
Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This story is purely fictional.

Han_Sirang · Fantaisie
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124 Chs

Unsettling Dreams and Cursed Flora

As evening cast its golden hues across the town of Seraphia, Saad found himself standing before the entrance of a local pub. He had spent much of the day engrossed in his research, seeking answers within the dusty pages of the library's tomes. But now, he needed a change of pace and a different approach to gather information for his quest.

Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the door of the pub and stepped inside. The cozy atmosphere of the establishment greeted him, warm lights illuminating the wooden interiors. The chatter of patrons and the clinking of glasses created a comforting background hum.

Saad hesitated for a moment, his gaze scanning the room as he sought out a suitable place to gather intel. He eventually settled on a corner table that provided a good vantage point of the pub's occupants. Taking a seat, he observed the NPCs chatting, laughing, and enjoying their virtual evening.

As he glanced around, he noticed the barkeeper bustling behind the counter, serving drinks and engaging in light banter with the patrons. Saad's eyes wandered to the colorful assortment of drinks displayed on the shelves behind the bar. His curiosity piqued, he briefly entertained the idea of ordering a drink but quickly chickened out, reminding himself that he was here on a quest, not for leisure. Besides, he would still feel guilty for drinking even if it was just virtual.

With renewed focus, he leaned back in his seat and continued to observe. He strained his ears, listening to the conversations around him in the hopes of catching a snippet of information that could lead him to the next clue. Hours passed, and Saad found himself growing increasingly restless. The quest had dragged on, and he was eager to make progress.

And then, as if the threads of fate had woven the perfect moment, he overheard a conversation that piqued his interest. Two NPCs sitting at a nearby table were engaged in a hushed discussion, their faces bearing a mix of fear and concern.

[You have heard a rumour.]

"[Unsettling Dreams], I tell ya," one of them whispered, glancing around as if afraid someone might overhear.

"Recurring nightmares, huh?" the other NPC replied, taking a sip of his drink. "What are they dreaming about?"

The first NPC leaned in closer, his voice barely more than a murmur. "Cobwebs, shadows, and being chased. They say it's so vivid that they wake up physically drained and mentally disturbed."

Saad's heart raced as he listened to their conversation. The mention of unsettling dreams caught his attention. Could this be related to the arachnids and the mysterious threat he was investigating? It seemed too coincidental.

Just as he was about to eavesdrop further, the NPCs' conversation shifted, and he lost track of the topic. But the snippet he had heard was enough. It was a thread, a potential lead that he could follow to unravel the mystery.

He waited for the right moment, and when the NPCs finally parted ways, he approached the table. He cleared his throat, trying to hide his excitement as he asked, "Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear your conversation. You mentioned [Unsettling Dreams]. Could you tell me more about it?"

The NPC who had been speaking looked up at Saad with a mix of surprise and curiosity. "Oh, you heard that, did ya? Well, it's just some rumors floating around, you know? Several folks have been having these nightmares, like they're caught in cobwebs and chased by shadows. It's been leaving them pretty shaken up."

Saad nodded, feigning casual interest while his mind raced with possibilities. "And do you have any idea what might be causing these dreams?"

The NPC shrugged, taking another sip of his drink. "Can't say for sure. Some say it's tied to those creepy arachnids roaming around. Whatever it is, it's got folks on edge."

[You have discovered a clue!]

[Unsettling Dreams]: Several NPCs claim to have experienced recurring nightmares, where they are ensnared in cobwebs and chased by shadowy figures. The dreams are so vivid that they leave the dreamers physically drained and mentally disturbed. These nightmares might be connected to the Arachnids' influence on the dreamscape.

As the NPC continued talking, Saad thanked him for the information and returned to his table. His mind was abuzz with thoughts. The unsettling dreams seemed to align with the arachnid infestation.

