
Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This story is purely fictional.

Han_Sirang · Fantasy
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123 Chs

Whip and Will

As Saad mulled over the web of connections he had uncovered, he realized that it was time to act. He considered returning to the guild to report his findings and potentially receive a reward for completing the quest "The Web of Arachnous -1." However, he knew that the other quest's completion required two more clues, and he was determined to uncover them before making his report. The looming mystery still weighed heavily on his mind, urging him to delve deeper. He didn't want things to go wrong in Sraphia until he had squeezed out everything that he needed.

The thought of returning to the well crossed his mind. It was late in the hour, and the city was quieting down as the evening progressed. This could be the perfect opportunity to venture back to the well and confront the arachnids once again. Saad believed that if he could eliminate the arachnids, he might discover something hidden at the bottom of the well that could shed more light on the situation.

Resolute in his decision, Saad left the pub and made his way back to the well. The moon's soft glow illuminated the surroundings, casting eerie shadows on the ground. The well stood in the same dimly lit corner as before, shrouded in mystery and uncertainty.

Saad spotted a pile of small stones nearby, the rubble of the house nearby. And just like the other day, He picked up a few stones, testing their weight in his hand. With a determined expression, he aimed at the well's opening and threw the stones, causing a series of echoing splashes as they hit the water below. His accuracy was a little better this time and he received the notification of his throwing ability increasing but he didn't get the skill yet. It was because of him being unawakened but Saad was in no hurry. He knew that he needed to make a strong base for Kael or else the money he was seeing the dreams of, would never come.

The disturbance worked like a charm. The arachnids, sensing the intrusion, scuttled out from the depths of the well, their eyes reflecting the moonlight. Saad's heart raced as he drew his whip and engaged in battle once again. The clashes were swift and less clumsy than his first attacks. Saad had become more adept at reading the arachnids' movements and exploiting their weaknesses. His whip strikes were accurate, and his dodges were well-timed. Since he was aware of the fact that he didn't have any physical endurance and defense, he was being even more cautious and trying his best to navigate through the confused monsters. His level was higher and they were confused but he knew that, letting even one attack slip pass would mean his HP being depleted.

One by one, he defeated the arachnids, their digital forms dissolving into fragments of light upon defeat with the +5 experience points showing up in gentle silver colored font. Saad's determination fueled his actions, driving him to hunt the arachnids. But soon he once more realized an important thing. His progress was slow. And he knew why, because using whip twice depleted 1 stamina point and that meant he could only strike 24 times before his stamina depleted and he was forced to take a break. Saad opened his character window and decided that it was about time to allot his status points. Soon he was moving his fingers, adding points. He knew that the most important stats were his dexterity and stamina. Since having used gun as a weapon in most fighting games, he knew how much dexterity helped with accuracy. He also wanted more force in his whip and make it move faster and it was only possible if his body had the necessary power. He wasn't sure if he needed intelligence or charm though. After allocating his status points, he felt a burst of energy throbbing under his skin and he saw a message.

[Your Existence Grows Stronger.]

'Existence?' What was that now? But since there was no more information about it, he shook it off. For now he just stared at his new stats with pride, feeling over the moon as he felt his body buzz with power. Now, he truly felt like he had leveled up.

Character Window - ID: 1221


Name: Kael Emberflame

Age: 15

Race: Human


Young Master of Emberflame (Passive), Witch's Apprentice- Novice (Growth type)

Level: 5 (85/250)

HP: 110/110



Stamina: 22

Strength: 23

Agility: 21

Intelligence: 19

Charm: 18

Dexterity: 21

Fame: 47

Additional States: Locked

Status point: 0

Potential: locked



Saad's heart raced as he continued to battle the swarming arachnids. With each strike of his whip, he could practically feel the effect of his increased stats. His accuracy had improved significantly, and he noticed that his strikes were hitting home with greater force. What used to take three strikes to defeat an arachnid now only required two, thanks to his increased strength and agility. His whip, once unruly and difficult to control, now seemed to respond more obediently to his commands, making his attacks more fluid and efficient.

As Saad fought on, the arachnids seemed to slow down in his perception. His heightened agility and dexterity allowed him to anticipate their movements better, making it easier to dodge their attacks while delivering precise blows. He found himself almost dancing with the arachnids, his movements becoming a deadly choreography of strikes and evasions.

Unbeknownst to him, his battle prowess was on full display, and as the arachnids continued to fall before his onslaught, he crossed a significant milestone – his 100th arachnid kill. In that moment, a message window materialized before him, interrupting his focus:

[Congratulations. You have killed 100 Shadowweb Arachnids. You have received a new title 'Shadowbane.' Please check the character window for more details.]

However, Saad's determination wouldn't let him pause to inspect the new title just yet. The relentless tide of arachnids still poured forth from the well, and he couldn't afford to lower his guard. The monster ward was proving effective, but he knew he couldn't rest for long. He continued his relentless assault, fatigue pushed aside by his newfound vitality and purpose. But soon his stamina had depleted and he had to take rest. That when he finally decided to take a look at his new title.

[Title: Shadowbane]

Description: The Arachnid Slayer

+10% damage against spider-type enemies

+10% damage against shadow-type enemies

+20% Increased movement speed in spider-infested areas

Saad was satisfied with the title and after his stamina recovered, he was back to the battle. His stamina gauge was filling up with every kill.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of battle, the flow of arachnids began to dwindle. Saad's attacks had taken their toll, and the once-swarming well was now eerily quiet. He cautiously approached the well's edge, throwing more stones to ensure no hidden arachnids remained. After a nerve-wracking wait, the well seemed clear, and he knew it was time to venture down.

Saad's mind raced with mixed emotions as he descended the stone steps. The darkness of the well surrounded him, and he realized his mistake in not bringing a light source. Each step down heightened his anxiety, especially as his feet met a small ridge, causing him to trip and stumble. The impact was minor, but he felt a sharp pain as his HP decreased by 7. It was a reminder of the risks he was taking, and he cursed his lack of vitality.

He managed to climb back out of the well, the realization of his error gnawing at him. He needed light to navigate the depths safely, and the shop was his only solution. This virtual reality MMORPG felt increasingly real, complete with its own set of challenges and frustrations. The feeling of immersion was both thrilling and exasperating.

Saad's frugality pushed him to find a cost-effective solution to his need for light within the dark well. His memory served him well as he recalled the greenhouse he had marked on his map earlier. Sticky sap from certain plants had come to his attention before. His feet carried him swiftly towards the greenhouse, and as he had anticipated, he found the greasy sap oozing from the plant stems. Armed with a dry tree branch, he set to work scraping the sap into a glass bottle he had acquired from his alchemist's sachet. A feeling of satisfaction washed over him as he held the makeshift torch in his hands. But his triumph was short-lived as he realized he lacked something to wrap around the branch.

His gaze swept the snowy landscape around him, searching for any cloth that might serve his purpose. His frustration mounted as he realized that finding cloth in such conditions was near impossible. He discarded the log with a sigh, cursing his lack of foresight. His determination unbroken, he turned his footsteps towards the 24/7 shop affiliated with the guild.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Han_Sirangcreators' thoughts