building after the missile barrage fired at them stop.

"I know but it only gives me what is needed to stop… a harpy?" Red Queen said suddenly.

"A what?" Cheshire ask and got Red Queen pointing to something in the sky.

He turn to see a real life harpy flying towards the giant robot, a harpy that has the legs and wings of a bird but also looks like Chloe. The harpy flew right above the giant robot and transformed into a tarasque, head of a lion, the body of a bull, the shell of a tortoise covered in spikes, six bear legs, and the tail of a serpent with a fish's fin. Chloe using her weight and size, slammed her spike armored shell into the head of the giant robot where the controls should be. Her armored shell slams into the robots head creating a large hole where she hit. As she fell Chloe transforms again, this time into a small fairy with hummingbird wings and flys into the hole she made, going inside the robot.


Inside the Robot -

Gamer was about to blast the heroes as they were hiding behind a building, when the head where he's in was struck by something. He scans for any military aircraft, but found nothing, whatever hit it just disappeared. He look up seeing a beam of light from the hole of whatever hit him and saw a small fairy that looks like Chloe with wings flying down at him.

"Max!" Chloe screams as she transforms again.

Gamer let out a scream in fright as Chloe's fairy form transforms into a Manticore. A carnivorous, monstrous beast with a humanoid face and a mouthful of sharp teeth, the body of a lioness and the of a scorpion. In Chloe slams her large body on Gamer and with her teeth and claws, torn into his body, with her scorpion tail stabbing him as she does so. She didn't stop tearing him apart even when he transformed back to normal and both of them fell from the sky, no longer in a giant robot.


Outside -

Red Queen and Cheshire saw the giant robot disappearing and a manticore falling out of the sky. To their amazement the manticore transforms back into a harpy and the mauled body of Max fell to the ground below. Both heroes stared in shock as the harpy landed in front of them and transforms into Chloe and a kwami is floating right next to her, a chimera.

"That's right, I found a miraculous and this is Demi a Greek kwami," Chloe explains.

"The kwami of fusion, allowing Chloe to transform into any hybrid of stories she wants. And hello, Tikki, Plagg haven't seen you two since Plagg sank Atlantis," Demi said.

"That black cat did?" Chloe asked.

"Yup and the reason why the dinosaurs are gone. The reason why Kwamis are so rare thanks to him making enemies of so many advance cultures on other worlds," Demi explains.

"As in aliens, races from other worlds that have super advance technology?" Cheshire ask.

"Yes and so advance that they have ways of trapping and destroying Kwamis all thanks to him," Demi said and looks at Red Queen. "And for her, she caused the downfall of many cultures all over this world, after she first tasted chocolate and caused it to rain chocolate for 40 days."

"What? The great flood did happen and it was chocolate?" Red Queen asked.

"Yes and while it didn't flooded the world like in the stories told later, it did ruin crops and killed many animals causing famine and plague," Demi said.

"Enough of this, Red Queen do your thing," Chloe said as she kicks a piece of Max on the ground. "He killed my cousins and my aunts and uncles would like their kids back from the dead. Like everyone else killed thanks to Max here."

"Right," Red Queen said, can't believe that Chloe is now a superhero like her. And making her scared of what she'll be like now.


Author's Notes -

1 - Lou! A French comic and cartoon series. The mother is nameless so I just using the name of the creator for her name.

2 - Rocky Kwaterner, a young cro-magnon boy from the prehistoric quaternary era. On the day he is tasked to participate in a Rite of Passage to proof he is ready to become a hunter, Rocky decides to take a shortcut across a frozen lake, but falls through the ice into the frozen water and ends up getting frozen. About 35,000 year later, his frozen body is discovered in the Himalayas by Professor Edgar Torpedo, a charlatan and fraudulent researcher. Torpedo hopes to use Rocky to earn the respect of the scientific community, but in his clumsiness the block of ice slips from his hands and slides down the slope, where it ends up at the site of archaeologist Mary Tikka. Mary unfreezes Rocky, who turns out to have survived his ordeal and is alive and well. Mary decides to adopt Rocky. Thus, Rocky becomes part of Mary's family which consists of her, her husband Peter, and her two children Theo and Luna, who try to teach him everything about modern life while keeping his true origins a secret from everyone. But professor Torpedo still regards Rocky as his discovery, and constantly stalks the boy in an attempt to freeze Rocky again to use him as an exhibit.

3 - Les Sisters is a French slice-of-life animated series about two sisters who call themselves "The Sisters". They are best friends and mortal enemies both - in other words, they are typical sisters. Whenever they want something, they come up with outlandish schemes to get it, which usually results in property being damaged and people being injured.

4 - The whole concept of a afterlife is mostly to give people who back in the ancient past where there is no hope for them to have anything better, where hardship of surviving to the next day, to have something to hope for. And for people in charge to have better control over the masses.

And that only one faith is the only way into a good afterlife is just so that the ones in charge can control the followers for their own gains. As the logic in that is that everyone ever born before that faith was created all go to hell for the sole reason that they didn't follow a faith that wasn't even created yet. Plus there's life on other worlds to also think about and the idea that only one faith on one planet by the standards of a group of a race on that planet is the only one that allows anyone in the entire universe to go to heaven, is just dumb. And remember that the Bible had to be translated many times in the past and saying that the Bible has never once been changed to suit someone in power needs, is just blind unthinking faith, besides one of the oldest surviving Bibles has a note written on the bottom asking people not to change the spelling of a page.

Faith can help people but if it doesn't you shouldn't just follow it just because.

5 - The show does take place in a superhero world so there would be aliens time to time. So everyone knows about aliens.

6 - The Church of Saint-Vincent-de-Paul Église Saint-Vincent-de-Paul is a church in the 10th arrondissement of Paris dedicated to Saint Vincent de Paul. It gives its name to the Quartier Saint-Vincent-de-Paul around it. It was built between 1824 and 1844 on the site where an earlier priory of Saint-Lazare had been located, at which Saint Vincent de Paul had founded the congregation of the Priests of the Mission, known as the Lazarists. The architect who completed the building was Jacques-Ignace Hittorff, whose other major works included the Gare du Nord railway station. The church is in the Neo-classical style.

7 - Demi gives Chloe the power to transform into any hybrid creature of myths, legends, and stories. Like Ben 10 but with creatures of myths and legends that are mix with something else.

And the reason why Chloe can transforms many times instead of once like how the other miraculous worm is because that's how the Chinese Kwamis work. And Demi being a Greek kwami works differently. Plus Chloe has become a badass normal superhero and has bulked up, so she can take a lot more and has greater stamina. But the limit of the transformations is 10 before she has to change back to normal and Demi to recharge.
