
Child Of The Void

Dropped. Don't read it, it's got plotholes and probably going to be rewritten in a few years.

_r34der_ · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
49 Chs

Academy Examination (3)

-1st person-

I quickly threw a punch with limited strength at the dot. The number quickly rose to a certain number, 23543. The records of this school was 23542, this was someone who was oriented on strength and I limited my force to only be 23543 even though I could easily break the machine.

I then went back to my spot and waited for 9 minutes before standing up again. I walked back to my original spot and waited for a new machine to go in front of us.

"This is the speed tester. It is quite explanatory and the rules are the same as before. Begin" He spoke just as all the machines had settled.

And the same result happened for this one, I just broke the record.

Then it was another and another and another.

Soon, there was just mana left. There was only a mana and qi machine because no one knew void and cosmos existed. The qi machine was sparsely used since there were barely any comprehensible techniques for it as mana had already been proved to be more efficient, however, there had been students using qi in the past so that's what caused those machines to exist.

I raised my hand to ask for a qi machine as well as a mana machine. They looked basically the same and I then placed my hands on each of the murky crystal balls. Infusing qi into the left and mana into the right one.

Both the numbers rose to at least 30000, with mana being 35000 and qi around 30500.

People around me stared with their mouths wide open, they'd began paying attention around at the second machine bit and this was a mind-breaking amount. The previous record for this was only 21000. And all these records were only counted at the start of the year. There was a separate record for students within the school.

I eventually walked back to Eris and flopped down as if I was tired, giving a long sigh as Eris began speaking.

How was it? Eris asked.

"Well, I don't really know. It was fun but also boring since I was controlling my results." I whispered truthfully. It was exciting since I was hiding my true strength but it was also sort of boring, I wasn't trying my hardest and it was boring since it was a predetermined result, unlike every other examinee here.

Eris nodded Her head as if She understood.

Then, everyone was given a 30 minute break before we proceeded to the third part, specialties.

Wizards, or mages, could use magic with their wands or without any if they wanted.

And Reds could use their technology.

Basically, anyone can use the weapon they are most comfortable with.

I walked towards the box of weapons and picked out multiple, a bow, a sword, a scythe, a spear and also a catalyst.

Catalysts were a type of wand which floated in the air as books or spheres which helped with magic. They were a lot more difficult to use than wands since it required transferring mana through the air rather than physical contact. However, they also worked better. Those would probably be my go-to type of weapon and I probably will use it to fight in the future.

The difference between catalysts is that books are usually called grimoires or something along those lines.

I also took out a gauntlet from my bag, it was one I made that shot laser beams from it's palm.

Then, I walked to a mannequin target and began to use the weapons systematically.

I shot the bow perfectly through it's heart and head.

I slashed the sword through its neck.

I slashed the scythe diagonally through it's body.

I pierced it multiple times with a spear.

I obliterated it with a laser beam.

And then, I channeled mana into the catalyst, secretly adding extra energies and also mumbling incomprehensible things under my breath to make it seem as if I was chanting. It was difficult to actually chant, and it was also a hassle.

[Converge: Mana, Qi]

[Frozen Pond]

[Bullets of Two]

[Arrows of Rain]

The previously flawless grass turned blue as it all froze and hundreds, no, thousands of bullets appeared behind me. And if that wasn't enough, Multiple arrows of different elements stood in the sky, as if waiting for an order.

The blue grass further went to look as if it was a pond, a frozen pond of blue ice.


The arrows fell and the bullets shot towards a single target. Overwhelming the area and decimating it all into nothing. And then, as if nothing had happened, the land recovered and looked the same as ever.

This showcase was to say this is going to be my weapon and no one can tell me no.

At this point, most of the examiners and examinees were looking at me with their brows furrowed, looking between where the mannequin used to be and my face. Trying to look for any mistake they could use to ignore the truth.

Also, even if I actually added all the energies, there was one difference. There was very little of the others. It was so little that the spell considered it to be only qi and mana.

Soon enough, everyone recovered enough and we were able to proceed onto the rest of the tests.

The last part was spars.

Examinees would spar with each other and at the end, they'd spar with an examiner. It was a mini tournament to choose the ranks within the year.

The failed participants were already kicked out and now only 752 were left.

I first had to fight against quite a muscular person, like, I couldn't even see his face because it was covered by his muscles. It was also very easy.

He was based off strength and had no agility, he did have intelligence so he was able to begin dodging attacks but it was obvious I could defeat him easily.

We could all choose 2 different weapons for this and I chose a dagger and catalyst.

I coated my dagger with mana and struck his head with the blunt side. He swayed for a second or two before quickly gaining balance and slowly running to me, pulling his fist up to counterattack. I dodged the blow swiftly and then lifted my leg and kicked his face. My leg was coated in mana as it headed towards his cheek.

The impact was too strong and he soon fell to the ground, clutching his cheek.

After that, I fought a female using a scythe.

She slashed towards me using the blunt side to fling me away but I jumped onto her scythe without any weight as it continued on its trajectory. Then, I slashed the dagger towards her neck and just before it hit, it rebounded and she lost.

After that, it was a male mage. This fight ended quickly as he hadn't trained his physique and I was quickly able to knock him out, winning the battle.

The battles continued till I reached the 'last battle' between another human.

This was a male using a whip. But his whip wasn't the ones that Blues used, it was infused with technology and different kinds of systems within. The craftsmanship was incredible.

He quickly slashed it towards me as I dodged, floating momentarily over his head and landing behind him. I used a catalyst for the second time, the first was the battle before this. However, the whip released a small energy wave before I could, I deflected it with my dagger before dashing backwards to gain time.

[Arrows of Fire, Water, Earth, Wind]

[Arrow of Qi]

[Arrow of Aura]

Multiple arrows appeared around the whole field in an instant as I 'murmured' under my breath. The arrows were different, a few were fire, some were water, some earth, and some wind. I was hyper focused and some arrows were accidentally made of pure qi and aura. Luckily I noticed and quickly obscured the aura arrow from vision by multiplying the qi arrows.


They all attacked a single person as an energy shield appeared around their figure, however, it wasn't long that, under that relentless onslaught that the shield cracked and the person was flung out of the field.

The dust cleared (we all moved to an actual training ground for this) and I finally had the time to properly examine the one I fought. He was glaring at me with a gaze that said I'll beat you next time but it seemed like it'd be more of a friendly competition rather than an actual group.

He was a man with brown hair and a green eye, his other eye was covered but I could see a glint of gold shining through it. He seemed around my height and his short hair was slightly curly, you'd only notice if you focused hard though. He had caramel skin and seemed quite attractive.

Meet, one of the iconic group! You'll learn his name soon.

Also, catalyst is in honour of one of my favourite Genshin characters, Barbara!!!

Don't mind how bad I am at writing 'battle scenes'. Imagine it however you like!


This novel will move to patreon, so please continue reading over there!

_r34der_creators' thoughts