Saad decided it was time to delve deeper into this aspect of the mystery. He contemplated the clues he had gathered so far: the weakened barrier, the chilling tale of the spider queen, and now the unsettling dreams. 'Could there be a spider queen? A boss level monster?' It was a wild guess but he couldn't be sure and so as he decided to leave the pub now but that's when he heard something else.

As Saad contemplated the potential connection between the unsettling dreams and the arachnid infestation, his ears perked up once again. Another NPC, clearly inebriated, was muttering to himself in a worried tone about the state of the plants in the city. The words "infection" and "blight" caught Saad's attention, and he couldn't help but listen more closely.

[You have heard a rumour.]

"...plants, they're infected, mark my words," the NPC mumbled, taking a swig of his drink. "Something's wrong, I tell you. The city's flora is changing, withering away. It's not natural."

Saad's curiosity was piqued once again. The mention of an infection affecting the city's plants seemed to be yet another piece of the puzzle. Could this be related to the arachnid infestation and the unsettling dreams? He knew he needed to investigate further.

As the drunken NPC continued to voice his concerns, Saad decided to take action. He knew he couldn't ignore these words any longe. He was sure that this would lead to another clue. It was really pushing his limits to just up and talk to the random NPCs but perhaps it was easier since they were NPCs. With a determined expression, he approached the inebriated NPC and struck up a conversation.

"Excuse me," Saad began, his voice calm and friendly. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversation about the plants in the city. It sounds quite concerning. Mind if I join you for a moment?"

The NPC looked up, his bleary eyes focusing on Saad. He waved his hand dismissively. "Sure, whatever. Not like anyone's listenin' to ol' Bertram anyway." Saad looked at the name and then at the armor the NPC was wearing and ended up checking his character window. He saw that Bertman was a knight but seeing his low level, it was obvious that he wasn't an important NPC.

Saad took a seat across from the NPC, offering a polite smile. "Bertram, is it? I'm Saad, an investigator assigned by the Seraphia Guild. I've been looking into the recent changes and troubles within the city."

Bertram's eyes widened slightly, and he hummed uncaringly, "An investigator, eh? Fancy title for a fancy job. Well, if you're interested in the plants, I've got plenty to say. Since that's all I did today."

Saad leaned in, genuinely interested in Bertram's perspective. "I'm all ears, Bertram. What can you tell me about the infection affecting the plants?"

Bertram hiccupped and took another swig of his drink before continuing. "It's like this, see. The flora around the city, they're actin' strange. Withering away, turning all sickly and twisted. It ain't natural, I tell ya. The botanists from the Astoria gardens been pokin' around, tryin' to figure it out."

Saad's brows furrowed as he absorbed the information. "Astoria gardens, you say? Do they have any idea what might be causing this... infection?"

Bertram scratched his head, clearly struggling to focus. "Well, they got a fancy name for it – Dark Taint or somethin'. The botanists suspect that wherever them Arachnids are active, the plants are dyin'. They emit this strange aura, like they're connected to the Arachnids."

[You have discovered a clue!]

[Dark Taint]: The botanists from the herbal gardens of Seraphia have been studying the flora around the city and noticed an unusual blight affecting the plants in areas where the Arachnids are most active. The plants seem to wither and die, emitting a strange aura that matches the presence of the Arachnids. The botanists suspect that the Arachnids may be drawing dark energy from the plants to sustain themselves.

[You have completed the quest 'The Web of Arachnous -1'.]

As he received the quest rewards, Saad's mind raced as he connected the dots. The unsettling dreams, the weakened barrier, and now the Dark Taint affecting the plants – they were all interconnected. The threads of the mystery were converging, leading him closer to the heart of the truth.

He thanked Bertram for the information and rose from his seat, his thoughts consumed by the implications of the clues he had uncovered. It was clear that the arachnid infestation was far more sinister than he had initially thought. The city of Seraphia was facing a threat that nobody seemed to understand yet. Saad was truly only worried about himself. After all, if the city got ruined before he awakened, wouldn't things go really downhill for him?